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A Clojure numerical optimization and machine learning library


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Inspired by libraries such as TensorFlow, Ranvier is a Clojure library for numerical optimization of tensor expressions. Ranvier makes it easy to express a computation and then find local minima using gradient-based methods with automatic differentiation ("backpropagation" in the modern deep learning literature).

Getting Started

Add Ranvier to your dependencies. If using leiningen, add the following to your :dependencies in project.clj:

[ranvier "0.1.1"]

and require the core namespace:

(require '[ranvier.core :as r])

API Documentation

This document provides a brief overview of Ranvier's key functionalities. Consult the API docs for details. All of Ranvier's documentation assumes a basic understanding of common numerical optimization techniques. If you do not have this background, then Andrew Ng's Coursera classes on machine learning and deep learning are highly recommended.


Using Ranvier generally involves two steps:

  1. Building a computation graph, and
  2. Finding a minimum of the computation graph

The following expression constructs a computation graph for 2 + 3:

(r/mul 3 7)
;; => A data structure representing a graph

You'll note that the output of this function is not the number 5 but rather a data structure representing a computation graph. The exact nature of this data structure is an implementation detail. In order to actually execute the calculation (i.e. to "run the graph" or perform "forward propagation"), you'll need to evaluate it:

(r/evaluate (r/mul 3 7))
;; => #Tensure
;;    21.0000

Ranvier uses Tensure on the backend for performing tensor computations, so the result of evaluating the graph is a Tensure object.

r/mul is an "op" (operation). This is simply a function that returns a computation graph node. Ops also often take other computation graph nodes as arguments. In this example, Ranvier implicitly constructs nodes for the constants 2 and 7. The macro G makes it more convenient to build computation graphs. Using G, the above computation can be expressed as follows:

(require '[ranvier.core :as r :refer [G]])
(r/evaluate (G (* 3 7)))
;; => #Tensure
;;    21.0000

G provides two advantages over calling ops directly:

  1. G will automatically resolve any op symbols to the corresponding op in ranvier.core. In a few cases, it will resolve aliases for ops to those ops instead of to the similarly named functions in clojure.core: in the context of G, * will evaluate to r/mul rather than clojure.core/*, + will evaluate to r/add rather than to clojure.core/+, etc.
  2. G provides some additional error handling functionality that can make it easier to debug problems that occur when running graphs. In particular, graph execution-time errors from graphs constructed with G will often include information about where in source code the node producing the error was constructed and the values of the node's operands (or of the node's gradient during backpropagation).

Ranvier allows you to construct graphs using keyword variable names and then to provide the values for those variables later, when the graph is run:

(def graph (G (* :a :b)))
(def inputs {:a 3 :b 7})
(r/evaluate graph inputs)
;; => #Tensure
;;    21.0000

evaluate 1) runs forward) propagation, and 2) returns the result of the graph's root node. r/forward returns the values of all nodes. Continuing the example immediately above,

(def node-values (r/forward graph inputs))
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000
;;     :b #Tensure 7.0000
;;     :mul-218502 #Tensure 21.0000}

Nodes that are not explicitly named (such as the root add node in this example) are assigned unique names. r/backward runs backpropagation, taking the graph and node values from forward propagation as arguments:

(r/backward graph node-values)
{:b #Tensure 3.0000,
 :a #Tensure 7.0000,
 :mul-219365 #Tensure 1.0000}

r/backward returns the gradient of the root node with respect to any other node. Thus, if we call the output y, then dy/dy = 1, da/dy = 7, and db/dy = 3.

Consider another expression, (a - 3)^2:

(def graph (G (pow (- :a 3) 2)))
(r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 100
                          :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1}})
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000}

r/simple-optimize runs basic gradient descent to find a minimum of the graph with respect to all unspecified inputs.

Conceptually, that's it. Everything else is details.


The operations available in Ranvier are summarized in the table below. This is followed by a more in-depth discussion of a few of the less straightforward ops. There are a few general points to keep in mind:

  • Since ranvier uses Tensure on the backend, most Ranvier ops are simple analogs of Tensure functions. If you have Tensure code that performs an eager computation, you can often convert it directly to Ranvier code for building a computation graph merely by changing the namespace of the functions from tensure.core to ranvier.core (and/or by wrapping the expression in G).
  • Ranvier ops implicitly broadcast operands using the same rules as Tensure. See the Tensure docs on broadcasting.
  • We can refer to an op's "arguments" and to an op's "operands". The "operands" must be computation graph nodes; their values are determined at graph runtime. The "arguments" can be anything, and their values are determined at graph construction-time. Most arguments to ops are operand nodes: they are evaluated at construction-time to yield a node, which is then evaluated at run-time to some value. There are also non-operand arguments from which graph nodes are not constructed; these typically specify some aspect of graph behavior that must be specified at construction- rather than run-time.
  • Most op functions take as operands one or more tensors and return a tensor, but some ops accept non-tensor operands. This language is somewhat figurative: the op function receives operand nodes at construction time, but these nodes have tensor or non-tensor values at runtime. When discussing types of op inputs, it is thus important to distinguish between construction-time and run-time.
  • Not all operations 'backpropagate' through all operands. For example, reshape takes a tensor and a shape (as a clojure vector) and returns a new tensor. reshape backpropagates gradients through the tensor argument but not through the shape argument. That is, Ranvier can automatically compute the gradient of graph output with respect to the tensor argument to a reshape op but not with respect to the shape argument. In general, if the value of the op changes continuously with respect to the operand, it will backpropagate gradients through that operand. (If op output is discontinuous with respect to an operand's input or if the operand is in a discontinuous domain, then standard gradient-based optimization cannot be applied.)
  • Ranvier will make inferences about the types of inputs and constants and coerce run-time values to the correct type (more on this below).
  • Ranvier will implicitly construct nodes where operands are expected. More on this in the section on node types.
Op or Alias (Op) Operation
+ (add) +
- (sub) -
* (mul) *
/ (div) /
negate unary -
pow ^/**
log base e logarithm (ln x)
exp base e power (e^x)
abs absolute value
mmul tensor dot product
Trigonometric and hyperbolic
cos cosine
sin sine
tan tangents
acos arccosine
asin arcsin
atan arctangent
cosh hyperbolic cosine
tanh hyperbolic tangent
sinh hyperbolic sine
min elementwise minimum
max elementwise maximum
Reducing and masking
esum sum of elements
max-along maximum along some dimension(s)
min-along minimum along some dimension(s)
sum-along sum along some dimension(s)
max-mask mask of elements that are maxima along some dimension(s)
min-mask mask of elements that are minima along some dimension(s)
Tensor creators
zeros tensor filled with 0's
ones tensor filled with 1's
random-uniform tensor filled with numbers uniformly distributed in [0, 1)
random-normal tensor filled with numbers normally distributed around 0 with S.D. 1
and &&
not logical not (!/~)
= (eq) elementwise equality
not= (ne) elementwise inequality
> (gt) elementwise >
>= (ge) elementwise >=
< (lt) elementwise <
<= (le) elementwise <=
tensor-if logical branching operator
Joining and splitting
join-along joins tensors along some dimension
partition-along splits a tensor into chunks along some dimension (returns a seq)
slices seq of slices through some dimension
select-range subregion of a tensor
Working with shapes
reshape reshapes a tensor
size size (as a scalar) of a tensor along some dimension
shape shape of a tensor
make-shape constructs a tensor shape from scalars
transpose tensor transpose
shift shifts elements along some dimension(s)
pad-with pads a tensor at the edges with some value
pad pads a tensor at the edges with 0
fork loops over a seq of tensors
named renames a node

