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Tensure is a Clojure library for working with N-dimensional single precision numeric arrays (tensors). It uses nd4j for most of its functionality but provides a Clojure-friendly API based largely on core.matrix with some important differences. Although Tensure should be useful for a wide range of numerical computing applications, it was designed specifically to facilitate neural network model architecture research and has some limitations as a result (in particular, see information on Data types and Hardware architecture.

Getting Started

Add tensure to your dependencies. If using leiningen, add the following to your :dependencies in project.clj:

[tensure "0.1.0"]

Require the core namespace (m as an alias is convention for most other Clojure matrix math libraries):

(require '[tensure.core :as m])

Consult the API docs for details. Since Tensure uses nd4j on the backend, it may also be helpful to check out the nd4j overview. The remainder of this overview assumes a basic knowledge of tensor operations. Note that most of the examples below operate on vectors and matrices for simplicitly but that most operations generalize to higher dimensional arrays.

Creating tensors

There are several ways to create Tensures:

  1. From Clojure data structures using array:

    (m/array [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]])
    ;; Creates a 2 x 3 matrix:
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000],
    ;;     [    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000]]

    There are a few more specialized functions for constructing tensors of particular dimensionality: scalar and scalar-array (these are aliases for the same function) for constructing a scalar from a Java number and matrix for constructing a 2-dimensional tensor from a Clojure data structure. These differ from array only in that they will throw Exceptions if the input data is not of the expected dimensionality.

  2. Ex nihilo, with elements drawn from a variety of distributions:

    (m/zeros [2 3])
    ;; Creates a 2 x 3 matrix (2-dimensional tensor) filled with 0's:
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[         0,         0,         0],
    ;;     [         0,         0,         0]]
    (m/ones [3])
    ;; Creates a 3-element vector (1-dimensional tensor) filled with 1's:
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[    1.0000,    1.0000,    1.0000]]
    (m/filled [3 2 2] 7)
    ;; Creates a 3 x 2 x 2 tensor filled with 7's:
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[[    7.0000,    7.0000],
    ;;      [    7.0000,    7.0000]],
    ;;     [[    7.0000,    7.0000],
    ;;      [    7.0000,    7.0000]],
    ;;     [[    7.0000,    7.0000],
    ;;      [    7.0000,    7.0000]]]
    (m/filled nil Math/PI)
    ;; Creates a scalar (0-dimensional tensor) equal to the specified number.
    ;; `nil` is the shape of a scalar.
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    3.1416
    (m/sample-rand-int [1 4] 7)
    ;; Creates a 1 x 4 matrix filled with elements drawn from a uniform random distribution of integers
    ;; over [0, 7).
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[    4.0000,    2.0000,    2.0000,    5.0000]]
    ;; Another call returns a different result.
    (m/sample-rand-int [1 4] 7)
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[    6.0000,    1.0000,    4.0000,    5.0000]]
    (m/sample-uniform [4 1])
    ;; Creates a 4 x 1 matrix drawn from a uniform distribution over [0, 1).
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [0.1760,
    ;;     0.2056,
    ;;     0.9059,
    ;;     0.5968]
    (m/sample-normal [2 2])
    ;; Creates a 2 x 2 matrix drawn from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1.
    ;; => #Tensure
    ;;    [[    0.3159,    1.0631],
    ;;     [    1.6751,    1.3199]]
    ;; Functions that produce tensors filled with random numbers all take as an optional last argument a seed
    ;; for a shared random-number generator (RNG):
    (m/sample-rand-int [1 3] 10 0) ; => #Tensure [[    9.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000]]
    (m/sample-rand-int [1 3] 10 0) ; => #Tensure [[    9.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000]]
    ;; The above two function calls both return the same value, because the RNG is reset with seed = 0 before
    ;; each tensor is generated.
    ;; The RNG seed can also be reset globally:
    (m/set-rng-seed! 0)
    (m/sample-uniform [3]) ;; => #Tensure [    0.9968,    0.7879,    0.8322]
    (m/sample-normal [2]) ;; => #Tensure [   -1.2816,   -1.3209]
    (m/sample-rand-int nil 100) ;; => #Tensure 24.0000
    The above 4 function calls will always produce the same output.
  3. From other Tensures using clone (more on this below):

    (def a (m/array [1 2 3]))
    (def b (m/clone a))
    ;; a and b are distinct objects pointing to distinct underlying data

Some general principles

Views and mutation

In order to work effectively with tensors, it's necessary to understand some details of how tensors and operations on them are implemented. A tensor essentially consists of a pointer to the data (an array of floats) and some metadata about how those data are "organized" with respect to the tensor's axes. (See also nd4j's documentation on NDArrays: How Are They Stored In Memory.) Some operations on tensors can be performed merely by changing the metatdata. For instance, reshaping a tensor (turning a 4-element vector into a 2x2 matrix, for example) doesn't change the underlying data: it changes only the number of axes and/or the size of the axes. Similarly, transposing a tensor doesn't changing the data it contains: it changes only the arrangement of those data with respect to the tensor's axes. Reshaping and transposing could be achieved by copying the original data into a new linear array in an order determined by the operation, and this would require O(n) time, where n is the total number of elements. But the metadata can be changed in constant time. Changing the metatdata--rather than copying the data itself--can greatly speed up many computations, so this is how tensors are implemented in nd4j. However, this means that multiple tensors that appear to be different actually reference the same underlying data.

