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Andrew Lambert edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 10 revisions


Method Signatures

 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As FolderItem, Destination As FolderItem, Overwrite As Boolean = False) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As FolderItem, Destination As Writeable) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As MemoryBlock, Destination As FolderItem, Overwrite As Boolean = False) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As MemoryBlock, Destination As Writeable) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As Readable, Destination As FolderItem, Overwrite As Boolean = False) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As Readable, Destination As Writeable) As Boolean
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As FolderItem) As MemoryBlock
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
 Protected Function GUnZip(Source As Readable) As MemoryBlock


Name Type Comment
Source FolderItem, Readable, or MemoryBlock The GZipped data to decompress
Destination FolderItem or Writeable The file or stream to which decompressed data should be written. Methods which return a MemoryBlock do not have this parameter
Overwrite Boolean If True, the Destination FolderItem will be overwritten if it exists. Only those methods with FolderItem destinations have this parameter

Return value

Returns True if there were no errors writing to a Writeable or FolderItem; or, a MemoryBlock containing the decompressed data.


Decompresses GZipped data from the Source argument into the Destination argument; methods without a Destination argument return the decompressed data instead.

See also

Entry-level points of interest denoted by "☜"

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