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James Dillon edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 7 revisions

Use the visualize function to quickly plot chromatography data or generate publication quality figures.


  1. Syntax
  2. Input
  3. Options
  4. Examples
fig = obj.visualize(data, 'OptionName', optionvalue)
Name Value Description
data structure Structure containing chromatography data
Name Value Description
'samples' 'all' Selects all samples in data
index Row index of samples in data
'ions' 'all' Selects all ion chromatograms in samples
'tic' Selects all total ion chromatograms in samples
index Column index of ion chromatograms in samples
'layout' 'overlaid' Overlays all chromatograms on a single axes
'stacked' Stacks chromatograms on multiple axes by samples
'scale' 'full' Scales chromatograms relative to y-max in samples
'normalized' Scales chromatograms relative to y-max in ions
'xlim' [value, value] Sets x-axis limits to xmin and xmax
'ylim' [value, value] Sets y-axis limits to ymin and ymax
'legend' 'on', 'off' Display legend with names of chromatograms
'colormap' string Name of colormap to apply to chromatograms
'export' cell Export image of figure (MATLAB documentation)

The figures below were generated from the example data included with this toolbox.

Name Value Output
Sample Selection
'samples' 'all'
'samples' [2,4]
Ion Selection
'ions' 'all'
'ions' [4,10]
Axes Layout
'layout' 'stacked'
'layout' 'overlaid'
Axes Scale
'scale' 'normalized'
'scale' 'full'
Axes Limits
'xlim' [10,30]
'ylim' [2000,20000]
Axes Legend
'legend' 'on'
Axes Colormap
'colormap' 'gray'
'colormap' 'copper'
'colormap' 'winter'
'colormap' 'hsv'
'colormap' 'jet'
Combining Options
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