Extrema ops

There are a few different sets of ops for calculating minima and maxima. min and max calculate the elementwise mins or maxes of an arbitrary number of tensors:

(r/evaluate (G (max [[-1 0]
                     [2 1]]
                    [[-2 7]
                     [2 0]]
                    [[-3 11]
                     [2 -1]])))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   -1.0000,   11.0000],
;;     [    2.0000,    1.0000]]

min-along and max-along compute the extrema along some dimension(s) of a single tensor.

(require '[tensure.core :as m])
; `t` is a 3 x 2 x 2 tensor.
(def t [[[-1 0]
         [2 1]]
        [[-2 7]
         [2 0]]
        [[-3 11]
         [2 -1]]])

; Find max along the 0th axis, and remove dimension 0
; `t` is an operand to `max-along`. The options map is a non-operand argument.
(def a (r/evaluate (G (max-along t {:axis 0
                                    :collapse true}))))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   -1.0000,   11.0000],
;;     [    2.0000,    1.0000]]
(m/shape a)
;; => [2 2]

; Find the max along all three axes, and keep all three dimensions
(def b (r/evaluate (G (max-along t {:axis [0 1 2]
                                    :collapse false}))))
;; => #Tensure [11.0000]
(m/shape b)
;; => [1 1 1]

; Find the largest value in the tensor. The result is a scalar.
(def c (r/evaluate (G (max-along t {:axis nil
                                    :collapse true}))))
;; => #Tensure 11.0000
(m/shape c)
;; => nil

Given an axis argument like that received by max-along and min-along, max-mask and min-mask return "masks" of the maximum elements along the chosen axis(es). The masks are the same shapes as the input tensors; they have 1's in the positions of the maxima and 0's everywhere else. Continuing the example immediately above,

(r/evaluate (G (max-mask t 0)))
;; => #Tensure [[[    1.0000,         0],
;;               [    1.0000,    1.0000]],
;;              [[         0,         0],
;;               [    1.0000,         0]],
;;              [[         0,    1.0000],
;;               [    1.0000,         0]]]

(r/evaluate (G (max-mask t nil)))
;; => #Tensure [[[         0,         0],
;;               [         0,         0]],
;;              [[         0,         0],
;;               [         0,         0]],
;;              [[         0,    1.0000],
;;               [         0,         0]]]


The report op takes any number of nodes followed by two functions:

  • A reporter function. At graph runtime, this receives the values of the nodes passed to report and may return anything.
  • A logger function that receives the output of the reporter function.
(r/simple-optimize (G (report :a identity println))
                   {:iterations 5
                    :hyperparams {:learning-rate 1}})
;; Prints:
;;  #Tensure 0
;;  #Tensure -1.0000
;;  #Tensure -2.0000
;;  #Tensure -3.0000
;;  #Tensure -4.0000

In the example above, report is passed a single node, an input node named :a. Each time the graph runs, :a will be passed to the reporter function (identity), and the result will be passed to the logger function (println). On each iteration, the value of :a will be printed. :a is a parameter during optimization, and, since we don't provide a starting value for it, Ranvier gives it a starting value of 0. Since :a is also the output of the graph, the gradient of graph output with respect to :a will be 1. Since the learning rate is 1, and we're performing simple gradient descent, :a will decrease in value by 1 on every iteration. We therefore see scalars 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 printed as gradient descent decreases the value of :a and the value is reported on each iteration.

(let [counter (atom 0)
      logger #(->> (vec %)
                   (format "Iteration %d: %s" (swap! counter inc))
      g (G (report :a (* :a 7) #(map m/->int %&) logger))]
  (r/simple-optimize g {:iterations 5
                        :params {:a 5}
                        :hyperparams {:learning-rate 1}}))
;; Prints:
;;  Iteration 1: [5 35]
;;  Iteration 2: [4 28]
;;  Iteration 3: [3 21]
;;  Iteration 4: [2 14]
;;  Iteration 5: [1 7]

This example differs from the previous one in a few ways. First, we're providing an initialization value for :a (5), so optimization starts at that point. The output of the graph is still the value of :a: although report is the graph's root node, it always passes through the value of the first node it receives. Second, the reporter function is now receiving two node values :a and (* :a 7), converting them to integers, and returning a seq. The logger keeps track of the iteration number and prints the seq as a vector.

This is just a toy example. In most cases, the reporter will perform some meaningful calculation: for instance, if working on a machine learning classification problem, the reporter might calculate the percentage of examples classified correctly. Iteration counts will also typically be reported by the the optimizer rather than by a reporter (more on how to do this below).

