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Roast Log

Roasting coffee generates a lot of data: temperatures, times, weights, TDS readings, tasting notes. When this is recorded on paper,and left unindexed, referencing and comparing the data is a significant pain point, and the data cannot be fully leveraged to improve the roasting process.

Roast Log intends to allow for easy search and display of this data.

Code Louisville

Roast Log, in its initial front-end-only form, also serves as my project for Code Louisville's Front-End Web Development course, Jan–Mar 2018. The master branch is live, served by GitHub Pages at To view locally, git clone chetgray/roastlog and git checkout master or download and extract a zipped archive of the repository, and then open index.html in your web browser.


Though overall styling is minimal, a couple things can be pointed out. font-size is set on html with a calculation based on the viewport width, which smoothly scales the root font size from 14px (assuming the common 16px browser default) on 320px-width screens to 22px on 1440px-width screens. Descendent rem and em font sizes are based on that scaled size, so it's subtly scaled all the way down (and up). A min-width breakpoint keeps the layout tight on larger screens, and a flexbox-implemented sticky footer keeps the negative space wide open.

There is some key CSS involved in tab funcionality, as well. Tab-specific styles are in style/tab.css, styling the .tabs nav list and the corresponding sections in the same .tabs-container. It hides sections by default, and displayed when they become .active. On small screens, the tabs are restyled into an accordion menu (which would be more useful if there were more tabs...)

I'm having some issues with the width of the chart that I've not been able to fully address yet...


The scripts for this project manage three things: the tabs, the search form, and the chart. Tab logic is in its own file at script/tabs.js, where a Tabs object keeps functionality nicely contained. We capture click events on the nav tab items, and add and remove .active and .open classes on the necessary tab and section elements, then that CSS takes care of styling them. Easy peasy.

In script/main.js, we use AJAX to bring in a JSON file with a bunch of roast log data, and the file is really divided into what's inside versus outside of that callback. Outside is stuff that doesn't directly depend on the JSON: initializing the chart, defining functions to load data into the chart and put together title strings, and setting a handler for minor form styling. Inside is stuff that tries to access the parsed JSON: handling the actual search and then clicking on results.

Plotting is via C3.js, a wrapper for D3.js. It's mostly declarative, with dynamic loading done functionally. Mmmm, libraries.

The Future

I intend to improve on this to the point I can use it in my work in commercial coffee roasting. I expect that as I learn more about web app programming, I will be able to build this up bit by bit, and I hope I can use it as a motivator for practice.