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CanvasTools is designed to work with the Canvas LMS, but is in no way associated with Instructure.

CanvasTools was developed as an "easy" means to build complex reports, complexity being directly related to the API query requirements to generate said report, without having to give any focus to the querying. It was designed to be expandable and allows for GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE calls.

Queries for all all supplied calls have been tested and verified with the Canvas API, as of 2016-07-26. Additional tests have been ran to confirm that PUT, POST, and DELETE calls function, though none are included. Though it was designed with the ability to execute modification queries, it is not intended to. CanvasTools is intended to be used for report generation, nothing more. Any use of it beyond the supplied GET functions will is not supported and the implementers take full responsibility for using it such.

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  • Uniform API calling
  • Expansive call structure
  • HTML report generator
  • Excel report exporting
  • Pagination accommodation

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You need:

  • PHP >= 5.2.0
  • PHP extensions:
    • php_zip
    • php_xml
    • php_gd2
    • Note: It is possible to use without HTTPS if you disable CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, though this is discouraged.
  • Canvas LMS Authorization Token (Account 1 Admin)

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There is nothing special about CanvasTools. So long as the requirements are met, it's a simple matter of putting the files on the webserver and configuring config.php.

Note: There are no controls to restrict access to CanvasTools. It is recommended that where it is placed is a secure server with access controls to prevent unwarranted access.

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How To Use

CanvasTools was designed with the intent of making all reports a self-contained PHP class. These classes are stored in ./classes and named for the class contained within (i.e., class AccountTree {} is stored in the file class.AccountTree.php). Note: CanvasTools was created with simplicity as a key goal. The name of the class MUST match the name in the filename.

There are five (5) "reports" included with CanvasTools:

  • Account Tree
  • Content Search
  • File Search
  • LTI Locator
  • Course Dates

Reports are enabled in the config.php file. Simply add/remove the name of the classes whose reports you want enabled.

As demonstrated by the AccountTree class, "report" is loosely used. The primary goal is a simplified API querying of the Canvas LMS. However, a report template has been created from generated meaningful reports from the data retrieved. These generic "reports" can be modified to supply any information pulled from the API calls.

API Calls

The biggest component of CanvasTools is the streamlining of API calls. Only GET calls are supported, but the code has been confirmed to work with PUT, POST, and DELETE. Having said that:

Disclaimer: Use of any calls other than GET runs the risk of data compromise and it HIGHLY discouraged.

As the Canvas API is always changing, only those calls that seems least likely to break and most likely to be used were included in CanvasTools. The calls can be easily expanded by editing the $validTree array of the Basic class found at ./lib/class.basic.php. There four (4) primary levels to this array:

  • Section (account, course, user)
  • Data Type
    • This is basically a descriptor of what is being worked with (i.e., Info, Admins, Courses, Apps).
  • Call Type (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)
  • API Path

Here is a list of all the (currently) supported queries and the corresponding API calls:

Section Data Type Call Type API Path
account Info GET /accounts/:account_id
Admins GET /accounts/:account_id/admins
Courses GET /accounts/:account_id/courses
ExternalTools GET /accounts/:account_id/external_tools
ExternalToolInfo GET /accounts/:account_id/external_tools/:external_tool_id
Apps GET /accounts/:account_id/lti_apps
Reports GET /accounts/:account_id/reports
SubAccounts GET /accounts/:account_id/sub_accounts
course Info GET /courses/:course_id
Assignments GET /courses/:course_id/assignments
AssignmentInfo GET /courses/:course_id/assignments/:id
Discussions GET /courses/:course_id/discussion_topics
DiscussionInfo GET /courses/:course_id/discussion_topics/:topic_id
DiscussionThread GET /courses/:course_id/discussion_topics/:topic_id/view
ExternalTools GET /courses/:course_id/external_tools
ExternalToolInfo GET /courses/:course_id/external_tools/:external_tool_id
Files GET /courses/:course_id/files
FileFolders GET /courses/:course_id/folders
Apps GET /courses/:course_id/lti_apps
Modules GET /courses/:course_id/modules
ModuleInfo GET /courses/:course_id/modules/:id
ModuleItems GET /courses/:course_id/modules/:module_id/items
ModuleItemInfo GET /courses/:course_id/modules/:module_id/items/:id
Pages GET /courses/:course_id/pages
PageContent GET /courses/:course_id/pages/:url
Quizzes GET /courses/:course_id/quizzes
Sections GET /courses/:course_id/sections
SectionInfo GET /courses/:course_id/sections/:id
Settings GET /courses/:course_id/settings
Users GET /courses/:course_id/users
user List GET /accounts/:account_id/users
Info GET /users/:id
Avatar GET /users/:user_id/avatars
PageViews GET /users/:user_id/page_views
Profile GET /users/:user_id/profile
Settings GET /users/:id/settings

All calls are made in the same manner:

$this->query->retrieve($callType, $section, $dataType, $pathVariables);

The first three parts are easy enough, simply copy and paste the values from the above table. $pathVariables, on the other hand, is more difficult. It is to be an associative array where the key identifies the variable in the API Path and the the value identifies the value of the variable.