Tensor creators

Ranvier provides four ops for generating tensors: zeros, ones, random-uniform, and random-normal. These ops generate new tensors every time the graph is run. If you want a tensor generated once when the graph is constructed, you can use a constant. If a graph is optimized more than once after construction and you want a new tensor generated before every round of optimization, then provide the generated value as an input or provide an initializer function (see the section on initialization).

; Using the `random-uniform` op, a new tensor is generated once on every iteration.
(r/simple-optimize (G (-> (random-uniform [2 2])
                          (report identity println)))
                   {:iterations 3})
;; Prints:
;;    #Tensure [[    0.7803,    0.1378],
;;              [    0.0259,    0.2758]]
;;    #Tensure [[    0.5042,    0.8290],
;;              [    0.0257,    0.6327]]
;;    #Tensure [[    0.8884,    0.3049],
;;              [    0.1743,    0.6263]]

; `m/sample-uniform` is a Tensure function that is run when the graph is constructed to generate a constant
; node.
(r/simple-optimize (G (-> (m/sample-uniform [2 2])
                          (report identity println)))
                   {:iterations 3})
;; Prints;
;;    #Tensure [[    0.5791,    0.1215],
;;              [    0.4834,    0.6693]]
;;    #Tensure [[    0.5791,    0.1215],
;;              [    0.4834,    0.6693]]
;;    #Tensure [[    0.5791,    0.1215],
;;              [    0.4834,    0.6693]]

; Here the graph `g` is constructed once, but it is optimized three times, with a new value for `:a` being
; provided on every round of optimization.
(let [g (G (report :a identity println))]
  (dotimes [n 3]
    (println "Round " n)
    (r/simple-optimize g
                       {:iterations 3
                        :inputs {:a (m/sample-uniform nil)}})
;; Prints:
;;    Round  0
;;    #Tensure 0.6791
;;    #Tensure 0.6791
;;    #Tensure 0.6791
;;    Round  1
;;    #Tensure 0.0327
;;    #Tensure 0.0327
;;    #Tensure 0.0327
;;    Round  2
;;    #Tensure 0.5018
;;    #Tensure 0.5018
;;    #Tensure 0.5018

Note that in the above examples, there are no parameters, so simple-optimize is not optimizing anything. It's just running a graph multiple times in sequence.

Logical operations and branching

In Ranvier, as in tensure, true is represented as a floating point 1.0 and false as 0.0. There are no true boolean tensors. Every value that is not 0.0 is 'truthy'. The tensor-if op provides basic branching functionality:

(let [g (G (tensor-if :flag-on
  (doseq [flag-value [0 0.5 1]]
    (println "flag =" flag-value ":"
             (r/evaluate g {:flag-on flag-value}))))
;; Prints:
;;    flag = 0:  #Tensure -3.0000
;;    flag = 0.5:  #Tensure 7.0000
;;    flag = 1:  #Tensure 7.0000

(let [g (G (tensor-if (>= :value :threshold)
  (doseq [value [50 100 150]
          threshold [75 100 125]]
    (println "value =" value "  threshold =" threshold "  result = "
             (m/->int (r/evaluate g {:value value
                                     :threshold threshold})))))
;; Prints:
;;    value = 50   threshold = 75   result =  -3
;;    value = 50   threshold = 100   result =  -3
;;    value = 50   threshold = 125   result =  -3
;;    value = 100   threshold = 75   result =  7
;;    value = 100   threshold = 100   result =  7
;;    value = 100   threshold = 125   result =  -3
;;    value = 150   threshold = 75   result =  7
;;    value = 150   threshold = 100   result =  7
;;    value = 150   threshold = 125   result =  7

tensor-if does not backpropagate gradients through its first operand: since an effectively boolean value is in a discontinuous domain, it is not possible to optimize it using continuous methods. Otherwise, gradient calculations with tensor-if work as expected:

(let [g (G (* :c (tensor-if :flag
  (doseq [flag [0 1]
          :let [values (r/forward g {:flag flag
                                     :a 7
                                     :b -3
                                     :c 2})]]
    (println "\n\nWith flag =" flag "")
    (-> (r/backward g values [:a :b :c :flag])
        (ranvier.utils/update-vals m/->int)
;; Prints:
;;    With flag = 0
;;    {:c -3, :b 2, :flag 0, :a 0}

;;    With flag = 1
;;    {:c 7, :a 2, :flag 0, :b 0}

If the output of the graph is y, then when the first branch is taken, dy/dc = 7 (the value of the first branch), while, if the second branch is taken, dy/dc = -3 (the value of the second branch). The values of dy/da and dy/db are 0 if the corresponding branches are not taken, as expected. But even though the value of :flag influences the output, dy/dflag is 0.

For machine learning applications, one common use for tensor-if is to change the computation slightly based on whether you're training a model or using it to make predictions.


Most nodes that you'll want to refer to by name are input nodes created by using a keyword in a graph definition. But in some cases, it can be useful to refer to other types of nodes (constant nodes or operation nodes). In these cases, you can rename a node with :named.

(r/forward (G (* 7 3)))
;; => {:const55276 #Tensure 7.0000
;;     :const55277 #Tensure 3.0000
;;     :mul-255278 #Tensure 21.0000}

(r/forward (G (named :twenty-one (* (named :three (m/array 3))
                                    (named :seven (m/array 7))))))
;; => {:three #Tensure 3.0000
;;     :seven #Tensure 7.0000
;;     :twenty-one #Tensure 21.0000}

The graphs in the above examples include three nodes: two constant nodes (one for 7 and one for 3) and one op node (for the multiplication). In the first instance, these nodes are all assigned names. In the second case, they are named explicitly. Note also that in the first example, 7 and 3 (instances of java.lang.Long) are implicitly converted into Tensure objects: Ranvier "knows" they must be tensors, because they are used as arguments to *, which can only accept tensors. But in the second example, 7 and 3 are used as arguments to named, which can accept nodes with values of any type; Ranvier is not "smart" enough to know that it needs to convert those values to tensors, so it must be done explicitly. See the section on type inference for additional discussion of this issue.

fork (Experimental!)

fork introduces into Ranvier the concept of recurrence: with fork it is possible to define an operation whose result feeds back into that operation. fork also allows you to perform simple mapping and reduction operations similar to Clojure's for, map, reduce, and loop/recur constructs but with full support for backpropagation. fork is necessary for implementing recurrent neural network models using Ranvier. Although fork introduces many possibilities, it is currently experimental: there are known bugs when using nested forks, and fork is likely not the best abstraction for looping and recurrence. It may be replace with alternative constructs in future versions of Ranvier.

