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Create thumbnails and modify images for Hugo posts with lightGallery in mind


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ìmg4hugo is a companion program to my Hugo theme variation hugo-uno-chairraver, based on hugo-uno. It is also a first step to learn the Go programming language. I've been using this program on Linux and Windows.

As the name implies, it's a helper program for the handling of images in connection with Hugo. The program serves 3 purposes:

  • Resize the master image. You will rarely need the images in full resolution, except perhaps on a retina Mac. Therefore I'm typically resizing my images so that they will fill a typical HD 1080p display.
  • Create a set of thumbnail images for the use in responsive image set.
  • Create small text fragments for the individual images, which can then be pasted into the Hugo post or page, which is currently being written.

At this point (2015-12-19) it appears to be complete enough. Therefore I'll be using it for a bit with my Hugo site. At a later time I plan to extend it with text expansions for responsive images (picture and srcset).


img4hugo supports the three subcommands size, thumbs and tohtml.

$ img4hugo help
img4hugo is an application to simplify the embedding of images into hugo content.

  img4hugo [command]

Available Commands:
  size        Resize the max. resolution image [1920 1080]
  thumbs      Create thumbnails for the image with a standard set of image sizes [1024 640 320]
  tohtml      Produce a short HTML fragment for inclusion into a hugo post

Use "img4hugo [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Besides the configuration through the command line options img4hugo can be configured by including the appropriate parameters in the main Hugo config file. img4hugo will look into the current directory as well up to 4 directory level above the current directory.

The following lines show img4hugos default configuration as it would appear in the Hugo configuration file. The macros for the tohtml option are implemented through standard Go templates.

  size = [ "1920", "1080" ]
  thumbs = [ "1024", "640", "320" ]
  tohtml = ['''
{{`{{<`}} imgdiv class="{{.Class}}" href="{{.Fullresimg}}" alt="{{.Caption}}"
    src="{{.Thumbnailimg}}" width="{{.Width}}" height="{{.Height}}" {{`>}}`}}
''', '''
{{`{{<`}} img id="" class="{{.Class}}" href="{{.Fullresimg}}" alt="{{.Caption}}"
    src="{{.Thumbnailimg}}" width="{{.Width}}" height="{{.Height}}" {{`>}}`}}
  • Class is directly passed through from the tohtml -l option.
  • Caption the same it true for the tohtml -c option.
  • Fullresimg is the web path to the full resolution image.
  • Thumbnailimg is the web path to the thumbnail image.
  • Width and Height are directly extracted from the thumbnail image.

The size subcommand

The size subcommand is used to resize the original or master image. The thumbnails are derived from this image. The original image is renamed with the .org extension and the new rescaled image is written to a file with the original image name. If a file already exists with the .org extension, the program assumes, that this was renamed by an earlier execution and that this it is the image with the original proportions. Therefore the image with the .org extension will be used as the source for creating the newly resized image.

$ img4hugo size -h
Resize the max. resolution image [1920 1080]

  img4hugo size <image file> [flags]

  -n, --noxyswap[=false]: do not scale relative to longest side
  -s, --size="1920,1080": specifiy new default image size x,y

By default, the program uses standard HD resolution 1920x1080 as the default size for the rescaled image. Additionally the default behaviour is to rescale vertically to 1080 if the vertical dimension of the image is larger than the horizontal dimension. This behaviour can be changed by supplying the -n or -noxyswap flag. Then the image is always resized to the default horizontal dimension.

The -s or --size flag can be used to specify different horizontal and vertical dimensions.

$ dir IMG_20150531_124021*

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        25.11.2015     13:58    1054685 IMG_20150531_124021.jpg
-a---        16.11.2015     09:19     952557

Interesting tidbit if you look at the above listing is, that the file witout the .org is actually the file with the smaller dimensions. The imaging library, which is used for the image manipulation saves the JPG format with a hard coded quality of 95%.

The thumbs subcommand

The thumbs subcommand creates a number of thumbnails for the image argument. By default 3 images are created with the horizontal dimensions 1024, 640 and 320 pixels. The newly created thumbnail images are saved with file name reflecting their respective image dimensions.

$ img4hugo thumbs -h
Create thumbnails for the image with a standard set of image sizes [1024 640 320]

  img4hugo thumbs <image file> [flags]

  -s, --size="1024,640,320": specifiy new list of thumbnail image sizes

The files created from a sample run would look like the following.

$ dir IMG_20150531_124021*

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        25.11.2015     13:58     349000 IMG_20150531_124021_1024x729.jpg
-a---        25.11.2015     13:58      44588 IMG_20150531_124021_320x228.jpg
-a---        25.11.2015     13:58     148356 IMG_20150531_124021_640x456.jpg

The optional -s or --size flag might be used to specify a list of different image sizes. The comma separated list of sizes must be passed to the program as one argument. So you might want to enclose the size list in quotes depending on your shell. img4hugo itself is prepared to discard any whitespace characters around the comma.

The tohtml subcommand

This subcommand outputs a short Go template Hugo shortcode for each thumbnail belonging to the master image. At this point you would have to copy and paste the shortcode for the particular thumbnail, that you want to embed into you Hugo post. Additionally the output is currently hardcoded into to the program code. Later I intend to implement some more variability for the shortcode.

$ img4hugo tohtml -h
Produce a short HTML fragment for inclusion into a hugo post

  img4hugo tohtml image [flags]

  -c, --caption="": caption text for the image
  -l, --class="": additional css class for the image
  -n, --noerrors[=false]: do not warn about location
  -t, --template=0: # of template to use

The -c or --caption option allows the specification of a caption for the image.

The -l or --class option allows the definition of an additional CSS class for the div.

The -n or --noerrors is intended for the case, if the program is executed outside of Hugo site or content area. img4hugo calculates the absolute paths for the image hrefs by looking at the path component /static/. Typically any static data (images, CSS, etc) for a Hugo site is located below the static directory. An error message is generated, when no static path component is found in the path of the images. The -n option suppressed this error message.

With the -t option the corresponding template is selected. img4hugo contains two templates by default (see the usage section above the respective definitions).

$ img4hugo tohtml -l "floatright" -c "Nice shoot." IMG_20150613_132225.jpg
{{< imgdiv class="floatright" href="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225.jpg" alt="Nice shoot."
    src="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225_1024x1159.jpg" width="1024" height="1159" >}}
{{< imgdiv class="floatright" href="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225.jpg" alt="Nice shoot."
    src="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225_320x362.jpg" width="320" height="362" >}}
{{< imgdiv class="floatright" href="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225.jpg" alt="Nice shoot."
    src="/images/2015/11/IMG_20150613_132225_640x725.jpg" width="640" height="725" >}}

The Hugo shortcode imgdiv from above is defined in my theme variation hugo-uno-chairraver and is intended to be used with jQuery lightgallery (note the data-src and data-html-sub attributes for the div tag).

<div class="post-pic {{ .Get "class"}}"
     data-src="{{ .Get "href" }}"
     {{if .Get "alt"}}data-html-sub="{{ .Get "alt"}}"{{end}}>
  <img {{if .Get "alt"}}alt="{{.Get "alt"}}"{{end}}
       width="{{ .Get "width"}}"
       height="{{ .Get "height"}}"
       src="{{ .Get "src"}}"/><br/>
{{if .Get "alt"}}<p><em>{{.Get "alt"}}</em></p>{{end}}


Licensed under the MIT License.


Create thumbnails and modify images for Hugo posts with lightGallery in mind







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