(def a (m/array [[1 2] [3 4]]))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;     [    3.0000,    4.0000]]

(def ta (m/transpose a))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    3.0000],
;;     [    2.0000,    4.0000]]

(def ra (m/reshape a [4]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000]]

(m/same-data? a ta ra)
;; => true

(m/same-data? a (m/array [[1 2] [3 4]]))
;; => false

(m/same-data? a (m/clone ta))
;; => false

Given a series of tensor arguments, same-data? returns true iff they all share the same underlying data. ta and ra look like different tensors from a: they all have the same set of elements, but the arrangement of those elements is different. Nonetheless, they all share the same underlying data. Conceptually, this should not be foregin to Clojure programmers: Clojure's fast immutable data structures are possible because they share data--every change to one of them does not result in the entire data structure being copied. Structural sharing is not a problem when the data are fully immutable. The problem arises when the data are mutable. Consider what happens when operating on these data:

(def b (m/array [[10 20] [30 40]]))
(def a+b (m/add a b))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   11.0000,   22.0000],
;;     [   33.0000,   44.0000]]

a ; evaluate a
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;     [    3.0000,    4.0000]]

add returns a new tensor with new underlying data (a and b remain unchanged). No problem here. In contrast, add! places the result in the first argument:

(m/add! a b)
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   11.0000,   22.0000],
;;     [   33.0000,   44.0000]]

ta ; evaluate ta
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   11.0000,   22.0000],
;;     [   33.0000,   44.0000]]

ra ; evaluate ra
:; #Tensure [[   11.0000,   22.0000,   33.0000,   44.0000]]

b ; evaluate b
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   10.0000,   20.0000],
;;     [   30.0000,   40.0000]]
;; b remains unchanged; only the first argument is mutated

This is exactly the type of problem Clojure was designed to avoid: we can have a piece of code (like (m/add! a b)) that looks like it's at most modifying a, but since a, ta, and ra share data, they are all modified. In general, if you never use a Tensure function with ! you can think of tensors as immutable and avoid this complication entirely. However, tensor operations are frequently performance bottlencks, and sometimes the complication of introducing mutability is acceptable for the sake of speed. For example:

(def a (m/sample-uniform [1e4 1e4]))
(def b (m/sample-uniform [1e4 1e4]))

(def mutation-result (time (-> (m/div a b)
                               (m/sub! b)
                               (m/pow! (m/array 2))
                               (m/mul! a)
;; "Elapsed time: 1019.628086 msecs"

(def copy-result (time (-> (m/div a b)
                           (m/sub b)
                           (m/pow (m/array 2))
                           (m/mul a)
;; "Elapsed time: 2070.693558 msecs"

(m/equals copy-result mutation-result)
 ;; => true

The calculation used for mutation-result performs a division and places the result in a new tensor; it then uses a series of mutable operations to modify this result. The calculation used for copy-result copies the data at every step of the computation. The two calculations produce the same result, but the former is about twice as fast in this quick-and-dirty benchmark. The mutable operations (those suffixed with !) are provided for cases where they can improve performance over the copying version of the operation. If you do need to use functions with ! for performance reasons, then it's important to remember that other tensors could be referencing the same underlying data. Note, however, that the mutating operations will not always be meaningfully faster. Whether they are or not depends on the amount of the data, the nature of the operations, and the architecture executing the computation. Regardelss, you should think of tensors as "views" over some data and clearly distinguish between the "view" and the data.

To further complicate matters, some operations, given an input tensor, can return a new view over the same data or copy the data and return a tensor referencing that copied data:

(m/same-data? a (m/transpose a))
;; => true

(m/same-data? a (m/transpose (m/transpose a)))
;; => true

(m/same-data? a (m/reshape a [4]))
;; => true

(m/same-data? a (m/transpose (m/reshape a [4])))
;; => true

(m/same-data? a (m/reshape (m/transpose a) [4]))
;; => false

Note that the result of reshaping and then transposing a is a view over the original data of a, while the result of transposing and then reshaping a references a different underlying data structure from a.