You can think of fork as a combination of clojure.core/map and clojure's loop/recur constructs. Like map, fork allows you to map over a seq, generating a single value per element of the input seq. Like loop/recur, fork allows you to specify initialization values for some locally-bound variables, and then to update the values of those variables on a series of iterations. Let us consider the mapping functionality in isolation before discussing in more depth the recurrence functionality:

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3])]
           [] ; This argument is used for the `loop/recur`-like functionality.
           (* :a 2)
           [] ; Also used for `loop/recur`-like functionality.
;; => #Tensure [[    2.0000,    4.0000,    6.0000]]
;; The result is a 3-element vector.

We will discuss the second and last arguments to fork shortly, but for now consider the first and third arguments. The first is a set of "input bindings": just as clojure's let allows you to bind symbols to values locally (in the body of the let), fork allows you to bind input nodes to values of some seq-valued node. The third argument (the 'output node') is evaluated one time for each value in the input seq, and the overall result of the fork is the concatenation of those values. The analogs operation in plain clojure would be (map (fn [a] (* a 2)) [1 2 3]) or

(for [a [1 2 3]]
  (* a 2))

fork is therefore often used in conjunction with ops that produce seqs of tensors: slices and partition-along.

; Get a seq of slices along the 0-th axis. Each element of the seq will be a scalar, since the input is
; a vector.
(r/evaluate (G (slices [1 2 3])))
;; => (#Tensure 1.0000
;;     #Tensure 2.0000
;;     #Tensure 3.0000)

; Get a seq of slices along the 1-st axis (i.e. a seq of column vectors for a matrix input).
(def a (r/evaluate (G (slices [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]] 1))))
;; => (#Tensure [[    1.0000,    4.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    2.0000,    5.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    3.0000,    6.0000]])
(m/shape (first a))
;; => [2]

; Partition along axis 0 into 3-element vectors spaced 2 elements apart.
(def b (r/evaluate (G (partition-along [1 2 3 4 5] 0 3 2))))
;; => (#Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    3.0000,    4.0000,    5.0000]]
;;     #Tensure 5.0000)
(map m/shape b)
;; => ([3] [3] [1])

; Partition along axis 1 into 2-element matrices spaced 2 elements apart.
(def c (r/evaluate (G (partition-along [[1 2 3 4 5 6] [7 8 9 10 11 12]] 1 2))))
;; => (#Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;               [    7.0000,    8.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;               [    9.0000,   10.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    5.0000,    6.0000],
;;               [   11.0000,   12.0000]])
(map m/shape c)
;; => ([2 2] [2 2] [2 2])

Note that slices returns a seq of tensors with one less dimension than the input tensor, while partition-along returns a seq of tensors that are the same dimensionality as the input tensor. It is possible to use tensors of any dimensionality as fork inputs, to have multiple inputs, and to have input seqs provided directly as inputs or constants:

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 0 -1])
            :b (partition-along [[1 2 3 4 5 6] [7 8 9 10 11 12]] 1 2)]
           (* :a :b)
;; => #Tensure [[[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;               [    7.0000,    8.0000]],
;;              [[         0,         0],
;;               [         0,         0]],
;;              [[   -5.0000,   -6.0000],
;;               [  -11.0000,  -12.0000]]]
; Note that the output is a single tensor produced by stacking the output values from each iteration
; along the 0-th axis. It's also possible to stack them along a different dimension:

(def b (r/evaluate
         (G (fork [:a (slices [1 0 -1])
                   :b (partition-along [[1 2 3 4 5 6] [7 8 9 10 11 12]] 1 2)]
                  (* :a :b)
                  {:output-time-axis 1}))))
;; => #Tensure [[[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;               [         0,         0],
;;               [   -5.0000,   -6.0000]],
;;              [[    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;               [         0,         0],
;;               [  -11.0000,  -12.0000]]]
(m/shape b)
;; => [2 3 2]

Now consider the following example of the recurrence functionality. Note that the input binding is required for determining the number of iterations but is not used to determine the output:

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
           [:b 1]
           [(* :b -2)])))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,   -2.0000,    4.0000,   -8.0000]]

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
           [:b 7]
           [(* :b -2)])))
;; => #Tensure [[    7.0000,  -14.0000,   28.0000,  -56.0000]]

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
           [:b 2]
           [(pow :b 2)])))
;; => #Tensure [[    2.0000,    4.0000,   16.0000,  256.0000]]

The second argument to fork is a set of bindings for nodes whose values will be updated with each iteration. These bindings play the same role as the bindings in a Clojure loop. The fourth argument is a seq of nodes that update the values of the recurrent bindings. These play the same role as the expressions in a Clojure recur. Like a clojure loop/recur, there can be multiple bindings:

  (G (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
           [:b 1
            :c 10]
           (+ :b :c)
           [(+ :b 1)
            (* :c 2)])))
;; => #Tensure [[   11.0000,   22.0000,   43.0000,   84.0000]]

Both sets of bindings used in forks--the input bindings and the recurrent node bindings--occur progressively, just as do bindings in a clojure let--i.e. just as the first symbol in a clojure let can be used in the expression whose value is assigned to the second symbol, the first input node in a Ranvier fork binding can be used in the expression for the second binding, and so on:

