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Chris Garrigues edited this page May 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Complex Project Template

For my day job, I have a complex multi-month template for customer interaction.

The below is a somewhat simplified and sanitized version of my actual template. Sanitized because it describes internal processes for my employer. the actual template is 173 lines long.

# New Customer
- «Customer» @folder(Work : Customers) @parallel(true) @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer»)
	Project UI:«Project ID»/environments/production
	Has Business Intelligence: «Has Business Intelligence»
	Business Intelligence:«Business Intelligence Client ID»/profile
	- «Customer» Launch @parallel(false) @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer»)
		- Initial Business Intelligence provisioning for «Customer» @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Business Intelligence, ⭐)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence») Intelligence+Provisioning+NEW+2020+FULL+SETUP
		- Add a user for myself to «Customer» Business Intelligence account @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Business Intelligence, ⭐)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence»)«Business Intelligence Client ID»/dashapp/settings/users
		- Put Customer ID and Subscription ID in Business Intelligence Profile for «Customer» @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Business Intelligence, ⭐)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence»)
			Go to the Myemployer Backend Admin page (
			Go to "Sales" → "Subscriptions"
			Click on Filters
			Search for merchant in the "Name" field
			View Customer
			Copy Myemployer account ID and subscription ID  to«Business Intelligence Client ID»/profile
		- Introduction Call @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer»)
			- Gather information to provision «Customer» hardware @autodone(true) @flagged
				- Target go-live @tags(Who : Customers : «Customer», Waiting)
				- Domains to launch with @tags(Who : Customers : «Customer», Waiting)
				- Disk Storage @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Waiting)
					- GB of DB @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Waiting)
					- GB of Media @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Waiting)
		- Send «Customer» CUST ticket to Infrastructure team for onboarding @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Jira, ⭐)«CUST-nnn»
		- Provision Production and Staging for «Customer» @tags(When : Waiting, Who : Infrastructure)
		- Schedule «Customer» Hardware Handoff Call @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Email : Work, ⭐)
		- «Customer» Hardware Handoff Call @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer»)
			- Let them know staging and production are ready
			- Present Hardware Handoff Doc to «Customer»
		        - Schedule ongoing meetings with «Customer» and/or «System Integrator» @flagged @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer», ⭐)
		- Schedule Pre-Launch Call for «Customer» @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Waiting) @defer(«Target Launch Date»- 2 weeks)
				Hi everybody.

				The agenda for this call is a review of the Myemployer go-live checklist that is documented here

				and may be found by following the link in the first paragraph.

				The way I like to run this calls is to have someone from the SI (that’s «System Integrator») fill out as much of the checklist as they can in advance and then they open their copy and share out their screen and we walk through all the items on the list as a group.

				At the end of the call we should have a good sense of how ready you are to go live and we can set the final schedule.
		- «Customer» Pre-Launch Call @autodone(true) @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Who : Customers : «Customer»)
			- Review «Customer» Post-Dev and Pre-Launch Checklist with «System Integrator»
			- Tell «System Integrator» to submit High SLA ticket for «Customer»
			- Provide support numbers to «Customer»
				During the launch, if you have any issues, please feel free to call our hotline number: 1-877-555-1212
				The protocol is to submit a ticket about the issue and then call the number and provide the ticket number to the person who answers the phone. The same team answers the phone and triages the tickets, so they should be able to get it worked promptly.
				This same protocol applies to outages after you’ve launched.
			- look at healthcheck report with «Customer» and «System Integrator»
			- Collect «Customer» Business Intelligence provisioning info @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence»)
				- Guest checkout?
				- timezone
				- currency
				- start day of week
		- «Customer» Actual Launch @tags(Who : System Integrators : «System Integrator», Waiting) @defer(«Target Launch Date|6m»)
		- Enable Business Intelligence for «Customer» @autodone(true) @parallel(false) @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Business Intelligence, ⭐)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence») Intelligence+Provisioning+NEW+2020+FULL+SETUP
			- Submit ticket to add Business Intelligence SSH keys to «Customer» cluster @tags(Where : Virtual : Zendesk, ⭐)
				Description = "Please add SSH keys for «Customer» for Business Intelligence connection" 
				Paste the SSH Key from«Business Intelligence Client ID»/profile
				Remember to complete all the required fields (left side of form) when submitting the ticket. Most importantly include the following
				•	Project URL:«Project ID»/environments/production
				•	Project ID: «Project ID»

				CC yourself
			- Add SSH keys for «Customer» Business Intelligence @tags(Where : Virtual : Business Intelligence, When : Waiting, Who : Infrastructure)
			- Connect «Customer» Database to Business Intelligence«Business Intelligence Client ID»/dashapp/myemployer/preferences 
				cat /mnt/shared/mbi.txt

				Integration Nickname = Myemployer Database
				Host =
				Port = 3306
				Username = (Business Intelligence Database User)
				Password = (Business Intelligence Database Password)
				Database Name = «Project ID» (Customer's Project ID)
				Table Prefix = Leave blank

				Encryption Type = SSH Tunnel
				Remote Address = (Business Intelligence Tunnel Host)
				Username = (Business Intelligence Tunnel User) 
				Port = 22
			- Synchronize Business Intelligence connections for «Customer»«Business Intelligence Client ID»/trackingflag/index
			- Create User for «Customer» project owner«Business Intelligence Client ID»/dashapp/settings/users«OBUI»/setup/license
		- Schedule Business Intelligence Onboarding Presentation for «Customer» @flagged @tags(Where : Virtual : Email : Work, ⭐)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence»)
		- Business Intelligence Onboarding Presentation for «Customer» @tags(Who : Customers : «Customer»)  @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence»)
		- Hand Off «Customer» to CSM @tags(Who : Customers : «Customer», Who : CSMs : «CSM», ⭐) @defer(«Target Launch Date»+1 months)
		- Take my name off the Jira ticket @tags(Who : Customers : «Customer», ⭐)«CUST-nnn»


Items that may be worth noticing are the use of @dropped(!«Has Business Intelligence») and the setting of a default for «Target Launch Date|6m» 6 months out and then the reference to that date to do some preparation work 2 weeks in advance in Schedule Pre-Launch Call for «Customer».

I have also written an automation that looks at a project created with this Template and updates the launch date and dependent dates.

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