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celogeek committed Mar 31, 2019
1 parent 04d3dbc commit f19d904
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Showing 4 changed files with 305 additions and 37 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions layouts/partials/footer.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{{ $page_params := .Params }}

{{ partialCached "social.html" . }}

{{ $ox_hugo_string := "" }}
{{ $source_string := "" }}
{{ $file_info := .File }}
{{ with site.Params.source }}
{{ $source := . }}
{{ $branch := $source.branch | default "master" }}
{{ with (or $source.org_dir $source.md_dir) }}
{{ $source_string = "<br />" }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $source.ox_hugo }}
{{ with $page_params.creator }}
{{ $ox_hugo_string = . | replaceRE "ox-hugo" (printf `<a href="%s"><code>ox-hugo</code></a>` site.Params.urls.ox_hugo) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $ox_hugo_string = printf `the <a href="%s"><code class="nobr">ox-hugo</code></a> package for Emacs/Org-mode` site.Params.urls.ox_hugo }}
{{ end }}
{{ $ox_hugo_string = printf "%s +" $ox_hugo_string }}
{{ end }}
{{ with (and $source.url $source.md_dir $file_info.Path) }}
{{ $md_source_string := printf `Markdown <a href="%s/raw/%s/%s/%s">source</a> of this page` $source.url $branch $source.md_dir $file_info.Path }}
{{ with $source.ox_hugo }}
{{ $source_string = printf `%s<span class="nobr">&mdash; <code>ox-hugo</code>-generated</span> %s` $source_string $md_source_string }}
{{ else }}
{{ $source_string = printf `%s<span class="nobr">&mdash; %s</span>` $source_string $md_source_string }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with (and $source.url $source.org_dir) }}
{{ $source_string = printf `%s <span class="nobr">[<a href="%s/tree/%s/%s">Org mode source</a>]</span>` $source_string $source.url $branch $source.org_dir }}
{{ end }}
{{ with (and $source.url $source.md_dir $file_info.Path) }}
{{ $source_string = printf "%s." $source_string }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $refined_theme_string := printf `<a href="%s"><code class="nobr">hugo-theme-refined</code></a>` site.Params.urls.refined }}

{{ $hugo_version_string_1 := hugo.Version }}
{{ with hugo.CommitHash }} <!-- Example value: "975bb629:chroma-d5ca12b" -->
{{ $hugo_commit_string := . | replaceRE "^([0-9a-f]{7,}).*" "${1}" }}
{{ $hugo_version_string_1 = printf `<a href="%s/commit/%s">%s</a>` site.Params.urls.hugo $hugo_commit_string $hugo_version_string_1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $hugo_version_string := printf `<span class="nobr">Hugo %s</span>` $hugo_version_string_1 }}

<p class="generated no-text-decoration">
{{ printf "Generated using %s %s + %s%s" $ox_hugo_string $refined_theme_string $hugo_version_string $source_string | safeHTML }}

{{ with site.Params.footer }}
{{ . | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}

{{ partial "badges.html" . }}

<!-- Init responsive-nav.js -->
<script type="application/javascript">var nav=responsiveNav("#nav");</script>

<!-- Fragmentions -
Fragmentioner -
<!-- With this, links like this will work!
{{ $fragmention_js := resources.Get "js/libs/fragmentions/wrapper.js" | minify | fingerprint }}
<script defer src="{{ $fragmention_js.RelPermalink }}"></script>

{{ partialCached "h-card.html" . }}

<!-- Celogeek Analytics -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
"palette": {
"popup": {
"background": "#aa0000",
"text": "#ffdddd"
"button": {
"background": "#ff0000"
"content": {
"message": "This website uses cookies for analysis purpose with Matomo."

<!-- Matomo -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = window._paq || [];
/* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */
(function() {
var u="";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'matomo.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', '2']);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'matomo.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<!-- End Matomo Code -->
37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions layouts/partials/googleanalytics.html

This file was deleted.

193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions layouts/partials/head.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
<link href="" rel="profile">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Above is a short hand for the below line. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> -->

<!-- Enable responsiveness on mobile devices-->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5">

<!-- No referrer: -->
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">

{{ if eq .URL "/" }}
{{ site.Title }} ❚
{{ else }}
{{ .Title }} ❚ {{ site.Title }}
{{ end }}

<!-- {{ template "_internal/google_analytics_async.html" . }} -->
{{ partialCached "googleanalytics.html" . }}

