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Swift MUTF-8 CI

This library is for those who want to write their own JVM in swift.
It contains mutf-8 string encoding/decoding facilities.


  • Use MUTF-8.encode(utf8:) to convert a utf8 encoding uint8 array to mutf8 encoding
  • Use MUTF-8.decode(mutf8:) to convert a mutf8 encoding uint8 array back to utf8 encoding

Adding MUTF8 as a Dependency

Add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

Then, include MUTF8 as a dependency for your executable target:

.product(name: "MUTF8", package: "swift-mutf8"),

Known issue(s)

  • Doesn't work correctly when decodes a mutf8 encoded buffer which originally contains emoji


  • Fix emoji
  • Unit tests