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W.S.Amanda edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 28 revisions

Welcome to GrowingUp!

e19-co225-baby-tracking-system (Mobile Application)

Copy of GrowingUp

Table of contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. Technology Stack and System Architecture
  3. Usage Guide
  4. FAQs

Project Overview


The application Growing Up is a user-friendly system designed to track and manage the development of babies from 0 to 5 years old, ensuring a healthy and nurturing journey. It will be accessible to parents, guardians, public health midwives (PHM), and doctors. The system allows guardians to register their babies by providing basic information such as name, birth date, gender, current weight, and height.

Doctors and PHMs can update the baby's vaccination records, weight, and height details over time. The system incorporates a standard vaccine schedule and provides notifications for upcoming vaccinations, as well as alerts if the baby's weight or height deviates from the standard range.

Users can also note any additional medications, vitamins, or recommendations from healthcare professionals. Doctors and PHMs have the ability to search for specific babies and review their history.

To assist users, the system includes an AI chatbot named Nanny. Nanny can answer questions, provide clarification, and offer advice on various aspects of baby care.

Our goal is to develop a visually appealing and efficient system that ensures babies receive the necessary care and attention for healthy development.

Key Features

User Registration:

Parents, guardians, PHMs, and doctors can register in the application by providing basic details such as name, email, and password.

Baby Registration:

Users can register babies by entering their name, birth date, gender, current weight, and current height, forming the basis for tracking their development.

Vaccination Tracking:

The application includes a standard vaccine schedule with government and private vaccines. Users can record vaccinations received and receive timely notifications for upcoming vaccinations.

Growth Monitoring:

Growing Up provides standard weight and height ranges based on age. Users can regularly enter weight and height, receiving notifications if they fall outside the standard range.

Medication and Recommendations:

PHMs and doctors can provide additional recommendations and medications for babies. Users can search for babies by name or ID and access their history, including past recommendations and medications.

User Notifications:

The system sends notifications to inform users about upcoming vaccinations, growth concerns, and new recommendations provided by healthcare professionals.


Growing Up features an AI chatbot called Nanny, offering guidance, answering questions, and providing advice on various aspects of baby care.

Technology Stack and System Architecture

The Growing Up mobile application follows a client-server architecture, utilizing various components and services to deliver its functionality. The architecture can be divided into the following components:

User Interface (UI)

The user interface component is responsible for presenting the application's screens and enabling user interaction. It is developed using Java and Android Studio, following the best practices for mobile UI development. The UI component includes activities, fragments, and views that allow users to register, log in, enter baby details, track vaccinations, monitor growth, and access other features of the application.

Backend Server

The backend server component serves as the intermediary between the mobile application and the database, handling business logic and facilitating data exchange. It is built using Firebase, which provides various services such as authentication, real-time database functionality, analytics, and performance monitoring. The backend server communicates with the mobile application using RESTful APIs and handles user registration, baby registration, vaccination tracking, growth monitoring, and other backend operations.


The database component stores and manages the application's data, ensuring its persistence and availability. Firebase's real-time database is used to securely store user profiles, baby details, vaccination records, growth data, medication and recommendation history, and other relevant information. The database component allows efficient retrieval and updating of data, enabling seamless user experiences across devices.

External Services/APIs

The mobile application integrates with external services and APIs to enhance its functionality. Specifically, Baby Development Tracking System connects to external sources to retrieve a standard vaccine schedule from both government and private sources. This integration ensures that the application always provides up-to-date information on vaccinations and their schedules.

The communication flow within the system architecture is as follows:


  • Users interact with the mobile application's UI, which sends requests and data to the backend server.
  • The backend server processes the requests, performs necessary operations such as data validation and calculations, and communicates with the database to retrieve or update relevant information.
  • The database stores and retrieves data securely, ensuring data integrity and availability.
  • The external services/APIs are accessed when required to fetch the standard vaccine schedule, which is then utilized by the backend server to provide accurate vaccination tracking information to the users.

By following this architecture, the Growing Up mobile application ensures seamless communication, efficient data management, and reliable functionality for tracking and managing the development of babies.

Usage Guide

User Registration

  • Launch the Growing Up app on your mobile device.
  • On the welcome page, tap the "Sign in with google" button.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Provide the requested details.
  • Once the registration is done, you will be automatically logged in.

Baby Registration

  • After user registration there is the baby registration process.
  • Enter the baby's name, gender, birthday, birth height, and birth weight.
  • Tap the "Submit" button to register the baby in the app.

Note: Once you have registered and logged in, subsequent logins only require entering your email address. The app will remember your details and take you directly to the home screen.