Equality semantics

Two tensors, a and b, are equal if: 1) they are the same shape, and 2) for every possible element index (i, j, ... ), a[i, j, ...] == b[i, j, ...], where == is standard numerical equality. Thus:

(def a (m/array [1 2 3]))

(= a (m/array [1 2 3]))
;; => true

(= a (m/add (m/array [0 1 2])
            (m/ones [3])))
;; => true

(= a (m/transpose a))
;; => true
;; Since `a` is a vector, `a` and `(m/transpose a)` both have shape [3] with elements [1 2 3]. Tensure does
;; not distinguish between column and row vectors. On the other hand:

(m/equals a (m/reshape a [1 3]))
;; => false
;; `a` is a vector, and `(m/reshape a [1 3])` is a matrix. The former has shape [3] and the latter shape [1 3].
;; Their dimensionalities are different.

(m/equals (m/array [[1 2 3]]) (m/array [[1] [2] [3]]))
;; => false
;; Row and column matrices are different.

Equality can appear to break down only when mutation is introduced:

(= a (m/add! a (m/ones [3])))
;; => true

The above example looks like it should evaluate to false: 1 + x != x. But since (m/add! a (m/ones [3])) is evaluated prior to evaluation of the equality, a is updated with the result of the addition before the equality is evaluated.

Data types

Currently, all Tensure data are stored as single-precision floating point values. nd4j supports double-precision floating point arrays, and modifying Tensure to support them should be relatively simple. If you need double precision, consider contributing.

Hardware architecture

Currently, Tensure uses nd4j's CPU backend. nd4j also has a backend for NVIDIA CUDA-compatible GPUs, and updating Tensure to use CUDA should (theoretically) be trivial. If you'd like to run Tensure on a GPU (or on multiple GPU's), consider contributing.

Getting information about tensors

The following table gives an overview of the functions Tensure provides for getting information about tensors. Note that dimensions/axes are identified by indices starting at 0.

Function Returns
array? true iff the argument is a Tensure tensor
rank / dimensionality Number of dimensions in the tensor
shape shape of the tensor as a vector of integers
scalar? true iff the argument is a 0-dimensional tensor (scalar)
vec? true iff the argument is a 1-dimensional tensor (vector)
matrix? true iff the argument is a 2-dimensional tensor (matrix)
dimension-count (dimension-count tensor dimension-index) returns the size of the dimension indicated by dimension-index in tensor
row-count Size of the first dimension (index 0); same as (dimension-count tensor 0)
column-count Size of the second dimension (index 1); same as (dimension-count tensor 1)
ecount Total number of elements in a tensor

Conversion between tensors and Java/Clojure types

The section on Creating tensors describes how to convert Clojure data structures and numbers into Tensure tensors. There are also a handful of functions for converting Tensure tensors into Clojure/Java data types:

Function Description
sclar->number Converts a Tensure scalar into a java.lang.Float
->number Converts a Java number or a Tensure scalar into a Java number
->int Like ->number but coerces the result into an integer
eseq Returns a Clojure seq of the elements of a tensor in row-major order
array->vector Converts a Tensure tensor into a clojure.lang.PersistentVector representation (e.g. a vector of vectors for a matrix)


Tensor operations

Tensure includes many functions for operating on tensors. There are few general points that are useful to keep in mind while learning the API:

  • The API is very similar to core.matrix, but Tensure does not (yet) implement the core.matrix interfaces. Moreover, Tensure does not have equivalents of all core.matrix functions, and it has some functions that do not exist in core.matrix.
  • Operations typically only work on tensors. For example, (m/add (m/array [1 2 3]) (m/array 2)) is valid, but (m/add (m/array [1 2 3]) 2) will throw an exception, because 2 (a java.lang.Long) is not an acceptable argument to m/add. This requirement provides consistency and also avoids silent performance degradations from implicit conversions: because moving large data structures in and out of the JVM or between devices (e.g. a CPU and a GPU) can be costly, requiring explicit construction of data on the device makes it easier to debug performance problems.
  • Scalars are 0-dimensional and are considered immutable for many operations.
  • Some functions require that an axis or axes be specified. Axes are identified by indices starting at 0. For matrices, rows are along axis 0 and columns are along axis 1. In some cases, functions can take multiple axes as a vector (e.g. [0 1] specifies rows and columns of a matrix).
  • Shapes are vectors of integers. The shape of a scalar is [] or nil. The shape of a vector is a 1-dimensional Clojure vector (e.g. [3] is the shape of a 3-element vector). [7 3 2 6 9 11] is the shape of a 6-dimensional tensor.
  • The word "vector" sometimes applies to a clojure.lang.PersistentVector and sometimes to a 1-dimensional Tensure. The type should be clear from context.
  • As discussed above, functions suffixed with ! mutate an argument. Generally it is the first argument that is mutated.
  • Functions that mutate an argument often also return the mutated input argument. For instance, (m/add! a b) evaluates to a.

