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This repo uses material from Wikipedia, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0. Respective authorship can be found on the page of each article.

A welcome banner for your shell which selects a few lines from a random Wikipedia article.

I include all Level-5 Vital Wikipedia articles so the topics won't be unimportant.

To install:

git clone --depth=1 ~/bin/wiki-welcome/


function fish_greeting
    cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d' ' -f 2
    set article (/usr/bin/ls -p  ~/bin/wiki-welcome/articles/ |grep -v / | shuf -n 1)
    set articleURL (string replace '.txt' '' $article)
    set_color -o -u
    echo (string replace '_' ' ' (string unescape --style=url $articleURL)) | sed 's/.*/\L&/; s/[a-z]*/\u&/g' | sed -E 's/ (The|A|Of|I[sn]|For)\b/\L&/g'
    echo "$articleURL"
    set_color normal
    head -c500 ~/bin/wiki-welcome/articles/$article | cowthink -W 78 -f tux

Alternatively, for more randomness you can change head to shuf like this:

shuf -n7 ~/bin/wiki-welcome/articles/$article | cowthink -W 78 -f tux

PRs are welcome. Originally I only had a random 800 articles but following a tip from @_WaylonWalker I found that I could include all 32,000 articles if I only include the top 500 words. Originally this would have required 1300MB which is far too big but now it is only 139MB.


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