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CellRebel Android SDK


Add CellRebel Maven repository in project build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Then, add the library dependency to module build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

CellRebel SDK requires Java 8, add target and source compatibility to android compile options in module build.gradle:

android {
    compileOptions {
        targetCompatibility 1.8
        sourceCompatibility 1.8


Initialize SDK using your unique CLIENT_KEY string on application create:

import com.cellrebel.sdk.workers.TrackingManager;

public class App extends MultiDexApplication implements LifecycleObserver {

    public void onCreate() {

        CRMeasurementSDK.init(this, "CLIENT_KEY");

Use startMeasuring to start measurement. On the first launch it's best to call this method after user response on location permission dialog. During the next sessions this method should be called on main activity onCreate lifecycle callback:


No measurements will be done until startMeasuring is called again (you as a developer have full control on when the sampling is done).

In some (rare) cases, if very high load tasks need to be performed, stopMeasuring can be used to abort an ongoing measurement sequence:


There is no need of calling stopMeasuring when the application is closed, as it stops all SDK related activities including sending reports.

Note about passive measurement collection

As of SDK version 1.9.40, a configuration refresh from CellRebel's web service is performed whenever the SDK internally references settings. Therefore, any attempted measurement, active or passive, will always first fetch a fresh configuration. This allows disabling of any or all measurement types through the CellRebel remote service, regardless of whether startMeasuring or stopMeasuring has been called.

This addresses a limitation in previous versions' ability to disable measurements, where configuration refresh was only performed by the SDK after startMeasuring was called, which led to passive measurements triggered by init to still be collected, even when startMeasuring was not called or even when stopMeasuring was called, since a cached configuration was instructing the SDK to continue with passive measurements.

Utility interfaces

Call getVersion to retrieve current version of CellRebelSDK:

String cellRebelSDKVersion = CRMeasurementSDK.getVersion();

Use clearUserData if you need to request the removal of user data collected (based on GDPR "right to be forgotten"):

CRMeasurementSDK.clearUserData(context, new CRMeasurementSDK.OnCompleteListener() {
    public void onCompleted(boolean success) {
        // Handle result

Demo project