Below are summaries and examples of tensor functions. Consult the API docs for details.


nd4j and core.matrix both support "broadcasting", as do other popular tensor libraries, such as numpy. "Broadcasting" is duplication of a tensor along some axis(es) to match a particular shape. The rules for which shapes can be broadcast to which shapes differ between core.matrix and numpy. Tensure implements its own broadcasting functionality with rules that are similar but not identical to those used by numpy. Broadcasting is most easily understood by looking at examples, so you may wish to skip the more formal description and just look at the examples below. The algorithm for determining if shape a can be broadcast to shape b is as follows:

  1. If a is of higher dimensionality than b, then a cannot be broadcast to b.
  2. Otherwise, a and b are aligned such that the last (i-th) dimension of a is matched with the last (j-th) dimension of b, the (i-1)th dimension of a is matched with the (j-1)-th dimension of b, etc.
  3. a can be broadcast to b if the size of every dimension of a is equal to 1 or to the size of the aligned dimension of b.
  4. If a cannot be broadcast to b with the present alignment, then a is shifted to the left relative to b such that the (i-th) dimension of a is matched with the (j-1)th dimension of b, the (i-1)th dimention of a is matched with the (j-2)th dimension of b, etc. The test in step 3 is repeated.
  5. a is shifted left relative to b until a matching alignment is found, or until the 0th dimension of a is unmatched (i.e. until a has been shifted out of the range of b), in which case a cannot be broadcast to b.

The broadcasting operation itself is performed as follows:

  1. Maintaining the alignment from above, shape a is padded with 1's at the beginning and end to match the dimensionality of b.
  2. A tensor with shape a is reshaped to the padded shape found in step 1. (That is, some leading and trailing dimensions of size 1 may be added.)
  3. For all dimensions where the broadcasted ("source") tensor has size 1 and the target shape has size > 1, the source tensor is repeated to match the size of the target shape.


;; A 3-element vector can be broadcast to [2 3], because the shapes align as follows:
;; [2 3]
;;   [3]
(m/broadcast (m/array [1 2 3]) [2 3])
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000],
;;     [    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]

;; A 1x3 matrix can also be broadcast to [2 3]:
;; [2 3]
;; [1 3]
(m/broadcast (m/array [[1 2 3]]) [2 3])
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000],
;;     [    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]

;; A 2-element vector can be broadcast to [2 3], because the shapes align as follows:
;; [2 3]
;; [2]
(m/broadcast (m/array [1 2]) [2 3])
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    1.0000,    1.0000],
;;     [    2.0000,    2.0000,    2.0000]]

;; A matrix with shape [1 2], cannot be broadcast to shape [2 3], because the shapes do not align:
;; X [2 3]
;; [1 2]X  <- This doesn't work
(m/broadcast (m/array [[1 2]]) [2 3])
;; => Exception

;; A 2-element vector can be broadcast to shape [2 2]. The vector is repeated along the leading axis, because
;; the vector's axis is paired with the trailing dimension:
;; [2 2]
;;   [2]
(m/broadcast (m/array [1 2]) [2 2])
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;     [    1.0000,    2.0000]

;; In the example immediately above, if you wanted the vector to be repeated along the trailing axis (i.e. be
;; columns rather than rows), you would have to explicitly reshape it to make the dimensions match as desired:
;; [2 2]
;; [2 1]
(m/broadcast (m/reshape (m/array [1 2])
                        [2 1])
             [2 2])
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    1.0000,    1.0000],
;;     [    2.0000,    2.0000]]

broadcast takes a source tensor and a target shape. Another function, broadcast-like, takes a source tensor and a target tensor, and broadcasts the former to the shape of the latter. It's equivalent to (m/broadcast source-tensor (m/shape target-tensor)).

Broadcasting can be done explicitly using broadcast or broadcast-like as demonstrated above. It is also done implicitly by all elementwise arithmetic operations. As an example, consider elementwise addition using add:

;; If adding a 3-element vector to a 2x3 matrix, the vector is implicitly broadcast to 2x3 before the
;; addition is performed.
(m/add (m/array [[1 2 3]
                 [4 5 6]])
       (m/array [10 20 30]))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   11.0000,   22.0000,   33.0000],
;;     [   14.0000,   25.0000,   36.0000]]

(m/add (m/array [[1 2 3]
                 [4 5 6]])
       (m/array [10 20]))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[   11.0000,   12.0000,   13.0000],
;;     [   24.0000,   25.0000,   26.0000]]

Mutating arithmetic operations also perform implicit broadcasting, but the largest of the operands must be first. Otherwise, the result of the operation would not fit in the desired location.