 (G (fork [:a (slices [[1 2 3 4]
                       [5 6 7 8]] 1)]
           [:b (* :a 2)
            :c (* :b 10)]
           (join-along 0 (reshape :b [1 2]) (reshape :c [1 2]))
           [(+ :b 1)
            (* :c 2)])))
;; => #Tensure [[[    2.0000,   10.0000],
;;               [   20.0000,  100.0000]],
;;              [[    3.0000,   11.0000],
;;               [   40.0000,  200.0000]],
;;              [[    4.0000,   12.0000],
;;               [   80.0000,  400.0000]],
;;              [[    5.0000,   13.0000],
;;               [  160.0000,  800.0000]]]

Without fork, each node in a Ranvier graph would have exactly one value. But fork introduces another dimension to values: the nodes bound in a fork have values that change as the fork iterates. Yet at the end of a forward propagation step, each node must still have a single value:

(-> (r/forward
      (G (named :f
                (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
                      [:b 1]
                      [(* :b -2)]))))
    (select-keys [:f :a :b]))
;; => {:f #Tensure [[    1.0000,   -2.0000,    4.0000,   -8.0000]]
;;     :a #Tensure 4.0000
;;     :b #Tensure 16.0000}

After one step of forward propagation, :a is bound to the same value it had on the last iteration, and :b is similarly bound to the last value it took. Note that the values for recurrent nodes (:b in this example) are evaluated at the end of every iteration, including the last one: in the above example, :b is 1 during the first iteration (when the output node value is computed); at the end of the first iteration, :b is updated to -2. It's update to 4 at the end of the second iteration and to -8 at the end of the third. It is therefore -8 during the fourth iteration, but at the end of the fourth iteration, it is updated to 16, even though there are no subsequent iterations.

Within forks there is a concept of "time" (time advances with each iteration). But outside of forks, no such concept exists: each node has only one value. If using Ranvier for modeling neural networks, it is helpful to think of propagation as occurring in the following pattern: 1) values propagate to all fork nodes, 2) the recurrent subnetworks in forks propagate the values until they reach 'stable' states (i.e. all iterations within the forks are complete), 3) values propagate out of forks into downstream parts of the network. However, since locally bound inputs in forks have multiple different values during a single run of the graph, allowing their use outside of the fork would introduce ambiguity: which values of these nodes should be used in values outside the fork, where there is no concept of time or iteration? It is therefore not possible to use these values outside of a fork:

  (G (* :a
        (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:b 1]
              [(* :b -2)]))))
;; => Unhandled java.lang.Exception
;;    Invalid graph. Node ':a' is used out of scope.

  (G (* :b
        (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:b 1]
              [(* :b -2)]))))
;; => Unhandled java.lang.Exception
;;    Invalid graph. Node ':b' is used out of scope.

Even though it is not possible to use locally bound inputs outside of the fork where they're defined, they still have unique values at the end of a run of forward propagation, and a single gradient can be given for them at the end of back propagation. In order for this to be the case, two different locally bound inputs cannot share the same name, even if their scope is restricted:

  (G (+ (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:b 1]
              [(* :b -2)])
        (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:b 1]
              [(* :b -2)]))))
;; => Unhandled java.lang.Exception
;;    Invalid graph. Node ':a' is used out of scope.

  (G (+ (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:b 1]
              [(* :b -2)])
        (fork [:c (slices [1 2 3 4])]
              [:d 1]
              [(* :d -2)]))))
;; => #Tensure [[    2.0000,   -4.0000,    8.0000,  -16.0000]]

  (G (let [fork-subnetwork (fork [:a (slices [1 2 3 4])]
                                 [:b 1]
                                 [(* :b -2)])]
       (+ fork-subnetwork fork-subnetwork))))
;; => #Tensure [[    2.0000,   -4.0000,    8.0000,  -16.0000]]

In the first case above, two identical fork nodes are constructed, and we get an Exception because both forks use the same local input names, and this is not allowed. The second case works, because we use different sets of local input names in the two forks. The third case works because the graph includes only a single fork node, though it has two "connections". The fact that the third case works and the first case does not, even though the two cases appear to be superficially equivalent, is important: unless nodes are identified by name, each call to an op generates a new node.

Custom ops

Ranvier provides a macro, defop, for defining custom ops:

(require '[ranvier.core :refer [G defop]])

(defop times-three   ; <- `defop` followed by op name
  [^:nd n]   ; <- vector of bindings for the op's operands. ^:nd is a type hint to tell Ranvier that `n` is
             ;    an n-dimensional (nd) array (tensor).
  :v (m/mul n (m/array 3))   ; <- we define the computation and give the output value a name (`:v`)
  :dn (m/mul dv (m/array 3)))   ; <- if the output of the full computation graph is `y`, then `dy/dv` is
                                     available here as `dv`: the gradient of graph output with respect to
                                     the output of this node (named `:v`). In order to backpropagate through
                                     this node, we must specify how to compute `dy/dn`, which is done here.
(r/evaluate (G (times-three 7)))
;; => #Tensure 21.0000

(let [g (G (times-three :a))
      vals (r/forward g {:a 7})]
  (r/backward g vals [:a]))
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000}

Defining a custom op in Ranvier is as simple as defining: 1) the forward computation, and 2) the gradients of each operand in terms of the op node's gradient and the operand values. Although most of Ranvier's ops are defined to work exclusively on Tensure tensors, as an example, we can define ops that work on regular clojure numbers:

(defop a-times-b
  [a b]
  :out (* a b)
  :da (* b dout)
  :db (* a dout))

(r/evaluate (a-times-b 3 7))
; => 21

(let [g (G (a-times-b :a :b))
      vals (r/forward g {:a 3 :b 7})]
  (r/backward g vals [:a :b] 1))
; => {:b 3, :a 7}

Note that a-times-b evaluates to a java.lang.Long rather than to a Tensure object. The gradients are also Longs rather than Tensures. Note that we must provide a starting gradient (i.e. the gradient of the final graph output node) to backward as the fourth argument, because if we did not Ranvier would supply a gradient of #Tensure 1.0 (i.e. a Tensure scalar with value 1.0), which is incompatible with our definition of the gradients. (Optimization also will not work, because Ranvier assumes that all parameters to be optimized are Tensures. This is just a toy example.)

