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Ultimate React Calendar

The most complete React calendar for everyone, without dependencies and fully typed.


React 16 or later.



npm install ultimate-react-calendar


yarn add ultimate-react-calendar


You can import all views using:

import { Calendar } from "ultimate-react-calendar"

  <Calendar />

If you import all the calendar will come with some styles. These can always be overwritten.

Or choose to only import one view:

import { YearView, MonthView, WeekView } from "ultimate-react-calendar/views"

  <YearView />
  <MonthView />
  <WeekView />


Prop name Description Default value
className Custom classname for the Calendar container. "calendar"
onDayClick Callback when click a day from the current month.
calendarType Type of calendar most commonly used in a given locale. Types available: "iso8601", "hebrew", "gregory" and "islamic". "iso8601"
calendarView Type of view. Options available: "year", "month" and "year". "year"
formatMonth Format in which the month will be displayed. Formats available: "long", "2-digit", "narrow", "numeric" and "short". "long"
formatDaysOfTheWeek Format in which the days of the week will be displayed. Options available: "long", "narrow" and "short". "narrow"
customDaysOfTheWeek Custom component that will be rendered for days of the week.
customDay Callback to customize the day that will be rendered.
initialDate The beginning of a period that shall be displayed. new Date()
locale Locale that should be used by the calendar. Can be any IETF Language tag. Browser language or "en-US" as fallback.
showNonCurrentDates Whether dates in the previous or next month should be displayed at all. true
messages List of messages used. Default english messages.


Under MIT License.