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Runsquito is the runtime value editor package.

You can get help with implementation like a/b testing controller, develop & qa test helper etc...

If you want to configure Runsquito with view on iOS. See more RunsquiotoKit


Swift Pacakge Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

How to use

Basic usage

Runsquito is runtime value storage.

Runsquito serve default storage. but you can create and manage it self.

To use Runsquito, you should add a Slot into Runsquito.

try Runsquito.default.addSlot(
    ValueSlot<Bool>(description: "This slot is flag for a/b testing some feature."),
    forKey: "ab-testing-some-feature"

And you can set/get the value in the slot.

// Set the value in the slot.
try Runsquito.default.setValue(true, forKey: "ab-testing-some-feature")
// Get the valuf of slot.
try Runsquito.defualt.value(Bool.self, forKey: "ab-testing-some-feature")


The Slot is value storage. So you can add presets into the slot as a value.

try Runsquito.default.updateItem(
    ValueItem(true, description: "Activate some feature A."),
    forKey: "ab-testing-a",
    inSlotKey: "ab-testing-some-feature"

Then the slot with key "ab-testing-some-feature" has a item true for executation of A case of a/b testing.


Point to note is Type. Slot and Item has the Type of value. So all operations of Runsquito perform validation. If you add or set value that it's type doesn't match to Slot, function throw RunsquitoError.typeMismatch.

If you add any slots, you can get value of slot anywhere. Configure your logic to handle Runsquito value first, and write right logic when value is nil.

if Runquito.default.value(Bool.self, forKey: "ab-testing-some-feature") ?? RemoteConfig.remoteConfig["some-feature-ab"] ?? false {
    // Run `A` process.
} else {
    // Run `B` process.


ValueSlot is basic slot. It can handle all value of type. but it can't edit.


ParseableSlot is basic editable slot. It can handle Parseable adopt value of type.

Parseable is protocol for editing. It force implement two functions. encode & decode.

public protocol Parseable {
    func encode() throws -> Data
    static func decode(from data: Data) throws -> Self

Primitive type Int, Float, Double, String, Bool already adopt that.

If you want to use your own parser, you can implement it through adapt Parseable protocol to your models. or define new class that adopt EditableSlot protocol.


CodableSlot is custom editable slot. It design for json codable models.

If you use Codable models, you can use CodableSlot to edit value through Runsquito easyly.


Item is value preset of slot.

Basically you could use ValueItem struct.

If you want to instantiate value from json format file, use FileItem.

public struct FileItem<Value>: Item {
    public init?(description:fileName:in:) where Value: Decodable


Any ideas, issues, opinions are welcome.


Runsquito is available under the MIT license.