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AngularJS + OpenLayers 3 interface to query a Apache Solr instance based on this API. The Solr instance can be filtered by time, by a search term and by space.



Be sure to have at least node version 4 installed.

Local environment:

Install dependencies:

npm install

For development use:

npm run server

This command compile the templates html, the less files and watch the changes. Run in http://localhost:3001/search it uses the 404.html

To run the production version locally:

npm run deploy
npm run serve

Docker environment:

Using local docker command

docker build -t bopimage . 
docker run -i --name bopcontainer -d -p 80:80 bopimage

it runs in http://localhost, if you want change the port, modify the first number of 80:80 on the above comand i.e 3000:80

Using docker compose:

docker-compose build web
docker-compose up -d 

From Docker hub harvardcga/bop-ui:

docker run -p 80:80 harvardcga/bop-ui

Used libraries:

  • AngularJS 1.6.3
  • OpenLayers 3 (v3.16.0)
  • Bootstrap v3.3.4