<!-- Lazy load CSS -->
<!-- -->
<!-- view-source: -->
{{ with site.Params.css_lazy_load }}
<script type="application/javascript">
/*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){"use strict";var b=function(b,c,d){function e(a){return h.body?a():void setTimeout(function(){e(a)})}function f(){i.addEventListener&&i.removeEventListener("load",f),||"all"}var g,h=a.document,i=h.createElement("link");if(c)g=c;else{var j=(h.body||h.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).childNodes;g=j[j.length-1]}var k=h.styleSheets;i.rel="stylesheet",i.href=b,"only x",e(function(){g.parentNode.insertBefore(i,c?g:g.nextSibling)});var l=function(a){for(var b=i.href,c=k.length;c--;)if(k[c].href===b)return a();setTimeout(function(){l(a)})};return i.addEventListener&&i.addEventListener("load",f),i.onloadcssdefined=l,l(f),i};"undefined"!=typeof exports?exports.loadCSS=b:a.loadCSS=b}("undefined"!=typeof global?global:this);
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){if(a.loadCSS){var b=loadCSS.relpreload={};if({try{return a.document.createElement("link").relList.supports("preload")}catch(b){return!1}},b.poly=function(){for(var b=a.document.getElementsByTagName("link"),c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c];"preload"===d.rel&&"style"===d.getAttribute("as")&&(a.loadCSS(d.href,d,d.getAttribute("media")),d.rel=null)}},!{b.poly();var c=a.setInterval(b.poly,300);a.addEventListener&&a.addEventListener("load",function(){b.poly(),a.clearInterval(c)}),a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("onload",function(){a.clearInterval(c)})}}}(this);
{{ end }}

<!-- Fonts -->
<!-- Optimize Google Fonts CSS: -->
<!-- Thu Apr 12 13:26:43 EDT 2018 - kmodi
Do *NOT* use onload for loading Google Fonts, else you get the text-resizing on browser refresh issue.
I believe that's the FOUT issue as explained in
<!-- Wed Apr 25 12:25:23 EDT 2018 - kmodi
Today I stopped using Google Fonts altogether.. all fonts served locally now.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",400i,700">

<!-- Prefetch Fonts -->
<!-- -->
{{ with .Param "prefetch" }}
{{ range .fonts }}
{{ printf `<link rel="preload" href="%s" as="font">` . | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- CSS -->
<!-- Tue Oct 24 13:54:10 EDT 2017 - kmodi -->
<!-- Below CSS from poole.css (now part of refined.css) had to loaded inline.
Then lazy loading the whole refined.css is fine.
Do so fixing the clipping issue of the navbar. -->
{{ $theme := index site.Data.theme (.Param "themecolorbase") }}
{{ with $theme }}
:root {
--theme-color: {{ index . "default_color" | safeCSS }};
--theme-color-light: {{ index . "light_color" | safeCSS }};
{{ end }}
html {
line-height: 1.5;

<!-- Above style minified:
:root{--theme-color: #ac4142;--theme-color-light: rgba(172, 65, 66, 0.2)}html{line-height:1.5}@media(min-width:38em){html{font-size:20px}}
{{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "devel" }}
<style>{{ partialCached "css/debugprint.css" . | safeCSS }}</style>
{{ end }}

<!-- Retain the order of loading these CSS files -->
<!-- Tue Nov 28 14:59:22 EST 2017 - kmodi
Do *NOT* lazy load refined.css, as that caused a lot of visual glitch. -->
<!-- Just load the refined.css directly for now until I get time to figure out
which are the critical components in that CSS that I can inline here. -->
{{ $refined_css := resources.Get "css/refined.css" | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $refined_css.RelPermalink }}">
<!-- Enable HTTP/2 Push -->
<link rel="preload" href="{{ $refined_css.RelPermalink }}" as="style">

