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developed with ❤️ by chainside


This project is the official SDK library for the integration with the Chainside Pay Platform. It requires jdk1.7 or higher.


Follow these steps to install the SDK library into your system:

Follow these steps to install the SDK library into your system. You can install it either using the maven-dependency-plugin, configuring the pom.xml or configuring the (for gradle users)

With Maven plugin:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:get 

In pom.xml:



compile 'net.chainside.webpossdk:webpos-sdk-java:1.4.2'

TLS version

If you are experiencing protocol errors during the download, you might need to upgrade the TLS version used from the dependency manager. Depending on the jdk1.7 version used, you might need to enable TLSv1.2 protocol to download dependencies. This can be achieved by passing -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 to the chosen package manager command


The following sections will describe the high level structure of the SDK library.


In order to be able to configure your SDK client you have to set some configuration parameters. Here is the list of the configuration parameters used by the library:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mode string Yes live The SDK mode, can be sandbox or live
clientId string Yes null Your WebPos client id
secret string Yes null Your WebPos secret
proxy HashMap No null Proxy Configuration

Proxy settings

If a proxy configuration is given, the requests are sent using the configured proxy. A proxy configuration must be specified as:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
hostname string Yes null Hostname of the proxy server
port int Yes null Port of the proxy server
protocol string Yes null Proxy server protocol (http , https)
credentials HashMap No null Credentials to authenticate on the proxy server

If the proxy server requires authentication, credentials must be specified in the proxy configuration parameters as:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user string Yes live Username to perform authentication
password string Yes null Proxy server password


import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.object.CallbackList;

HashMap<String, Object> config = new HashMap();
config.put("mode", "live");
config.put("clientId", WEBPOS_CLIENT_ID);
config.put("secret", WEBPOS_SECRET);
HashMap<String,String> credentials = new HashMap();
credentials.put("user", PROXY_USERNAME);    
credentials.put("password", PROXY_PWD);
HashMap<String,Object> proxyConfig =  new HashMap();
    proxyConfig.put("hostname", PROXY_HOSTNAME);
    proxyConfig.put("port", 8000);
    proxyConfig.put("protocol", "http");
    proxyConfig.put("credentials", credentials);

ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config); 


The Library exposes a client object which is instantiated with the system configuration and provides an high-level interface to send requests. Client's instances take care of compiling and sending http request and parse responses into SdkObject instances.


The library defines an SdkObject class which is extended by actual objects which represent Chainside-Pay API requests and response bodies. Every json object defined in the API has a corresponding SdkObject class which is either the input of a client instance method (for creation) or returned (for reading)


Callbacks are requests sent by the server to your application in order to notify about some events. Every callback is sent only to HTTPS webhooks and will be securely signed by the server in order to be verified.


The following sections will describe how to use the SDK library and all the detail needed to integrate your business with Chainside Pay.

Instantiate and use the client

In order to communicate with our backend first you need to instantiate the client:

import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.object.CallbackList;

HashMap<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "live");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");

PaymentOrderCreation paymentOrder = new PaymentOrderCreation();
paymentOrder.setDetails("#1 details");
PaymentOrderCreationResponse resp = client.createPaymentOrder(paymentOrder);

String btcAddress = resp.address // will output the payment order address

Once the client is instantiated and configured, you can use the following methods to send requests:

clientCredentialsLogin(clientcredentials:ClientCredentials) : ClientCredentialsLoginResponse
deletePaymentOrder(paymentOrderUuid:uuid) : PaymentOrderDeletionResponse
getPaymentOrder(paymentOrderUuid:uuid) : PaymentOrderRetrieval
getPaymentOrders(page:String,pageSize:String,sortBy:String,sortOrder:String,status:String) : PaymentOrderList
createPaymentOrder(paymentordercreation:PaymentOrderCreation) : PaymentOrderCreationResponse
getCallbacks(paymentOrderUuid:uuid) : CallbackList
paymentReset(paymentOrderUuid:uuid) : PaymentOrderRetrieval
paymentUpdate(paymentOrderUuid:uuid,paymentupdateobject:PaymentUpdateObject) : None



Data required to perform a confidential client login


Attribute Type Required Description
grant_type string Yes Oauth2 Authorization's grant type
scope string Yes Oauth2 scope of the client's authorization


Response data for a login performed by a confidential client.


