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This project provide pipeline to send Scrapy Item to kafka as JSON format


  • support config default kafka brokers and topic in the file
  • support kafka-python producer init args
  • support dynamic connect and send to other kafka cluster and topic using item meta
  • item will send to kafka as JSON format, bytes can be encoded to base64 string if it can not be utf-8 encoded


pip install os-scrapy-kafka-pipeline

You can run example spider directly in the project root path.

scrapy crawl example



  • Enable pipeline in the project file

        "os_scrapy_kafka_pipeline.KafkaPipeline": 300,
  • Config default kafka brokers

    KAFKA_PRODUCER_BROKERS = ["broker01.kafka:9092", "broker02.kafka:9092"]
    • brokers in the item meta will override this default value
    • pipeline will not be enabled when this settings can not to start kafka connection
    • it will raise exception when no brokers configured
  • Config default kafka producer

    KAFKA_PRODUCER_CONFIGS = {"client_id": "id01", "retries": 1}
    • this is global config, the dynamic connections will use this configs
    • the bootstrap_servers will not work when KAFKA_PRRDUCER_BROKERS already configured
  • Config defult topic

    KAFKA_PRODUCER_TOPIC = "topic01"
    • the config in the item.meta will override this config
    • it will raise exception when no topic configured
  • Config kafka-python loglevel (default "WARNING")

  • Config kafka producer close timeout (default: None)

  • Ensure base64

    The bytes type of the item mumber will be decoded by utf-8, if decode fail, the pipeline will use base64 to encode the bytes when you set:

  • Filter field

    You can filter item fields which will not export and send to kafka

    KAFKA_EXPORT_FILTER = ["filtered_field"]

Dynamic Kafka Connection with item.meta

  • you can set topic, key, partition using item["meta"]

  • the item must has meta field which type is dict

  • options:

    meta = {
        "kafka.topic": "topic01",
        "kafka.key": "key01",
        "kafka.partition": 1,
        "kafka.brokers": "broker01.kafka:9092,broker02.kafka:9092"

Storage Format

Item will send to kafka as JSON format, bytes will encode to base64

Unit Tests

sh scripts/


MIT licensed.