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chmarr edited this page Aug 3, 2012 · 1 revision

Set up

  • Determine the types of spaces, the number of each type, and the cost of each to reserve. Create a "Space" for each of these types, with their availability

After Reservations for the Art Show Open

  • Receive applications and space reservations from artists. Create a new Artist item for each, and indicate how many spaces they're reserving, and indicate if payment was received.
  • You can either delay allocation until a set time, or allocate as they come in.
  • Send an email to each artist after you enter their details to have them check the details are correct. Use "Send Email" from the Admin.Artists screen.

Approaching the Show

  • If you haven't allocated all Artist requests for spaces, do so now. Use the "Allocate Spaces" function from the Admin.Artists screen to allocate all remaining spaces to those wanting space. Shortages will show up in the Admin.Artists screen. Reassign as per your policies.
  • Send an email to each artist with their final allocations
  • Send artist's control forms (or download from your web site).
  • Request artists send in a scan of their control forms via email, so you can start pre-entering details.
  • If you're planning printing bid sheets for them, this should be a great encouragement.
  • Keep encouraging.
  • If using bidder stickers (or barcodes), print out a sufficient number
  • If using barcodes, print out a sufficient number of piece ID stickers, too. Even if you're pre-printing bid sheets with the barcodes attached, you'll want spare barcodes to cover hand-written bid sheets.
  • Print out stocks of all paperwork.

Days Before Show

  • Print bid sheets
  • Do this for control forms that trickle in.

Artist Set Up

  • Know how many spare spaces you have. Have a written tally, which will be faster than the computer to keep up to date.
  • As artists arrive to hang their work, confirm the number of panels they arrive. If they know they will use less than their assignment, mark it on the tally (and database, if time). Same if they want more.
  • If any new artists arrive requesting space, let them know if space is available. Have them fill out the application form then treat like other artists.
  • Once artist's hang their works, check hung work against the Control Form:
  • Piece ID
  • Title
  • Bid Values
  • Mark location of piece on Control Form
  • Put checked-off control form into a "to-enter/check" file.

Bidder Sign In

  • As bidders enter wishing to bid, have then complete their application form, which should contain at least:
  • Name
  • Convention Registration Number
  • Bidder ID (either as a sticker from a sheet of bid stickers, or a pre-allocated set, perhaps pre-written on application)
  • Put completed bid sheets into a "to-enter" file

During Show

Enter Control Forms

  • Take Control Forms from the file and either enter piece details into the system and/or check what is there. Use the Admin.Artist detail pages.
  • If you are recording locations, and doing so manually, enter location into the page, which will set the piece state as "In Show" automatically.
  • If you are not recording locations, manually set "In Show"
  • If you are using barcodes to record locations, follow the BarcodeScanningForLocations? procedure, which will set locations and "In Show" for you.

Enter Bidder Details

  • Take completed bidder applications from the "to-enter" pile and use the rapid bidder entry function to create bidders.
  • If you collected address information during the show, address details can be entered later, or now, if there is sufficient time, using the Admin.Bidder detail pages.

After Bidding Close

  • If you are recording bid status after close (which will allow you to print a winning bidder report), enter bid details using one of the following methods:
  • Print recording forms, either sorted by artist, or by location. Record details, then copy details into rapid bid entry forms.
  • Using portable terminals, record bid details directly into rapid bid entry forms.
  • Using barcodes, follow the BarcodeScanningForBids? procedure. Once complete, use the Admin.Piece pages to find pieces that are "In Show" but are not "Bidsheet Scanned" and complete those details. Once complete, you can print the Winning Bidders Report and post for public perusal.
  • If you are not recording bid status, you must at least record which pieces are going to voice auction, and enter those into the system.
  • Using the voice auction ordering pages, decide what order the pieces will be voice auctioned in.
  • Print Voice auction reports for both general and adult shows
  • Ready voice auction pieces for the auction
  • If complete bid status is being recorded, email artists their "pre-voice-auction" results

After Voice Auction

  • If doing complete bid entry, enter in the voice auction results, and email artists their "post-voice-auction" results

During Sales and Collection

  • Depending on previous decisions, sales can be done several ways

Staff collects pieces as required

If you have done complete bid entry you can leave the pieces on the panels until the bidder comes to collect. Large shows should also have their location details entered, while smaller shows can probably rely solely on artist names to find pieces.

  • When bidder approaches, obtain their details and enter into the cashier pages. Select the pieces to be paid for and collected now.
  • If show supports "last minute/after auction" purchase, additional pieces can be added to the purchase (if supported by the piece and not already taken).
  • This requires that artwork be marked as "Returned" as soon as the artist collects their unsold work.
  • Take payment and enter that into the cashier pages.
  • Create the invoice, which will print out Customer and Merchant invoices, plus a pick list for staff to use to find and collect works. Collect all bid sheets for those pieces too
  • Double check details on the bid sheet match the pick list:
  • Piece ID and Name
  • Winning Bidder
  • Bid Price (or the "last minute" price)

Staff batches winnings, or has bidder collect winnings

This can be used regardless of what has been entered. However, cashier pages will refuse a purchase if purchase conflicts with what information is entered.

  • Either:
  • Bidder identifies themselves and their batched winnings are collected, or
  • Bidder finds and collects their own winnings, and any additional "last-minute" pieces they want to buy.
  • Cashier checks bid sheets to ensure the sale is valid (the bidder is collecting the right winnings)
  • Cashier enters pieces and bids into application
  • Payment is made.
  • No pick list needs to be printed.

Last Minute Registration

If last minute sales is supported, anyone not registered to bid may buy last-minute pieces, but registration should be entered. This will ensure the artist receives winning bidder information

Artist Collection

  • Have artist collect unsold works (and their bid sheets) from the panels and present to show staff for checking
  • Mark off pieces being returned on control form
  • If doing complete bid entry, and supporting last-minute sales, all the artist's unsold work needs to be marked "Returned" so that purchases will be locked out. This can be done on the Admin.Artist page.

Close to end of sales

When most of the pieces have been sold or collected.

  • Determine which bidders have not collected their winnings, and consider pro-actively calling to ensure collection
  • If doing complete bid entry, this should match up with the database of "Won" pieces

Post Show

  • Fix up any discrepancies that you know about
  • If complete bid entry was not done after close, it is effectively complete now, so a preliminary sales report can be sent to artists
  • Use the artist-to-panel reports to see if artist panel allocations still make sense, and make adjustments as necessary
  • Use the "Apply Space Fees" action
  • Use the "Apply Winnings and Commission" function
  • Use "Generate Cheques" function
  • Use the per-artist summaries to ensure all artist balances are zero, and make adjustments if necessary if not.
  • Print Cheques, and prepare for mailing
  • Copy check numbers back into the Cheque Payment details.
  • If bidder details are incomplete, complete them, perhaps by integrating the reg database.
  • Email final reports to artists, which includes:
  • Sales state of every piece in the show
  • Bidder name/address/email for each piece sold
  • Accounting details.