(def a (m/array [[1 2 3]
                 [4 5 6]]))
(def b (m/array [1 2 3]))

(m/add! b a)
;; => Exception
;; The result would be shape [2 3], but the first argument is of shape [3].

(m/add! a b)
a ; Evaluate a
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    2.0000,    4.0000,    6.0000],
;;     [    5.0000,    7.0000,    9.0000]]

Operations on tensors and scalars can be considered a special case of broadcasting:

(m/add (m/array [[1 2 3]
                 [4 5 6]])
       (m/array 7))
;; => #Tensure
;;    [[    8.0000,    9.0000,   10.0000],
;;     [   11.0000,   12.0000,   13.0000]]

Broadcasting in Tensure differs from broadcasting in numpy and core.matrix in a few ways.

  • In numpy two tensors can be broadcast to create a result that is a larger shape than either operand. For instance, in numpy operands with the following shapes can be implicilty broadcast to produce a result of the indicated shape:

    Operand A Shape: [8 1 6 1]
    Operand B Shape:   [7 1 5]
    Result:          [8 7 6 5] <- This works in numpy but not in Tensure.

    In contrast, in Tensure one tensor must be strictly smaller than the other, and the result of an elementwise operation will always have the same shape as the argument with more elements. Numpy effectively performs broadcasting at the level of an axis, while Tensure performs broadcasting at the level of an entire tensor. In this sense, broadcasting in Tensure is more restrictive than broadcasting in numpy.

  • Both numpy and core.matrix require that the trailing dimensions of the target shape be matched with a dimension of the source shape, while Tensure will append dimensions of size 1 to the source shape in order to match the target shape. For instance, as shown above, in Tensure a 2-element vector (shape [2]) can be broadcast to shape [2 3]: the vector is repeated as columns to produce a matrix of shape [2 3]. Neither numpy nor core.matrix would support this operation directly. Numpy would require that the vector be reshaped to [2 1] before being broadcast to [2 3]. It could be achieved in core.matrix only by permuting the axes: (m/transpose (m/broadcast (m/array [1 2]) [3 2])) (i.e. the 2-element vector is broadcast to shape [3 2], and then the axes of the results are swapped). In this sense, broadcasting in Tensure is more liberal than broadcasting in numpy and core.matrix.

  • core.matrix will not broadcast a dimension of size 1 to some greater size. The shape of the source tensor must match exactly the trailing dimensions of the target tensor. For instance, core.matrix will not directly broadcast a tensor of shape [1 3] to shape [2 3], though it can broadcast a vector of shape [3] to shape [2 3].

Implicit broadcasting makes it simpler to specify many operations, but it can also make it more difficult to catch bugs. If there were no implicit broadcasting, any shape mismatch in the arguments to an elementwise operation would generate an exception. With implicit broadcasting, some shape mismatches lead to silent broadcasting. While writing code using Tensure, it's important to keep track of the expected shapes of intermediate results to avoid bugs produced by implicit broadcasting when it is not intended. In general, when performing complex tensor manipulations, assertions that intermediate results are of the desired shape can catch many problems.


Copying Mutating Operation
add add! +
sub sub!
mul mul! *
div div! /
negate unary –
pow pow! ^/**
abs abs!
log log! base e log
log10 log10! base 10 log
sqrt sqrt!
min min Elementwise minimum
max max Elementwise maximum
cos cos! cosine
sin sin! sine
tan tan! tangent
acos acos! arccosine
asin asin! arcsine
atan atan! arctangent
cosh cosh! hyperbolic cosine
tanh tanh! hyperbolic tangent
sinh sinh! hyperbolic sine


Elementwise comparison operators only receive two arguments. Boolean values in Tensure are represented as floats: 1.0 for true and 0.0 for false.

Copying Mutating Operation
eq eq! =
ne ne! !=
gt gt! >
lt lt! <
le le! <=
ge ge! >=

equals is semantically equivalent to the standard Clojure = when applied to tensors.

Linear algebra

Copying Operation
mmul scalars: product
vectors: inner product
matrices: matrix product
tensors: tensor dot product
outer-product outer product


Reducing functions with names prefixed with an e take a single tensor and return a scalar aggregate value over all elements in that tensor:

Over all elements
emax maxmium
emin minimum
esum sum
emean arithmetic mean
estdev standard deviation

Reducing functions with names suffixed with -along aggregate values along an axes or axes. They all have two arities like:

(sum along tensor axes)
(sum-along tesnor axes collapse)

where axes is a single axis or an array of axes, and collapse is a boolean (default true) indicating whether or not to remove the reduced dimensions.

