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CENNZnet: EVM compatible L2 built on substrate


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CENNZnet Node

license: LGPL v3 ci status badge PRs Welcome

CENNZnet node built on Substrate. For getting started and technical guides, please refer to the CENNZnet Wiki.


All PRs are welcome! Please follow our contributing guidelines here.


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Run with Docker

Use the latest CENNZnet docker image to get started quickly

# Start a local validator on a development chain
$ docker run \
    -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 \
    cennznet/cennznet:latest \
    --dev \
    --unsafe-ws-external \

9944 is Websocket port, 9933 is the HTTP RPC port. Majority of DApps should use 9944, which is accessible via ws://localhost:9944

Run from Source

Follow the steps to build and run a CENNZnet node from the source code.

1) Set up build environment

For Linux (the example below is for Debian-based machines):

$ sudo apt install -y build-essential clang cmake gcc git libclang-dev libssl-dev pkg-config

For MacOS (via Homebrew):

$ brew install openssl cmake llvm

2) Install Rust

Install Rust on your machine through here, and the following rust version and toolchains.

$ cargo --version
$ rustup install nightly
$ rustup target add --toolchain=nightly wasm32-unknown-unknown

3) Build and Run

Clone the repo, build the binary and run it.

$ git clone
$ cd cennznet
$ cargo build --release # or remove  '--release' for quick debug build
$ ./target/release/cennznet --help

# start a validator node for development
$ ./target/release/cennznet --dev

Build Docker Image

Prepare your docker engine, and make sure it is running.

# To use the default image name and tag
$ make 

# To custom your image name and tag
$ IMAGE_NAME='cennznet' IMAGE_TAG='v1.5.1' DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS='--no-cache --quiet' make build

# Without using make
$ docker build --no-cache -t cennznet:v1.5.1 .