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James Dillon edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

The baseline method uses an asymmetric least squares approach for baseline correction. The baseline method takes chromatograms from your chromatography data and returns a global baseline for each signal.


  1. Syntax
  2. Input
  3. Options
  4. Examples
  5. References
data = obj.baseline(data, 'OptionName', optionvalue)
Name Value Description
data structure Structure containing chromatography data
Name Value Description
'samples' 'all' Select all samples in data
index Row index of samples in data
'ions' 'all' Select all ion chromatograms in samples
'tic' Select all total ion chromatograms in samples
index Column index of ion chromatograms in samples
'smoothness' value Set the smoothness parameter to specified value
'asymmetry' value Set the asymmetry parameter to specified value

Manually set the parameters used for baseline calculation using the smoothness and asymmetry options. Suggested ranges for these parameters are given below.

Parameter Lower Upper Default
'smoothness' 103 109 106
'asymmetry' 10-6 10-1 10-4
Parameter 'smoothness'
'asymmetry' 10-1
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