We can make also make version that takes an arbitrary number of operands:

(defop identity-op
  :v a
  :da dv)

(defn times
  [& operands]
  (if (= (count operands) 1)
    (identity-op (first operands))
    (reduce a-times-b operands)))

(let [g (G (named :out (times :b (times :a))))
      vals (r/forward g {:a 3 :b 7})]
  (println "Result: " (:out vals))
  (println "Gradients: " (r/backward g vals [:a :b] 1)))
;; Prints:
;;   Result:  21
;;   Gradients:  {:b 3, :a 7}

(let [g (G (named :out (times :a :b :c)))
      vals (r/forward g {:a 3 :b 7 :c 11})]
  (println "Results: " (:out vals))
  (println "Gradients: " (r/backward g vals [:a :b :c] 1)))
;; Prints:
;;   Results:  231
;;   Gradients:  {:c 21, :b 33, :a 77}

Constructing graphs

Node types

As implied above, Ranvier has three types of nodes:

  • constants - these have values that are defined at the time of graph construction; their values cannot change
  • inputs - these have values that must be provided at graph runtime (or, in the case of locally bound inputs in fork, that must be set from the value of another node at graph runtime)
  • ops - these are nodes constructed by ops - their values are calculated during forward propagation, not provided directly

op nodes are constructed every time you use an op. constant nodes are usually constructed by embedding a constant directly in the graph definition. input nodes are typically defined using a keyword. (G (+ 1 :a)), for example, constructs three nodes: a constant node (with value 1), an input node named :a, and an op node whose value will be determined during forward propagation to equal (+ 1 :a). Although constant and input nodes will typically be constructed "implicitly", it is also possible to construct them explicitly using the functions const and input. For example (G (+ (r/const (m/array 1)) (r/input :a))) is equivalent to (G (+ 1 :a)). Note, however, that in this case the Tensure object for 1 must be constructed explicitly as well.

(r/evaluate (G (+ 1
            {:a 3})
;; => #Tensure 4.0000

(r/evaluate (G (+ (r/const (m/array 1))
                  (r/input :a)))
            {:a 3})
;; => #Tensure 4.0000

Explicit construction is useful primarily for providing additional information about the node at construction-time. The section on initialization provides some examples of this type of scenario.

Type inference

Nodes have types (constant, input, or op), and their values also have types: most node values are Tensures, but some are other types (e.g. a tensor shape represented as a clojure vector, a map of options, or a keyword). For convenience, Ranvier allows you to provide tensors as Clojure vectors or numbers, and it will automatically construct Tensure objects from them. But it will only do this if it can infer that the constant or input should be a tensor (and should not be left as a regular Clojure vector). Ranvier's type inference works by type hints provided in op definitions: if an op provides an ^:nd type hint indicating that the operand must be a tensor, then any number of PersistentVector arguments provided for that operand are automatically converted into constant nodes.

;; The following two ops are identical, except the latter has an `^:nd` type hint.
(defop any-identity
  :v a
  :da dv)

(defop tensor-identity
  [^:nd a]
  :v a
  :da dv)

(r/evaluate (any-identity [1 2 3]))
;; => [1 2 3]

(r/evaluate (tensor-identity [1 2 3]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]

(r/evaluate (any-identity 1))
;; => 1

(r/evaluate (tensor-identity 1))
;; => #Tensure 1.0000

; In the above examples, `any-identity` leaves `[1 2 3]` and `1` as-is, while `tensor-identity` converts
; them into Tensure objects.

; Type inference and automatic conversion also applies to inputs:
(r/evaluate (any-identity :a) {:a [1 2 3]})
;; => [1 2 3]

(r/evaluate (tensor-identity :a) {:a [1 2 3]})
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]


There are some cases where it's useful to assign a node a value the first time a graph is run based on the values of other nodes. For example, suppose we want to calculate (mmul :some-parameter :some-input), and we don't know the value of :some-input in advance. We want to optimize :some-parameter, starting from some initial random value. In this case, we can explicitly construct an input node for :some-parameter and provide it with an initialization function. At runtime, this function will receive a map of node values computed thus far. It must return the starting value for the node.

(require '[tensure.core :as m])
(def g (G (mmul (r/input :some-parameter
                         (fn [input-map]
                           (m/sample-uniform [1 (m/row-count (:some-input input-map))])))

(r/forward g {:some-input [[1 2]
                           [3 4]]})
;; => {:some-input #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;                           [    3.0000,    4.0000]]
;;     :some-parameter #Tensure [[    0.1434,    0.2846]]
;;     :mmul34601 #Tensure [[    0.9970,    1.4250]]}

(r/forward g {:some-input [[1 2]
                           [3 4]
                           [5 6]]})
;; => {:some-input #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;                           [    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;                           [    5.0000,    6.0000]]
;;     :some-parameter #Tensure [[    0.8396,    0.1535,    0.3660]]
;;     :mmul34601 #Tensure [[    3.1299,    4.4889]]}

In the above example, :some-parameter will always be initialized to a row vector that has the same number of columns as there are rows in :some-input.

The only guarantee associated with initialization is that for any given single op node, operands with initializers will be evaluated after operands without initializers. If a single op node has multiple operands with initializers, the order in which they will be initialized is not guaranteed. The presence of values in the input-map for nodes that are not siblings of the node being initialized is also not guaranteed.


Ranvier provides a pluggable framework for optimization that includes a number of different functions. Since the details of this framework are a work-in-progress, this section provides just a brief summary of a single function, simple-optimize, which will be sufficient for many purposes.

