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Andrew Lambert edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 11 revisions

zlib.Uncompress (Deprecated)

Method Signature

 Protected Function Uncompress(Data As MemoryBlock, ExpandedSize As Integer = -1, DataSize As Integer = -1) As MemoryBlock


Name Type Comment
Data MemoryBlock The data to be decompressed
ExpandedSize Integer Optional. If specified, the decompressed size of Data in bytes.
DataSize Integer Optional. If specified, the actual size of Data in bytes. Specify this parameter if Data.Size=-1

Return value

The decompressed data.


This method has been deprecated in favor of the zlib.Inflate method.

Decompresses the passed MemoryBlock.

If the decompressed size is known it may be passed as ExpandedSize. If ExpandedSize is not set then the decompression operation will be repeated with progressively larger output buffers until it succeeds.

If Data.Size is -1 (e.g. converted from a Ptr) then you must specify the size as DataSize or the operation will fail.

See also

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