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Learn Docker 🐳

Docker is the most amazing and life-changing technology ever invented (said no one who has ever spent hours trying to debug a Dockerfile).

In reality, Docker is a tool that allows you to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight container images, which can then be run on any machine with a Docker runtime. It makes it easy to build, deploy, and run applications in a consistent and isolated environment, regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

But don't let that simplicity fool you - Docker can be a real pain to work with at times, especially when you're trying to get a multi-container application up and running. Between trying to figure out the right combination of volumes, networks, and dependencies, you'll probably want to pull your hair out more than once.

Despite its challenges, Docker is an extremely popular and widely-used tool that has revolutionized the way we deploy and run applications. So, if you're up for a bit of a challenge and want to spend hours debugging your Dockerfiles, go ahead and give it a try!

Table of Content:

Modules Description
Module 01 Docker Install & Configure 🛠️
Module 02 Image Creation , Management & Registry ⚙️
Module 03 Docker Storage and Volumes 🏬
Module 04 Docker Networking ⛓️
Module 05 Docker Image Creation & Compose 🌀
Module 06 Container Orchestration ⛓️ ☁️
Module 06 Continued Container Orchestration Continued ⛓️
Module 07 Docker Security & Forensics 🏹 🛡️


Docker Official Documentation
