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Process Inbox

Chris Garrigues edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 9 revisions

Process Inbox

The Process Inbox automation processes tasks in the inbox and matches them with a collection of TaskPaper templates stored in Bear.

The TaskPaper templates have placeholders which are delimited thusly: «placeholder»

Default values are specified like «placeholder|default»

Based on where the placeholder is in the TaskPaper, Process Inbox can determine what type of field to prompt to the user and if it is in a @tags(Path : to : «placeholder») construct, will provide a selector for appropriate tags.

Conditionals can be set up by putting the «placeholder» inside a @dropped(«placeholder») construct with the negation looking like this: @dropped(!«placeholder»)

Either @defer(«placeholder») or @due(«placeholder») will prompt for a date, and you can have a default like this: @defer(«placeholder|2w») to defer 2 weeks. A second task that says @defer(«placeholder»+3d) will be deferred 3 days later than the first one.

The Bear notes have a header with the name of the Template and are tagged with #TaskPaper and sometimes #TaskPaper/MustMatch. The template name may have placeholders in it. If so, the template is only offered if the task matches the name. The template with a #TaskPaper/MustMatch tag is also only offered if it matches.

An expanded task may be saved back to Bear with the #TaskPaper/MustMatch tag added to save from re-entering tasks that recur frequently.

If there are no placeholders to expand, the template is applied without prompting.

  1. Initial Setup
  2. Sample Use Cases
    1. Groceries
    2. Reading
    3. Complex Project Template
    4. Required Tasks For My Day Job
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