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Governance Core Meeting 20210314

maybe-sybr edited this page Mar 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

Chair: Undeclared

Minutes: @maybe-sybr



  • Review outstanding action points
    • Migration away from Travis CI (@xirndeh, @auvipy)
    • Ads in documentation
    • Fellowship election planning (@xirndeh)
    • OpenCollective bot for other Celery repositories (@thedrow)
  • Review upcoming release progress
  • Topics not minuted last meeting
    • Are we going to record and publish meeting recordings?

New topics

  • Add project boards for CEPs and governance action items
  • Using pluggy as a plugin framework


Attendees: @maybe-sybr @xirndeh

Outstanding action points

  • Migration from Travis

    • No specific update
    • celery, kombu and py-amqp unit tests appear to have been migrated by @matusvalo and @auvipy
    • integration tests do not appear to be running in Gitlab actions
    • @maybe to put discussion up on celery team to follow up - AP: @maybe-sybr @auvipy @matusvalo
    • As a note Appveyor has been disabled
  • Ads in documentation

    • Not high priority, we'll punt this until later.
    • We should review if this is worth pursuing regularly.
    • We still need a CEP
  • Fellowship

    • Aim was to get information on procedure from Django
    • We need to make decisions about how this will be structured
      • 1/2 fellows?
      • What can we afford?
      • What is the timeline/process for terms and performance reviews
    • @maybe to make a discussion post to see if we can progress this: AP @maybe-sybr
  • OpenCollective bot for other Celery repositories (@thedrow)

    • Not present, we're not aware of any progress
    • Low priority, punt to the next meeting
  • Recording and uploading meetings

    • We are now recording meetings
    • @xirndeh to create a Youtube channel for us - AP: @xirndeh
    • @xirndeh to upload meeting from Feb 27 and this one - AP: @xirndeh
    • @maybe to make a discussion to ask for any presentations team members have made and might like to put up - AP: @maybe-sybr

Project boards

  • We should make two new project boards
    • One to track progress on CEPs
    • One to track action points from these meetings

Upcoming Releases Review

  • Celery 5.1


Jumpstarter defines workflow and actor interactions. This is the heart of celery but we also have a lot of mechanisms for extensions in Celery (custom bootsteps, etc). Pluggy may be a way for us to codify a structure for plugins for Celery as we move forward with next-gen.

  • @xirndeh will write a small CEP to track this idea - AP: @xirndeh

Action Point Summary