Attribute Type Required Description
access_token string Yes User's access token
scope string No Authorization's scope
token_type string Yes Token's type
expires_in integer Yes Token's expiration time
id_token string Yes Jwt Token containing identity's informations


Payment order deletion response


Attribute Type Required Description
cancel_url string Yes The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation


Payment order retrieval data


Attribute Type Required Description
redirect_url string No URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment
dispute_start_date string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
rate RateRetrieval Yes Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order
expiration_time string Yes Expiration date of the payment order
currency CurrencyRetrieval Yes Fiat currency of the payment order
details string No Payment order's details
transactions [Transaction] Yes Transactions paying the payment order
reference string Yes Business' reference for the payment order
resolved_at string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
uri string Yes Bitcoin uri
created_by PaymentOrderCreator Yes Data of the pos which created the payment order
chargeback_date string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
uuid string Yes UUID of the payment order
created_at string Yes Creation date of the payment order
address string Yes Bitcoin address of the payment order
state PaymentOrderState Yes Current payment state of the payment order
amount string Yes Fiat's amount of the payment order
callback_url string No The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes
expires_in integer Yes Expiration time of the payment order
btc_amount long Yes Bitcoin amount of the payment order
required_confirmations integer Yes Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order


Rate Data


Attribute Type Required Description
created_at string Yes Creation's date of the rate
value string Yes Value of the rate
to string No Target currency for rate calculation
source string Yes Exchange providing the rate
from string No Starting currency for rate calculation


Currency Data


Attribute Type Required Description
uuid string Yes UUID of the currency
type string Yes Currency's type (fiat/crypto)
name string Yes Name of the currency


Bitcoin transaction paying a payment order


Attribute Type Required Description
created_at string Yes
blockchain_status string Yes Transaction's internal status
status string Yes Transaction's status
normalized_txid string Yes Transaction's normalized id (DEPRECATED)
txid string Yes Transaction's id
outs [Out] Yes Transaction's outputs
outs_sum long Yes Paying amount of the transaction


Transaction's output


Attribute Type Required Description
amount long Yes Output's amount
n integer Yes Transaction output's index


Data of payment order's creator


Attribute Type Required Description
active bool No Wheter the creator active
deposit_account DepositAccountLite Yes Deposit account associated to the payment order's creator
uuid string Yes Payment order creator's uuid
type string Yes Payment order creator's type
name string Yes Payment order creator's name


Deposit account lite object when sent nested in other api objects


Attribute Type Required Description
uuid string Yes Deposit account's uuid
type string Yes Deposit account's type
name string Yes Deposit account's name


Data describing the current state of a payment order


Attribute Type Required Description
paid PaidStatus Yes Payment order's paid amount
in_confirmation PaidStatus Yes Payment order's paid but unconfirmed amount
blockchain_status string Yes Payment order's internal status
unpaid PaidStatus Yes Payment order's unpaid amount
status string Yes Payment order's status


Cryto and fiat paid amounts


Attribute Type Required Description
fiat string Yes Fiat Amount
crypto long Yes Cryto Amount


List of Business' payment orders


Attribute Type Required Description
paymentorders [PaymentOrderRetrieval] Yes Business' payment orders
total_items integer Yes Total number of items
total_pages integer Yes Total number of pages given the requested page size


Data required to create a new payment order


Attribute Type Required Description
reference string No Business' reference of the payment order
continue_url string No The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment
required_confirmations integer No Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order
callback_url string No The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes
amount string Yes Payment order's fiat amount
cancel_url string No The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment order expiration/cancellation
details string No Payment order's details