Over an axis/axes
sum-along sum
max-along maximum
min-along minimum


(def a (m/array [[1 2] [3 4]]))
(def c (m/sum-along a 0))  ; => #Tensure [[    4.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape c)                ; => [2]

(def d (m/sum-along a 1))  ; => #Tensure [[    3.0000,    7.0000]]
(m/shape d)                ; => [2]

(def e (m/sum-along a [0 1])) ; => #Tensure 10.0000
(m/shape e)                   ; => nil

(def f (m/sum-along a 0 false)) ; => #Tensure [[    4.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape f)                     ; => [1 2]

(def g (m/sum-along a 1 false)) ; => #Tensure [3.0000,
(m/shape g)                     ; => [2 1]

(def h (m/sum-along a [0 1] false)) ; => #Tensure 10.0000
(m/shape h)                         ; => [1 1]

argmax-along and argmin-along accept a tensor and an axis/axes and redurn the indices of the minimum and maximum. If multiple axes are provided, then the index returned is the index within the reduced axes, in row major order.

Over an axis/axes
argmax-along argmax
argmin-along argmin


(def a (m/array [[1 3 2]
                 [0 1 3]
                 [0 3 4]]))
(def b (m/argmax-along a 0))  ; => #Tensure [         0,         0,    2.0000]
(m/shape b)  ; => [3]

(m/argmax-along a 1)  ; => #Tensure [    1.0000,    2.0000,    2.0000]

(def c (m/argmax-along a [0 1]))  ; => #Tensure 8.0000
(m/shape c)  ; => nil

(m/argmin-along a 0)  ; => #Tensure [    1.0000,    1.0000,         0]
(m/argmin-along a 1)  ; => #Tensure [         0,         0,         0]
(m/argmin-along a [0 1])  ; => #Tensure 3.0000


submatrix returns a view over a subregion of a tensor:

(def a (m/array [[1 3 2]
                 [0 1 3]
                 [0 3 4]]))

; Select 2 rows (along dimension 0) starting at index 1, and keep all slices through other dimensions.
; The arguments are like (m/submatrix tensor dimension-index [start-index length]).
(def b (m/submatrix a 0 [1 2]))
;; => #Tensure [[         0,    1.0000,    3.0000],
;;              [         0,    3.0000,    4.0000]]
(m/shape b)  ; => [2 3]
(m/same-data? a b)  ; => true

; Select 1 column (along dimension 1) starting at index 2
(def c (m/submatrix a 1 [2 1]))
;; => #Tensure [2.0000,
;;              3.0000,
;;              4.0000]
(m/shape c)  ; => [3 1]

; You can alternatively provide a seq of tuples like [start-index length] for multiple axes.
; Select 1 row and 2 columns starting at [2, 0].
(m/submatrix a [[2 1] [0 2]])
;; => #Tensure [[         0,    3.0000]]

; For matrices, there is a special arity like:
; (m/submatrix row-start row-count col-start col-count)
; Starting at row 0, select 3 rows; starting at column 2, select 1 column
(m/submatrix 0 3 2 1)
;; => #Tensure [2.0000,
;;              3.0000,
;;              4.0000]

select-range accepts a tensor and a number of additional arguments equal to the tensor's dimensionality. Each argument can be:

  • a number - to select a slice through that dimension, eliminating the dimension
  • [start stop] - to select a continuous range of slices along that dimension (inclusive of start, exclusive of stop)
  • [start stop step] - to select every step-th slice in [start, stop)
  • a keyword - one of the following: :first, :last, :all, :butlast, :rest

The ranges accepted by select-range are semantically equivalent to the arguments accepted by clojure.core/range.

(def a (m/array [[1 2 3 4]
                 [5 6 7 8]
                 [9 10 11 12]
                 [13 14 15 16]]))
(def b (m/select-range a [1 4] [1 3]))
;; => #Tensure [[    6.0000,    7.0000],
;;              [   10.0000,   11.0000],
;;              [   14.0000,   15.0000]]
(m/same-data? a b)  ; => true

(def c (m/select-range a [0 5 2] [0 3 2]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    3.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,   11.0000]]
(m/same-data? a c)  ; => true

;; Different types of selections can be used for different dimensions.
(def d (m/select-range a 1 [2 4]))  ; => #Tensure [[    7.0000,    8.0000]]
(m/shape d)  ; => 2

;; Note that a single-index selection eliminates a dimension, while a range selection includes all dimensions.
(def e (m/select-range a 2 3)) ; => #Tensure 12.0000
(m/shape e)  ; => nil

(def f (m/select-range a [2 2] [3 3]))  ; => #Tensure 12.0000
(m/shape f)  ; => [1 1]

