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martin edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 4 revisions

Get Source Code

~ $ git clone
~ $ cd campo

Tl;dr: Run ./script/ to setup all denpendency, and develop like normal Rails app.

Setup Vagrant (optional)

Recommend use vagrant(Virtual Machine) to setup development environment, if you want to setup in host machine, skip this section.

Install Vagrant

Goto , download and install vagrant.

Install VirtualBox

Goto , Download and install VirtualBox.

Boot Virtual Machine

~/campo $ vagrant up

Wait for vagrant up finished, then login to virtual machine:

~/campo $ vagrant ssh

Cd to proejct directory:

~ $ cd /vagrant
/vagrant $ ls
app bin ...


/vagrant $ ./script/

This script will install all dependency.

Boot server

/vagrant $ rails s

Then open (or http://localhost:3000 if you install in host), you will see campo is running.