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MON-69153 Centreon next 24.05 (Jira release #19844#) #608

MON-69153 Centreon next 24.05 (Jira release #19844#)

MON-69153 Centreon next 24.05 (Jira release #19844#) #608

Workflow file for this run

name: ha
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
- "centreon-ha/**"
- "!centreon-ha/veracode.json"
- "!centreon-ha/.veracode-exclusions"
- dev-[2-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].x
- "[2-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].x"
- "centreon-ha/**"
- "!centreon-ha/veracode.json"
- "!centreon-ha/.veracode-exclusions"
module: ha
uses: ./.github/workflows/get-version.yml
version_file: centreon-ha/.env
# package:
# needs: [get-version]
# if: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.stability != 'stable' }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: true
# matrix:
# include:
# - package_extension: rpm
# image: packaging-alma8
# distrib: el8
# - package_extension: rpm
# image: packaging-alma9
# distrib: el9
# - package_extension: deb
# image: packaging-bullseye
# distrib: bullseye
# - package_extension: deb
# image: packaging-bookworm
# distrib: bookworm
# uses: ./.github/workflows/package.yml
# with:
# base_directory: centreon-ha
# spec_file: centreon-ha/packaging/centreon-ha.spectemplate
# package_extension: ${{ matrix.package_extension }}
# image_name: ${{ matrix.image }}
# module_name: ha
# major_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.major_version }}
# minor_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.minor_version }}
# release: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release }}
# commit_hash: ${{ github.sha }}
# cache_key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.package_extension }}-${{ matrix.distrib }}
# distrib: ${{ matrix.distrib }}
# secrets:
# registry_username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_REGISTRY_ID }}
# registry_password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWD }}
# deliver-sources:
# runs-on: [self-hosted, common]
# needs: [get-version, package]
# if: ${{ contains(fromJson('["stable"]'), needs.get-version.outputs.stability) && github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout sources
# uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
# - name: Deliver sources
# uses: ./.github/actions/release-sources
# with:
# bucket_directory: centreon-ha
# module_directory: centreon-ha
# module_name: centreon-ha
# major_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.major_version }}
# minor_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.minor_version }}
# token_download_centreon_com: ${{ secrets.TOKEN_DOWNLOAD_CENTREON_COM }}
# delivery-rpm:
# needs: [get-version, package]
# if: ${{ contains(fromJson('["testing", "unstable"]'), needs.get-version.outputs.stability) }}
# runs-on: [self-hosted, common]
# environment: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.environment }}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# distrib: [el8, el9]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout sources
# uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
# - name: Delivery
# uses: ./.github/actions/rpm-delivery
# with:
# module_name: ha
# distrib: ${{ matrix.distrib }}
# version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.major_version }}
# artifactory_token: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# cache_key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.run_id }}-rpm-${{ matrix.distrib }}
# stability: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.stability }}
# release_type: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_type }}
# release_cloud: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_cloud }}
# delivery-deb:
# needs: [get-version, package]
# if: ${{ contains(fromJson('["testing", "unstable"]'), needs.get-version.outputs.stability) }}
# runs-on: [self-hosted, common]
# environment: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.environment }}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# distrib: [bullseye, bookworm]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout sources
# uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
# - name: Delivery
# uses: ./.github/actions/deb-delivery
# with:
# module_name: ha
# distrib: ${{ matrix.distrib }}
# version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.major_version }}
# artifactory_token: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# cache_key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.run_id }}-deb-${{ matrix.distrib }}
# stability: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.stability }}
# release_type: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_type }}
# release_cloud: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_cloud }}
# promote:
# needs: [get-version]
# if: ${{ contains(fromJson('["stable"]'), needs.get-version.outputs.stability) && github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }}
# runs-on: [self-hosted, common]
# strategy:
# matrix:
# distrib: [el8, el9, bullseye, bookworm]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout sources
# uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
# - name: Promote ${{ matrix.distrib }} to stable
# uses: ./.github/actions/promote-to-stable
# with:
# artifactory_token: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# module: ha
# distrib: ${{ matrix.distrib }}
# major_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.major_version }}
# minor_version: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.minor_version }}
# stability: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.stability }}
# github_ref_name: ${{ github.ref_name }}
# release_type: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_type }}
# release_cloud: ${{ needs.get-version.outputs.release_cloud }}