(def g (m/select-range a :butlast :first))  ; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    5.0000,    9.0000]]
(m/shape g)  ; => [3]

select-axis-range is like select-range, except that it takes a selection through only a single dimension, taking arguments like: (m/select-axis-range tensor axis selection). Continuing the example above,

(m/select-axis-range a 0 2)  ; => #Tensure [[    9.0000,   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000]]
(m/select-axis-range a 1 [1 3])  ; => #Tensure [[    2.0000,    3.0000],
                                                [    6.0000,    7.0000],
                                                [   10.0000,   11.0000],
                                                [   14.0000,   15.0000]]
(m/select-axis-range a 0 :first)  ; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000]]

There are analagous functions, set-range! and set-axis-range!, that take an additional argument, a tensor of the same size as the selection, and set the selected elements to the corresponding values in that tensor. See the information below on setting operations.

Splitting and joining

There are a few functions that return sequences of tensors:

Function Description
slices (m/slices tensor axis-index) returns a seq of slices along some dimension. Each slice has one fewer dimensions than the input tensor.
rows (m/rows tensor) returns a seq of slices through the first (index 0) dimension (rows if the tensor is a matrix)
columns (m/columns tensor) returns a seq of slices through the second (index 1) dimension (columns if the tensor is a matrix.)
partition-along (m/partition-along tensor axis-index partition-size step-size) splits the tensor into chunks of partition-size spaced by step-size along some axis. Analagous to clojure.core/partition-all but for tensors and an arbitrary axis.


(def a (m/array [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]))
(m/slices a 0)
;; => (#Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    7.0000,    8.0000,    9.0000]])

(def b (second (m/rows a)))  ; => #Tensure [[    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape b)  ; => [3]

(def c (m/partition-along (m/array [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]) 0 3 2))
;; => (#Tensure [[         0,    1.0000,    2.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000]]
;;     #Tensure [[    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000]]
;;     #Tensure 8.0000)
(map m/shape c)  ; => ([3] [3] [3] [3] [1])

The above functions take a single tensor and return multiple tensors. join-along and stack take multiple tensors and return a single tensor produced by concatenating the input tensors along some dimension. They differ in whether or not they add the concatenated dimension: join-along concatenates along an existing dimension, while stack concatenates along a new dimension:

(def a (m/join-along 0 (m/array [1 2]) (m/array [3 4]) (m/array [5 6])))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000,    5.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape a)  ; => [6]

(def b (m/stack 0 (m/array [1 2]) (m/array [3 4]) (m/array [5 6])))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;              [    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape b)  ; => [3 2]

(def c (m/stack 1 (m/array [1 2]) (m/array [3 4]) (m/array [5 6])))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    3.0000,    5.0000],
;;              [    2.0000,    4.0000,    6.0000]]
(m/shape c)  ; => [2 3]

Reshaping and permuting

reshape transforms a tensor into a provided shape, which must have the same number of elements as the tensor.

(def a (m/reshape (m/array [1 2 3 4]) [2 2]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000],
;;              [    3.0000,    4.0000]]
(m/shape a)  ; => [2 2]

permute and its mutating analog permute! reorder dimensions. The second argument is a seq of indices for the input tensor's current axes, reordered as desired. For example, with [2 1 0] as the second argument, axis 2 of the input tensor will be the 0-th dimension of the permuted tensor, axis 1 will be the 1-st dimension, and axis 0 will be the 2-nd dimension:

(def a (m/array [[[1 2] [3 4]]
                 [[5 6] [7 8]]
                 [[9 10] [11 12]]]))
(def b (m/permute a [2 1 0]))
;; => #Tensure [[[    1.0000,    5.0000,    9.0000],
;;               [    3.0000,    7.0000,   11.0000]],
;;              [[    2.0000,    6.0000,   10.0000],
;;               [    4.0000,    8.0000,   12.0000]]]
(m/same-data? a b)  ; => true

add-dimension inserts a dimension of size 1 at some axis index (defaults to 0).

(def a (m/array [1 2 3]))
(def b (m/add-dimension a))  ; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]
(m/shape b)  ; => [1 3]

(def c (m/add-dimension a 1))  ; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000]]
(m/shape c)  ; => [3 1]

transpose returns that standard tensor transpose.


