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Oliver Foster edited this page Jun 22, 2017 · 13 revisions

A collection of Stat objects created by Globs.stats and related functions.

Stats[] { // Extends ASyncIterator

  constructor(Globs:globs, options),

  pluck(attr), // Create an array of values, returns Array[Value]
  filter(at, by), // Create a Stats of filtered, returns ASyncIterator:Stats[]
  filter(by), // Create a Stats of filtered, returns ASyncIterator:Stats[]

  clone(), // Clone items and their children
  update([options]), // Update items and their children

  // Move items to location
  move(to, [options]), // returns Promise
  move([options]), // returns Promise

  // Copy items to location
  copy(to, [options]), // returns Promise
  copy([options]), // returns Promise

  // Collate items to location on location fragment
  collate(on, to, [options]), // returns Promise
  collate([options]), // returns Promise

  // Delete items
  delete() // returns Promise



  globs = Globs

  attr = "attributeName" || function(item, index) { return value; }

  at = "attributeName"
  by = "attributeName" || function(item, index) { return true; } || { "attrName": value }


Stats[] { // Extends ASyncIterator

      force: undefined, // update all
      timestamp: undefined, // update after timestamp
      age: undefined  // milliseconds from now

      overwriteOlder: true,
      overwriteSame: false,
      overwriteNewer: false,
      force: false,
      files: true, 
      dirs: true,
      sync: false,
      syncCopy: false,
      includeParentDirs: true
  }), // returns Promise

      overwriteOlder: true,
      overwriteSame: false,
      overwriteNewer: false,
      force: false,
      files: true, 
      dirs: true,
      sync: false,
      syncCopy: false,
      includeParentDirs: true
  }), // returns Promise

      overwriteOlder: true,
      overwriteSame: false,
      overwriteNewer: false,
      force: false,
      files: true,
      dirs: true,
      sync: false,
      syncCopy: false,
      includeParentDirs: true
  }) // returns Promise

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