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Tacotron2 + WaveGlow + GST

Tacotron2 + WaveGLow based Text to speech with gloable style tokens

Tacotron2 model architecture

Tacotron2 model

Tacotron2 model

The network is made of an encoder and a decoder with attention. The encoder uses a character sequence and turns it into a feature representation. The input characters are described using a 512-dimensional character embedding, which is given through a stack of 3 convolutional layers. The convolutional layers improve in modeling longterm context. The output of the final layer is then fed to a unique bi-directional LSTM, producing encoded features. The encoder output is consumed by an attention network which compiles it into a fixed-length context vector.

The decoder is an autoregressive recurrent neural network that predicts a Mel spectrogram from encoded sequences. The prediction of the earlier time step is passed over 2 fully connected layers or pre-net. The pre-net output and attention context vector are concatenated and passed into a stack of 2 unidirectional LSTM layers. The connection of LSTM output and the attention context is measured through a linear transform to predict the victim spectrogram frame. Ultimately, the predicted Melspectrogram is fed to a 5-layer convolutional Postnet which predicts a residual connection to add to the prediction to increase the overall regeneration

Encoder part of Tacotron2 model

Encoder of Tacotron2

Decoder with location sesitive attention

Encoder of Tacotron2

Enhance mel-spectrogram with postnet

Encoder of Tacotron2

 def get_mel_text_pair(self, audiopath_and_text):
    # separate filename and text
    audiopath, text = audiopath_and_text[0], audiopath_and_text[1]
    text = self.get_text(text)
    mel = self.get_mel(audiopath)
    return (text, mel)

def get_mel(self, filename):
    if not self.load_mel_from_disk:
        audio, sampling_rate = load_wav_to_torch(filename)
        if sampling_rate != self.stft.sampling_rate:
            raise ValueError("{} {} SR doesn't match target {} SR".format(
                sampling_rate, self.stft.sampling_rate))
        audio_norm = audio / self.max_wav_value
        audio_norm = audio_norm.unsqueeze(0)
        audio_norm = torch.autograd.Variable(audio_norm, requires_grad=False)
        melspec = self.stft.mel_spectrogram(audio_norm)
        melspec = torch.squeeze(melspec, 0)
        melspec = torch.from_numpy(np.load(filename))
        assert melspec.size(0) == self.stft.n_mel_channels, (
            'Mel dimension mismatch: given {}, expected {}'.format(
                melspec.size(0), self.stft.n_mel_channels))

    return melspec

def get_text(self, text):
    text_norm = torch.IntTensor(text_to_sequence(text, self.text_cleaners))
    return text_norm

We first get speech dataset with annotated text file after we load the text, audio mel spectorgram in data loader

After in tacotron2 architecture, Encoder will extract the text data. after the decoder extract the feature of the mel spectogram with attention, and mapping theme. in this way the model learn the text to speech knowledge

Finnaly another CNN module enhance the decode output with help of postnet(CNN)

def forward(self, inputs):
    text_inputs, text_lengths, mels, max_len, output_lengths = inputs
    text_lengths, output_lengths =,

    embedded_inputs = self.embedding(text_inputs).transpose(1, 2)

    encoder_outputs = self.encoder(embedded_inputs, text_lengths)

    mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = self.decoder(
        encoder_outputs, mels, memory_lengths=text_lengths)

    mel_outputs_postnet = self.postnet(mel_outputs)
    mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs + mel_outputs_postnet

    return self.parse_output(
        [mel_outputs, mel_outputs_postnet, gate_outputs, alignments],
  1. Embedding layer encode the sentence
  2. The embedding vector fed into Encoder module and generate future vector of the senetece.
  3. The encoded context vector fed into decoder with mel spectgram. so the decoder run through attention layers and mapping the encoder context with mel spectrogram.
  4. After the mel outputs fed into postnet, it will enhance the output.
  5. finnaly it will update the weight parameter

in this way many epoch it will map and learn the text to mel spectrogram relations.


Waveglow Tacotron2 text to speech







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