Optimization results

simple-optimize takes two arguments: a graph and a map of options. If the option :full-result is set to true, then simple-optimize returns a full optimization result object; if it's false (the default), it returns only a map of optimized parameter values. When provided as the :prev-result option, the full optimization result includes all the information necessary for simple-optimize to resume optimization from the point at which it left off:

(def graph (G (-> (pow (- :a 3) 2)
                  (report (r/make-value-reporter "Value") (r/make-print-logger :space)))))

; When `:full-result` is `false`, `simple-optimize` returns the parameter values.
(r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 100
                          :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1}})
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000}

(def prev-result (r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 2
                                           :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                                         :report [:iteration]}
                                           :full-result true}))
;; Print:
;;   Value: 9.0  Iteration: 1
;;   Value: 5.76  Iteration: 2

(def next-result (r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 5
                                           :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                                         :report [:iteration]}
                                           :full-result true
                                           :prev-result prev-result}))
;; Prints:
;;   Value: 3.6864  Iteration: 3
;;   Value: 2.359296  Iteration: 4
;;   Value: 1.5099496  Iteration: 5
;;   Value: 0.96636784  Iteration: 6
;;   Value: 0.6184753  Iteration: 7

(r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 3
                          :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                        :report [:iteration]}
                          :prev-result next-result})
;; Prints:
;;   Value: 0.39582422  Iteration: 8
;;   Value: 0.2533274  Iteration: 9
;;   Value: 0.16212961  Iteration: 10


Ranvier can make use of arbitrary optimization functions that support a defined interface. It also provides a gradient descent-based optimizer that will suffice for many cases, including machine learning applications that require optimization over difficult, non-convex terrains. The :optimizer option may be either a function or keyword for useful presets: :sgd (stochastic gradient descent), :batch-gd (batch gradient descent), :momentum (gradient descent with momentum), :rms-prop (RMSProp), and :adam (a version of the Adam algorithm that is just RMSProp + momentum).

The :hyperparams option can be a map that is passed directly to the optimizer. The API docs include details on the options supported by gradient-descent-optimizer. The above example showed how to set gradient-descent-optimizers learning rate, as well as the :report option. :report is a seq of keys for information that should be logged on each iteration. Possible keys include: :iteration, :iteration-duration, :epoch, :epoch-duration, :batch, :batch-count, :elapsed-time, :mean-iteration-duration, :epoch-time-remaining, and :time-remaining. Note that this logging occurs at the end of each iteration, so it will follow any logging from the report op.


Batch optimization is enabled by specifying :batch-inputs and/or :batch-size hyperparams. The former is a map of input names to axes that should be split to generate the batches, and the latter is the target size of each subtensor along the split dimension. If :batch-inputs is omitted but :batch-size is provided, then all inputs will be batched along the 0th dimension. The last batch may be smaller than :batch-size.

(def g (G (report :a
                  (r/make-value-reporter ":a")
                  (r/make-print-logger :space))))
(def inputs {:a (m/array [[1 2 3 4 5 6]
                          [7 8 9 10 11 12]
                          [13 14 15 16 17 18]
                          [19 20 21 22 23 24]
                          [25 26 27 28 29 30]])})

; (Note that there are no parameters, so nothing is being optimized here. We're just running the graph
; for a defined number of iterations.)
; No batching.
(r/simple-optimize g {:hyperparams {:report [:iteration :batch :epoch]
                                    :iterations 2}
                      :inputs inputs})
;; Prints:
;;   :a: #Tensure [[  1.0000,  2.0000,  3.0000,  4.0000,  5.0000,  6.0000],
;;                 [  7.0000,  8.0000,  9.0000, 10.0000, 11.0000, 12.0000],
;;                 [ 13.0000, 14.0000, 15.0000, 16.0000, 17.0000, 18.0000],
;;                 [ 19.0000, 20.0000, 21.0000, 22.0000, 23.0000, 24.0000],
;;                 [ 25.0000, 26.0000, 27.0000, 28.0000, 29.0000, 30.0000]]  Iteration: 1  Batch: 1  Epoch: 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[  1.0000,  2.0000,  3.0000,  4.0000,  5.0000,  6.0000],
;;                 [  7.0000,  8.0000,  9.0000, 10.0000, 11.0000, 12.0000],
;;                 [ 13.0000, 14.0000, 15.0000, 16.0000, 17.0000, 18.0000],
;;                 [ 19.0000, 20.0000, 21.0000, 22.0000, 23.0000, 24.0000],
;;                 [ 25.0000, 26.0000, 27.0000, 28.0000, 29.0000, 30.0000]]  Iteration: 2  Batch: 1  Epoch: 2

; Split all inputs into batches of size 2 along axis 0
(r/simple-optimize g {:hyperparams {:report [:iteration :batch :epoch]
                                    :batch-size 2
                                    :iterations 6}
                      :inputs inputs})
;; Prints:
;;   :a: #Tensure [[  1.0000,  2.0000,  3.0000,  4.0000,  5.0000,  6.0000],
;;                 [  7.0000,  8.0000,  9.0000, 10.0000, 11.0000, 12.0000]]  Iteration: 1  Batch: 1  Epoch 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[ 13.0000, 14.0000, 15.0000, 16.0000, 17.0000, 18.0000],
;;                 [ 19.0000, 20.0000, 21.0000, 22.0000, 23.0000, 24.0000]]  Iteration: 2  Batch: 2  Epoch 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[ 25.0000, 26.0000, 27.0000, 28.0000, 29.0000, 30.0000]]  Iteration: 3  Batch: 3  Epoch 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[  1.0000,  2.0000,  3.0000,  4.0000,  5.0000,  6.0000],
;;                 [  7.0000,  8.0000,  9.0000, 10.0000, 11.0000, 12.0000]]  Iteration: 4  Batch: 1  Epoch 2
;;   :a: #Tensure [[ 13.0000, 14.0000, 15.0000, 16.0000, 17.0000, 18.0000],
;;                 [ 19.0000, 20.0000, 21.0000, 22.0000, 23.0000, 24.0000]]  Iteration: 5  Batch: 2  Epoch 2
;;   :a: #Tensure [[ 25.0000, 26.0000, 27.0000, 28.0000, 29.0000, 30.0000]]  Iteration: 6  Batch: 3  Epoch 2
; Note that the last input is of size 1, because the total number of rows is not evenly divisible by the
; batch size.

