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Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports. Stay ahead of the curve and don't get modrekt.


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Initial setup:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a .env file in the root of the project directory
  3. For each default section seen in the db.ini file, there are placeholders for certain key-value pairs. Example from the current db.ini file:
[elephantsql]  #default

The values ${ELEPHANTUSER} and ${ELEPHANTSQL} are placeholders for username and password to access the elephantDB. These secret values are stored as key-value pairs in the .env file, or as config vars in heroku deployment:


Otherwise, you can directly replace these placeholder values in the db.ini with the corresponding secret, but you will have to include db.ini in your .gitignore file.

There are 3 default sections in the db.ini file. They are default sections because these sections are used in line #10 and #12 of and line #4 of You can specify alternative sections to use by changing the values at said lines.

The [postgresql] and [telebot_public] sections in the repo's db.ini file are examples of alternative sections.

Vacancy Reports Folder

This folder contains all the vacancy reports from previous rounds. The naming convention is: {year} Sem {semester} Round {round}.pdf Example: 2020 Sem 2 Round 1.pdf

For the year variable, if the academic year is AY19/20, then year will be 2019. Always take the lower year in an academic year.


During modreg, we wanted some way of quickly looking up old vacancy reports to gauge the trend in the number of vacancies left for a particular mod.

There was hardly any archive of past year vacancy reports (except for 1 reddit thread) and hence the idea for a vacancy report scraper/database and a python bot to query the database

What it does

The frontend is a bot that queries the postgresql database. On the back, pdfs of old vacancy reports are fed through a scraper to generate the relevant tables and stored into the database.

How we built it

  1. scrape pdfs using tabula
  2. perform data cleaning on the scraped data
  3. insert clean data into postgresql database
  4. write some functions to query the database
  5. have a python bot invoke these functions

Challenges we ran into

dealing with panda dataframes

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • hosting a postgresql db
  • good workflow implemented into the scraper so more vacancy reports can be added into the database as they come.

What we learned

python-telegram-bot, postgresql, data cleaning

What's next for modrekt vacancy reports bot (mvrb)

  • we are missing vacancy reports for sem 1!!!
  • expand the different ways data can be queried
  • move away from text-based to image-based data visualisation for better viewing experience
  • perform normalization on the database


Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports. Stay ahead of the curve and don't get modrekt.








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