Guardian View

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Home Page

  • After baby registration, the home screen will display the baby's details and upcoming events.
  • The navigation bar at the bottom of the screen provides access to the home, baby profile, and extras.

Baby Profile

  • The baby profile displays graphs for BMI, height, and weight.
  • Tap on any item to view extended details, including a graph comparing your baby's values with the standard range.

Extras Page

  • Access the extras view by tapping on the star button in the navigation bar.
  • In the extras view, you will find buttons for the Nanny and Language Translator features.
  • The Nanny feature provides guidance and answers to baby care-related questions.
  • The Language Translator feature provides two selections English and Sinhala.

Doctor View

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The Doctor View in the Baby Development Tracking app provides healthcare professionals with access to relevant baby details and enables them to monitor and update health statuses, vaccination records, and recommendations. This guide will walk you through the key features and functionalities available in the Doctor View.

Login to Doctor View

  • Launch the Baby Development Tracking app on your device.
  • Upon successful login, you will be prompted to enter your name and mobile number.
  • Then you will be redirected to the list of registered babies.

Select a Baby

  • In the Doctor View, you will see a list of registered babies.
  • Tap on the name of a specific baby to view their details.
  • The baby's details page will display information such as name, age, gender, weight, height, and vaccination records.
  • dive into the page to review the baby's growth history and previous health assessments.

Updating Medication Information

  • Tap the extra button from the navigation bar.
  • You can add new medication updates to the baby.
  • Enter the relevant details, such as the medication name, dosage, and date.
  • Save the changes by tapping the "Submit" button.

Midwife's View

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The Midwife's View in the Baby Development Tracking app provides midwives with access to relevant baby details and enables them to monitor and update vaccination records, weight, and height information. This guide will walk you through the key features and functionalities available in the Midwife's View.

Login to Midwife's View

  • Launch the Baby Development Tracking app on your device.
  • Log in to your account using your registered email address.
  • Upon successful login, you will be prompted to enter your name and mobile number.
  • After providing your name and mobile number, you will be redirected to the list of registered babies.

Select a Baby

  • From the list of registered babies, tap on the name of a specific baby to view their details.
  • The baby's details page will display information such as name, age, gender, weight, height, and vaccination records.
  • Dive into the page to review the baby's growth history and previous health assessments.

Update Vaccination Records and Weight, Height Information

  • Tap on the extra button to view or update the vaccination information and weight and height information.
  • To update vaccination details enter the relevant details, such as the vaccine name, date administered, and place.
  • Also you can add new measurements or modify existing ones enter the relevant details, such as the date, weight, and height.
  • Save the changes by tapping the "Submit" button.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

Q: What is the purpose of the Baby Development Tracking application?

  • The Baby Development Tracking application is designed to help parents, guardians, doctors, and public health midwives track and manage the development of babies from 0 to 5 years old. It provides features such as growth monitoring, vaccination tracking, medication and recommendation management, and user notifications.

Q: Is the Baby Development Tracking application available on both iOS and Android?

  • Currently, the Baby Development Tracking application is available only for Android devices.

Account and Registration

Q: Can I use the same account to track multiple babies?

  • No, currently you can’t register multiple babies under the same account.

Q: Can I change the email address associated with my account?

  • Yes, you can change the email address associated with your account. Navigate to the account settings within the app and locate the option to update your email. Follow the provided instructions to change your email address.

Q: Can I have multiple user accounts linked to the same email address?

  • No, each user account in the Baby Development Tracking app must have a unique email address associated with it. If you want to create multiple accounts, you will need to use different email addresses for each account.

Q: Is my personal information and baby's data secure?

  • Yes, we take the security and privacy of your personal information and baby's data seriously

Q: Can I share my baby's data with my healthcare provider?

  • Yes, you can share your baby's data with your healthcare provider if they are registered within the app as a doctor or public health midwife (PHM). They will be able to access the relevant baby's profile and view the growth data, vaccination records, and recommendations. You can control the level of access granted to each healthcare provider within the app's settings.

Usage and Features

Q: How often should I update my baby's growth details in the app?

  • It is recommended to update your baby's weight and height regularly, preferably once a month or as advised by your healthcare provider. This will ensure accurate tracking of your baby's growth and timely notifications if any concerns arise.

Q: Can I customize the vaccination schedule for my baby?

  • The Baby Development Tracking application provides a standard vaccination schedule based on government and private sources.

Support and Assistance

Q: How can I get technical support or report an issue with the app?

  • If you encounter any technical issues or have any questions regarding the app, you can reach out to our support team by sending an email to We will be happy to assist you and address any concerns.