Response data for a payment order creation request


Attribute Type Required Description
created_at string No Creation date of the payment order
redirect_url string Yes URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment
address string Yes Bitcoin address of the payment order
rate RateRetrieval Yes Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order
amount long Yes Crypto amount of the payment order
expiration_time string Yes Expiration's date of the payment order
expires_in integer Yes Expiration's time of the payment order
uri string Yes Bitcoin uri according to BIP 21 (
reference string No Payment Order reference
uuid string Yes UUID of the payment order


Callback list object


Attribute Type Required Description
callbacks [Callback] Yes Valid payment transitions callbacks


Callback Retrieval object


Attribute Type Required Description
name string Yes Namespace of a callback sent after the related payment status' transition


Callback's trigger request body


Attribute Type Required Description
callback string Yes Name of the callback to be sent


Payment order retrieval data


Attribute Type Required Description
redirect_url string Yes URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment
dispute_start_date string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
created_by PaymentOrderCreator Yes Data of the pos which created the payment order
cancel_url string Yes The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation
expiration_time string Yes Expiration date of the payment order
currency CurrencyRetrieval Yes Fiat currency of the payment order
details string Yes Payment order's details
transactions [Transaction] Yes Transactions paying the payment order
reference string Yes Business' reference for the payment order
resolved_at string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
uri string Yes Bitcoin uri
required_confirmations integer Yes Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order
chargeback_date string Yes Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired
uuid string Yes UUID of the payment order
rate RateRetrieval Yes Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order
created_at string Yes Creation date of the payment order
address string Yes Bitcoin address of the payment order
continue_url string Yes The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment
state PaymentOrderState Yes Current payment state of the payment order
amount string Yes Fiat's amount of the payment order
callback_url string Yes The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes
expires_in integer Yes Expiration time of the payment order
btc_amount long Yes Bitcoin amount of the payment order


Every exception raised due to Chainside error responses contains debug informations.

}catch (ChainsideHttpExceptio e){

Debug Info contains general information about request and response headers, body and status code. Request Id is an internal id which can be communicated to chainside in order to help debugging the problem in case this cannot be identified.


Chainside will send callbacks if some event is triggered regarding one of your assets registered on the Business Panel. Our server will send a request to your webhooks that you need to parse and verify. You can do this using this SDK library in the following way:

HashMap<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "live");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");

ChainsideApiContext ctx = new ChainsideApiContext(config);
ChainsideCallbackHandler handler = new ChainsideCallbackHandler(ctx);

/* Retrieve http request and raw body in as an array of bytes
HashMap<String, String> headers = request.getHeaders(); 
byte[] rawBody = request.getRawBody(); 

SdkObject parsedObject = handler.parse(headers, rawBody);

Callback structure

Parameter Type Required Description
created_at string Yes Date in which the callback was sent
event string Yes Event which triggered the callback
object_type string Yes Type of the object sent in the callback
object CallbackPaymentOrder Yes

Triggered events

Event Object Class
payment.completed CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.dispute.start CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.overpaid CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.cancelled CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.dispute.end CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.expired CallbackPaymentOrder
payment.chargeback CallbackPaymentOrder


1.4.0 : 
    - The library now contains the jdk1.7 compatible code. The api of the sdk remains the same.
1.4.1 : 
    - Satoshi amounts of payment objects primitive type changes from Integer to Long. 
      Setters are still compatible with integer as they convert the given value to a Long, while getters return type
      changes. This involves the following methods:
            - CallbackPaymentOrder getBtcAmount() 
            - PaymentOrderCreationResponse getAmount() 
            - PaymentOrderRetrieval getBtcAmount() 
            - Out getAmount() 
            - PaidStatus getCrypto()
            - Transaction getOutsSum()   


In order to maintain consistency between our backend and our SDKs, contributing through pull requests is highly discouraged. Consider posting an issue if you need to signal any problem with this library.

Security Issues

In case of a discovery of an actual or potential security issue please contact us at