; Split input :a into batches of size 3 along axis 1.
(r/simple-optimize g {:hyperparams {:report [:iteration :batch :epoch]
                                    :batch-size 3
                                    :batch-inputs {:a 1}
                                    :iterations 4}
                      :inputs inputs})
;; Prints:
;;   :a: #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000],
;;                 [    7.0000,    8.0000,    9.0000],
;;                 [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000],
;;                 [   19.0000,   20.0000,   21.0000],
;;                 [   25.0000,   26.0000,   27.0000]]  Iteration: 1  Batch: 1  Epoch: 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000],
;;                 [   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000],
;;                 [   16.0000,   17.0000,   18.0000],
;;                 [   22.0000,   23.0000,   24.0000],
;;                 [   28.0000,   29.0000,   30.0000]]  Iteration: 2  Batch: 2  Epoch: 1
;;   :a: #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000],
;;                 [    7.0000,    8.0000,    9.0000],
;;                 [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000],
;;                 [   19.0000,   20.0000,   21.0000],
;;                 [   25.0000,   26.0000,   27.0000]]  Iteration: 3  Batch: 1  Epoch: 2
;;   :a: #Tensure [[    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000],
;;                 [   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000],
;;                 [   16.0000,   17.0000,   18.0000],
;;                 [   22.0000,   23.0000,   24.0000],
;;                 [   28.0000,   29.0000,   30.0000]]  Iteration: 4  Batch: 2  Epoch: 2

Async optimization

When the :async option is set to true, simple-optimize will launch optimization in a new thread and return immediately rather than blocking until optimization is complete (the default behavior). The return value is a function that when called will stop optimization and return either the full result or a map of optimized parameter values.

; This op just propagates values forward and backward unchanged, but introduces a delay for demonstration
; purposes.
(defop slow-it-down
  :v (do (Thread/sleep 100)
  :da dv)

(def graph (G (slow-it-down (pow (- :a 3) 2))))
(r/simple-optimize graph {:iterations 100
                          :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                        :report [:iteration :mean-iteration-duration]}})
; About every 100 ms, 'Iteration # Mean iteration duration: 1xx ms' is printed
; After ~10 s (100 iterations * 100 ms/iteration):
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000}

(def stop-optimization (r/simple-optimize graph {:full-result true
                                                 :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                                               :report [:iteration :mean-iteration-duration]}
                                                 :async true}))
; `simple-optimize` immediately returns:
;; => #function[ranvier.core/simple-optimize/fn--10922]
; Every 100 ms, 'Iteration # Mean iteration duration: 1xx ms' is printed

(Thread/sleep 5000)
(def result (stop-optimization))
;; => an optimization result, returned after the next iteration is complete
; Optimization stops at ~iteration 50

; We can resume optimization from the point at which we stopped.
(def get-result (r/simple-optimize graph {:prev-result result
                                          :hyperparams {:learning-rate 0.1
                                                        :report [:iteration :mean-iteration-duration]}
                                          :async true}))
;; => #function[ranvier.core/simple-optimize/fn--10922]
; About every 100 ms, 'Iteration # Mean iteration duration: 1xx ms' is printed, starting at ~iteration 50

(Thread/sleep 5000) ; Allow enough time for ~50 more iterations.
;; => {:a #Tensure 3.0000}

Note that with asynchronous optimization, :iterations is not specified. Optimization will continue indefinitely until the stop-optimization function is called.

Inputs, parameters, and state

As described in the section on node types, input nodes have values that must be provided before the graph can be run (or else an initializer must be provided). In addition, input node values can be calculated from a subgraph within a fork. Thus, input nodes are used in a few different ways in Ranvier:

  • as true inputs - these have values that are provided and that do not change within the context of a particular optimization problem. Example: the training data in a machine learning problem.
  • as parameters - these have values that the optimizer will change after each iteration of optimization; their initial values must be provided (or else an initializer must be provided), but otherwise their values are varied to minimize the value of the graph's root node. Example: the weight matrix in a densely connected forward neural network model
  • as state - these have values that will change as a result of merely running the graph; their values may change many times within a single iteration. Example: a recurrence target in fork; the 'state' value of a recurrent neural network layer.

You can provide values for each of these types of inputs using the :inputs, :params, and :state options to simple-optimize.

(def g (G (-> (fork [:a (->> (range 0 5)
                             (map m/array))]
                    [:counter :counter]
                    [(+ :counter :step-size)])
              (report (r/make-value-reporter "Output") (r/make-print-logger :newline)))))

(def result (r/simple-optimize g {:iterations 3
                                  :inputs {:step-size 2}
                                  :state {:counter 0}
                                  :full-result true}))
;; Prints:
;;   Output: #Tensure [[         0,    2.0000,    4.0000,    6.0000,    8.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   10.0000,   12.0000,   14.0000,   16.0000,   18.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   20.0000,   22.0000,   24.0000,   26.0000,   28.0000]]

; State is maintained in the optimization result, so we can resume optimization where we left off.
(r/simple-optimize g {:iterations 3
                      :prev-result result})
;; Prints:
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   30.0000,   32.0000,   34.0000,   36.0000,   38.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   40.0000,   42.0000,   44.0000,   46.0000,   48.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   50.0000,   52.0000,   54.0000,   56.0000,   58.0000]]

; We can change `:step-size` and the starting value of `:counter`.
(r/simple-optimize g {:iterations 3
                      :inputs {:step-size -3}
                      :state {:counter 100}})
;; Prints:
;;   Output: #Tensure [[  100.0000,   97.0000,   94.0000,   91.0000,   88.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   85.0000,   82.0000,   79.0000,   76.0000,   73.0000]]
;;   Output: #Tensure [[   70.0000,   67.0000,   64.0000,   61.0000,   58.0000]]

The fork in the above example assigns the initial value of the local :counter input to be the value of :counter itself, which on the first iteration is read from the :state map provided to simple-optimize. The fork takes 5 steps on each iteration, changing :counter with each step. As a state input, the value of :counter is maintained across optimization runs. This type of recurrence--where a local input's initial value in a fork depends on its own value--is the only way in which state can enter a Ranvier graph.


If you find a bug or would like a feature, then please open a GitHub issue. Even better, please submit a pull request.


Copyright © 2019 Casey Guenthner

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A Clojure numerical optimization and machine learning library







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