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Tiny JavaScript ast parser and generator

Build Status npm-v npm-d brotli module formats: umd, esm


Using npm:

npm install ranlexer --save

Library Progress

This library is still under active development. Most common code manipulation/generation use cases are implemented, but there's still a lot of work to do. Please open an issue if you find a feature missing, bug, or question that isn't in the issue.


ranlexer can export the following methods

  • parse: Parse the code into an ast
  • walk: Walk through the structure of the ast to perform custom operations
  • generate: Parse the ast into code
  • build: A lightweight build tool that supports treeshaking


Parse the code into an ast:

import { parse } from 'ranlexer';

const code = 'let a = 1;';
const ast = parse(code);


Walk through the structure of the ast to perform custom operations

There are two options:

  • ast: ast structure node
  • opts: One object with two methods in it
// Export the type of the ast node
import type { Types } from 'ranlexer'

const opts = {
  enter: (node: Types.Node) => {
    // Enter the processing of the node
  leave: (node: Types.Node) => {
    // Leave the node processing
walk(ast, opts)


Parse the ast into code:

import { generate } from 'ranlexer';

const ast = {
  type: NodeType.Program,
  start: 0,
  end: 9,
  body: [
      type: NodeType.VariableDeclaration,
      start: 0,
      end: 9,
      declarations: [
          type: NodeType.VariableDeclarator,
          id: {
            type: NodeType.Identifier,
            name: 'a',
            start: 4,
            end: 5,
          start: 4,
          end: 9,
          init: {
            type: NodeType.Literal,
            value: '1',
            raw: '1',
            start: 8,
            end: 9,
      kind: 'let',
const code = generate(ast); // 'let a = 1;'


A lightweight build tool that supports treeshaking

import { build } from 'ranlexer';

const bundle = await build(option);

Generate a bundle by passing in options,All options are well, optional:

  • input: Build entry, if not set, the default value is ./index.js
  • output: Path to the build output file. If not set, the default value is ./dist/index.js
  • external: String array,the modules in the array are not built

The bundle has two methods:

  • generate: generate is to output the built code directly,
import { build } from 'ranlexer';

const bundle = await build(option);

const code = bundle.generate();
  • write: write is to output the file to a directory.
import { build } from 'ranlexer';

const bundle = await build(option);






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