{{ partialCached "asset_custom_css.html" . }}

{{ with .Param "custom_inline_css" }}
{{ range . }}
{{ partialCached . . | safeCSS }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Above style minified:
.chroma{background-color:#fff}.chroma .err{color:#a61717;background-color:#e3d2d2}.chroma .lntd{vertical-align:top;padding:0;margin:0;border:0}.chroma .lntable{border-spacing:0;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;width:100%;overflow:auto;display:block}.chroma .hl{background-color:#ffc;display:block;width:100%}.chroma .lnt{margin-right:.4em;padding:0 .4em;display:block}.chroma .ln{margin-right:.4em;padding:0 .4em}.chroma .k{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kc{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kd{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kn{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kp{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kr{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .kt{color:#458;font-weight:700}.chroma .na{color:teal}.chroma .nb{color:#0086b3}.chroma .bp{color:#999}.chroma .nc{color:#458;font-weight:700}.chroma .no{color:teal}.chroma .nd{color:#3c5d5d;font-weight:700}.chroma .ni{color:purple}.chroma .ne{color:#900;font-weight:700}.chroma .nf{color:#900;font-weight:700}.chroma .nl{color:#900;font-weight:700}.chroma .nn{color:#555}.chroma .nt{color:navy}.chroma .nv{color:teal}.chroma .vc{color:teal}.chroma .vg{color:teal}.chroma .vi{color:teal}.chroma .s{color:#d14}.chroma .sa{color:#d14}.chroma .sb{color:#d14}.chroma .sc{color:#d14}.chroma .dl{color:#d14}.chroma .sd{color:#d14}.chroma .s2{color:#d14}.chroma .se{color:#d14}.chroma .sh{color:#d14}.chroma .si{color:#d14}.chroma .sx{color:#d14}.chroma .sr{color:#009926}.chroma .s1{color:#d14}.chroma .ss{color:#990073}.chroma .m{color:#099}.chroma .mb{color:#099}.chroma .mf{color:#099}.chroma .mh{color:#099}.chroma .mi{color:#099}.chroma .il{color:#099}.chroma .mo{color:#099}.chroma .o{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .ow{color:#000;font-weight:700}.chroma .c{color:#998;font-style:italic}.chroma .ch{color:#998;font-style:italic}.chroma .cm{color:#998;font-style:italic}.chroma .c1{color:#998;font-style:italic}.chroma .cs{color:#999;font-weight:700;font-style:italic}.chroma .cp{color:#999;font-weight:700;font-style:italic}.chroma .cpf{color:#999;font-weight:700;font-style:italic}.chroma .gd{color:#000;background-color:#fdd}.chroma .ge{color:#000;font-style:italic}.chroma .gr{color:#a00}.chroma .gh{color:#999}.chroma .gi{color:#000;background-color:#dfd}.chroma .go{color:#888}.chroma .gp{color:#555}.chroma .gs{font-weight:700}.chroma .gu{color:#aaa}.chroma .gt{color:#a00}.chroma .w{color:#bbb}.chroma .hl{background-color:rgba(172,65,66,.2);min-width:100ch}

<!-- Isso -->
<!-- -->
{{ with site.Params.isso }}
{{ with .hidenamefield }}
#isso-thread input[name="author"] {
display: none;
{{ end }}
{{ with .hideemailfield }}
#isso-thread input[name="email"] {
display: none;
{{ end }}
{{ with .hidewebsitefield }}
#isso-thread input[name="website"] {
display: none;
{{ end }}
{{ with .hidevotes }}
.isso-comment-footer .votes,
.isso-comment-footer .upvote,
.isso-comment-footer .spacer,
.isso-comment-footer .downvote {
display: none;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $resp_nav_js := resources.Get "js/responsive-nav-orig.js" | minify | fingerprint }}
<script src="{{ $resp_nav_js.RelPermalink }}"></script>
<!-- Enable HTTP/2 Push -->
<link rel="preload" href="{{ $resp_nav_js.RelPermalink }}" as="script">

<!-- FontAwesome Pro 5.0.11 -->
{{ $fa_js := resources.Get "js/libs/fa/fontawesome-all.js" | minify | fingerprint }}
<script defer src="{{ $fa_js.RelPermalink }}"></script>
<!-- Enable HTTP/2 Push -->
<link rel="preload" href="{{ $fa_js.RelPermalink }}" as="script">

{{ with .Params.mathjax }}
{{ partialCached "mathjax.html" $ }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Favicons -->
<!-- Generated using -->
{{ if (.Param "favicons") }}
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="{{ (resources.Get "apple-touch-icon.png" | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="{{ (resources.Get "favicon-32x32.png" | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="{{ (resources.Get "favicon-16x16.png" | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}">
<link rel="manifest" href="{{ (resources.Get "manifest.json" | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="{{ (resources.Get "safari-pinned-tab.svg" | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}" color="#5bbad5">
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffc40d" />
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" />
{{ end }}

<!-- Webmention, Opengraph and Twitter -->
{{ partialCached "indieweb-head.html" . }}
{{ partial "opengraph.html" . }}
{{ partial "twitter_cards.html" . }}

<!-- RSS -->
<!-- -->
{{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
{{ printf `<link rel="%s" type="%s" href="%s" title="%s" />` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink (printf "%s for %s" (.Name | title) site.Title) | safeHTML }}
{{ end -}}

<!-- Author -->
{{ partial "author.html" (dict "page" . "fmt" "DC") }}

<!-- Hugo info -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
{{ printf `<meta name="hugo-build-date" content="%s"/>` hugo.BuildDate | safeHTML }}
{{ printf `<meta name="hugo-commit-hash" content="%s"/>` hugo.CommitHash | safeHTML }}
{{ hugo.Generator }}

<!-- Celogeek -->
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="23G4LV8WuL3K0YQSQpGcWGjS4sU31Ohec7sQVq2jee8" />

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