Tensure includes two functions, emap and emap-indexed, for constructing new tensors by mapping over the elements of an input tensor (or multiple input tensors), similiar to how clojure.core/map and clojure.core/map-indexed map over Clojure seqs:

(def a (m/array [[1 2]
                 [3 4]]))
(def b (m/array [[10 20]
                 [30 40]]))
(m/emap (fn [a b]
         (+ a b))
       a b)
;; => #Tensure [[   11.0000,   22.0000],
;;              [   33.0000,   44.0000]]

(m/emap-indexed (fn [indices a b]
                  (println indices a b)
                  (+ a b (* 100 (apply + indices))))
                a b)
;; => #Tensure [[   11.0000,  122.0000],
;;              [  133.0000,  244.0000]]
;; Prints:
;; [0 0] 1.0 10.0
;; [0 1] 2.0 20.0
;; [1 0] 3.0 30.0
;; [1 1] 4.0 40.0

Note that emap and emap-indexed require moving data into and out of the JVM, which is slow. They also are not effecitvely parallelized. They therefore have very poor performance, and, if possible, it would be better to use other Tensure functions:

(def c (m/sample-uniform [100 100]))
(def d (m/sample-uniform [100 100]))

(time (m/emap + c d))
;; "Elapsed time: 10.153322 msecs"

(time (m/add c d))
;; "Elapsed time: 0.464575 msecs"


Function Description
set-range! Analagous to select-range but receives an additional argument, a source tensor the same size as the selection, and sets the elements in the selected range to the corresponding values in the source tensor
set-axis-range! Analagous to select-axis-range
assign! (assign! a b) sets all elements of a to the corresponding values in b. a and b must be the same size, though a can be a view over a larger tensor (e.g. produced with submatrix or select-range)
fill! (fill! a n) sets every element in tensor a to number n.
mset! (mset! a i i+1 i+2 ... n) sets the element at position [i, i+1, i+2 ...] to value n.
mset Like mset! but copies the input data


(def a (m/array [[1 2 3 4]
                 [5 6 7 8]
                 [9 10 11 12]
                 [13 14 15 16]]))
(m/fill! a 7)
a ; Evaluate a
;; => #Tensure [[    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000],
;;              [    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000],
;;              [    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000],
;;              [    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000]]

(m/assign! a (m/array [[1 2 3 4]
                       [5 6 7 8]
                       [9 10 11 12]
                       [13 14 15 16]]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000,   16.0000]]

(m/set-range! a [0 4 2] [0 4 2] (m/zeros [2 2]))
;; => #Tensure [[         0,    2.0000,         0,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [         0,   10.0000,         0,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000,   16.0000]]

(m/mset! a 0 0 1)
(m/mset! a 0 2 3)
(m/mset! a 2 0 9)
(m/mset! a 2 2 11)
a ; Evaluate a
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000,   16.0000]]

(m/assign! (m/submatrix a [[1 2] [1 2]]) (m/zeros [2 2]))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,         0,         0,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,         0,         0,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000,   16.0000]]

(m/set-axis-range! a 1 [1 3] (m/filled [4 2] 7))
;; => #Tensure [[    1.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,    7.0000,    7.0000,   16.0000]]


shift shifts the elements in a tensor along some dimension(s) by some number of elements:

(shift tensor dimension shift-amount)
(shift tensor shift-amounts)

where shift-amount is an integer and shift-amounts is a seq of integers equal in length to the dimensionality of tensor. Positive shift amounts move the elements up/left, and negative shift amounts move the elements down/right; if this is confusing, then think of the shift amounts as moving a "camera" looking at the tensor--moving the camera down/right (a positive shift of the camera) makes the elements appear to move up/left in the frame of the camera. The elements left vacant after the shift are filled with 0.

(def a (m/array [[1 2 3 4]
                 [5 6 7 8]
                 [9 10 11 12]
                 [13 14 15 16]]))

(m/shift a 0 -1)
;; => #Tensure [[         0,         0,         0,         0],
;;              [    1.0000,    2.0000,    3.0000,    4.0000],
;;              [    5.0000,    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000]]

(m/shift a 0 1)
;; => #Tensure [[    5.0000,    6.0000,    7.0000,    8.0000],
;;              [    9.0000,   10.0000,   11.0000,   12.0000],
;;              [   13.0000,   14.0000,   15.0000,   16.0000],
;;              [         0,         0,         0,         0]]

; Shift 1 element up on axis 0 and 2 elements right on axis 1.
(m/shift a 0 [1 -2])
;; => #Tensure [[         0,         0,    5.0000,    6.0000],
;;              [         0,         0,    9.0000,   10.0000],
;;              [         0,         0,   13.0000,   14.0000],
;;              [         0,         0,         0,         0]]


If you find a bug or would like a feature, then please open a GitHub issue. Even better, please submit a pull request. There is quite a bit of low-hanging fruit:

  • Add support for double-precision arrays
  • Add support for the CUDA backend
  • Add additional functions and operations
  • Expand test coverage
  • Benchmark and investgiate possible performance improvements
  • Improve compatibility with core.matrix
  • Implement core.matrix interfaces


Copyright © 2019 Casey Guenthner

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Clojure tensor math library backed by nd4j







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