$callType = 'GET';
$section = 'account';
$dataType = 'Courses';
$pathVariables = array(
  'account_id' => 42
$courses = $this->query->retrieve($callType, $section, $dataType, $pathVariables);

The results of this example would be the consolidated list of courses for account 32, formatted exactly as you would get from the API call, but without any pagination.

Using Parameters

Like with regular API calls, you can use the parameters detailed in the Canvas API. As with the $pathVariables array, these need to be supplied in an associative array. The key identifies the parameters and the value is what you are filtering by. This additional array is optional and, if used, needs to be appended as the last variable in the call.

$callType = 'GET';
$section = 'course';
$dataType = 'Assignments';
$pathVariables = array(
  'course_id' => 42
$parameterVariables = array(
  'include' => array('submission', 'all_dates', 'overrides'),
  'search_term' => 'universe'
$courses = $this->query->retrieve($callType, $section, $dataType, $pathVariables, $parameterVariables);

CanvasTools will parse the entries exactly as they are, so they must be supplied as required by the API. If the API takes a variable as an array, it must be supplied as an array.

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Creating a New Report


There is a class.Template.php file with the bare minimum function structure needed for a report to be integrated with CanvasTools.

The config() class provides the class title and description to CanvasTools. These are displayed on the navigational bar and homepage, respectively.

generatePage() is the function called whenever that report class is accessed. In this class, you will need to build your structure for handling customization settings and setting submission/report generation.

Expanding the class to accommodate the full functionality of the report handling is recommended, but remember that everything must be initially triggered from the generatePage function. The key to making new reports is to build out the logic needed to create the report. CanvasTools simplifies the API calls and offers a uniform report generation, but it does not expand upon and simplify the API in any manner.

Report Generation

To configure the report, you need to build a multi-dimensional associative array with the following information:

  • 'title' => string (Optional)
  • 'heading' => string (Optional)
  • 'columns' => iterative array
    • associative array for each column containing:
      • 'title' => string
      • 'name' => string
        • Note: These correspond to the names fo the data entered into the results.
      • 'class' => string (Optional)
        • Note: The only supported class is center, which will center the content in both report formats.
  • 'results' => iterative array
    • associative array for each row of data
$data = array(
  'title' => 'Demo Report',
  'heading' => 'This is like a subheader, or description, field.',
  'columns' => array(
      'title' => 'ID',
      'name' => 'id',
      'class' => 'center'
      'title' => 'Name',
      'name' => 'name'
      'title' => 'Valid?',
      'name' => 'valid',
      'class' => 'center'
  'results' => array(
      'id' => 1,
      'name' => 'ABC123',
      'valid' => 'Yes'
      'id' => 2,
      'name' => 'DEF456',
      'valid' => 'No'
      'id' => 3,
      'name' => 'GHI789',
      'valid' => 'Yes'
      'id' => 4,
      'name' => 'JKL012',
      'valid' => 'No'
      'id' => 5,
      'name' => 'MNO345',
      'valid' => 'No'

How this array is generated is entirely upto you, but it MUST follow that structure.

Once the array has been built simply run it through the Report class:

return Report::HTML($data);

The above example would result in a report like:

  ID    Name    Valid?
  1    ABC123    Yes
  2    DEF456     No
  3    GHI789    Yes
  4    JKL012     No
  5    MNO345     No
Row URLs

There is only one reserved column title: url

This title is used to identify a URL to be associated with that row of data. It could be the URL to a listed activity, course, account, etc. It is also an optional column. If no url entry is provided, then the row will not be turned into a pseudo-anchor (JavaScript/CSS will emulate normal anchor behavior).

Having said that, you can have reports with mixed results. Some will have URLs while others will not. Therefore, the column must NOT be declared in the array as a column. It will be automatically added as the last column in the report if a single URL is present.

Associating a URL with a data entry is as simple as adding it to the the array for that entry:

  'results' => array(
      'id' => 1,
      'name' => 'No URL'
      'id' => 2,
      'name' => 'URL',
      'url' => ''

This example would have a regular entry for the first row and a pseudo-anchor for the second.

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CanvasTools falls under The MIT License (MIT). Please see the LICENSE file for the license agreement.

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Additional Applicable License

PHPExcel (commit fcc5c6585574054bd2dce530d5fb3f5da745bc49) is utilized with minor modification to integrate with CanvasTools. The version was retrieved and modified on 2016-07-06 from The license holders of PHPExcel retain full rights in accordance with the GNU Lesser General Public License.

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