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Merge pull request #156 from mrshirts/moreharmon
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kyleabeauchamp committed Jan 14, 2015
2 parents 1678cad + 5eeb6da commit a542e64
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 84 deletions.
253 changes: 169 additions & 84 deletions examples/
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
import sys
import numpy
import pdb
from pymbar import testsystems, EXP, EXPGauss, BAR, MBAR

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ def GetAnalytical(beta,K,O,observables):
print "Estimating relative free energies from simulation (this may take a while)..."

# Initialize the MBAR class, determining the free energies.
mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k, method = 'adaptive',relative_tolerance=1.0e-10,verbose=True)
mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k, relative_tolerance=1.0e-10, verbose=True)
# Get matrix of dimensionless free energy differences and uncertainty estimate.

print "============================================="
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,100 +570,187 @@ def GetAnalytical(beta,K,O,observables):
print "============================================"

# For 2-D, The equilibrium distribution is given analytically by
# p(x;beta,K) = sqrt[(beta K) / (2 pi)] exp[-beta K [(x-mu)'(x-mu)] / 2]
# p(x;beta,K) = sqrt[(beta K) / (2 pi)] exp[-beta K [(x-mu)^2] / 2]
# The dimensionless free energy is therefore
# f(beta,K) = - (2/2) * ln[ (2 pi) / (beta K) ]
# f(beta,K) = - (1/2) * ln[ (2 pi) / (beta K) ]
# In this problem, we are investigating the sum of two Gaussians, once
# centered at 0, and others centered at grid points.
# V(x;K) = (K0/2) * [(x-x_0)'(x-x_0)]
# V(x;K) = (K0/2) * [(x-x_0)^2]
# For 2-D, The equilibrium distribution is given analytically by
# p(x;beta,K) = 1/N exp[-beta (K0 [(x)'(x)] / 2 + KU [(x-mu)'(x-mu)] / 2)]
# For 1-D, The equilibrium distribution is given analytically by
# p(x;beta,K) = 1/N exp[-beta (K0 [x^2] / 2 + KU [(x-mu)^2] / 2)]
# Where N is the normalization constant.
# The dimensionless free energy is the integral of this, and can be computed as:
# f(beta,K) = - ln [ (2*numpy.pi/(Ko+Ku))^(d/2) exp[ -Ku*Ko mu' mu / 2(Ko +Ku)]
# f(beta,K) - fzero = -Ku*Ko / 2(Ko+Ku) = 1/(1/(Ku/2) + 1/(K0/2))
# for computing harmonic samples

K0 = 20.0 # spring constant of base potential
x0 = numpy.array([0, 0], numpy.float64) # center of base potential
Ku = 100.0 # spring constant for umbrella sampling
gridscale = 0.2
xcenters = gridscale*numpy.array(range(-3,4), numpy.float64) # locations of x centers of umbrellas
ycenters = xcenters # locations of y centers of umbrellas
ndim = 2
nsamples = 1000 # number of samples per umbrella
# Extents for PMF reconstruction.
nbinsperdim = 15 # number of bins per dimension

numbrellas = xcenters.size * ycenters.size
print "There are a total of %d umbrellas." % numbrellas

# Enumerate umbrella centers, and compute the analytical free energy of that umbrella
print "Constructing umbrellas..."
ksum = (Ku+K0)/beta
kprod = (Ku*K0)/(beta*beta)
f_k_analytical = numpy.zeros(numbrellas, numpy.float64);
xu_i = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, ndim], numpy.float64) # xu_i[i,:] is the center of umbrella i
umbrella_index = 0
for x in xcenters:
for y in ycenters:
xu_i[umbrella_index,:] = [x,y]
mu2 = x*x+y*y
f_k_analytical[umbrella_index] = numpy.log((2*numpy.pi/ksum)**(3/2) *numpy.exp(-kprod*mu2/(2*ksum)))
if (x == 0 and y == 0): # assumes that we have one state that is at the zero.
umbrella_zero = umbrella_index
umbrella_index += 1
f_k_analytical -= f_k_analytical[umbrella_zero]

print "Generating %d samples for each of %d umbrellas..." % (nsamples, numbrellas)
x_in = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, nsamples, ndim], numpy.float64)
for umbrella_index in range(numbrellas):
for dim in range(ndim):
# Compute mu and sigma for this dimension for sampling from V0(x) + Vu(x).
# Product of Gaussians: N(x ; a, A) N(x ; b, B) = N(a ; b , A+B) x N(x ; c, C) where
# C = 1/(1/A + 1/B)
# c = C(a/A+b/B)
# A = 1/K0, B = 1/Ku
sigma = 1.0 / (K0 + Ku)
mu = sigma * (x0[dim]*K0 + xu_i[umbrella_index,dim]*Ku)
# Generate normal deviates for this dimension.
x_in[umbrella_index,:,dim] = numpy.random.normal(mu, numpy.sqrt(sigma), [nsamples])

u_kln = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, numbrellas, nsamples], numpy.float64)
x0r = numpy.repeat(numpy.array(x0,ndmin=2),nsamples,axis=0) # nsamples x ndim matrix of repeated umbrella center coordinates for x0
for k in range(numbrellas):
# Compute reduced potential due to V0.
u0 = beta*(K0/2)*numpy.sum((x_in[k,:,:] - x0r)**2, axis=1)
for l in range(numbrellas):
xu = xu_i[l,:] # umbrella center for umbrella l
xur = numpy.repeat(numpy.array(xu,ndmin=2), nsamples, axis=0) # ndim x nsamples matrix of repeated umbrella center coordinates for xu
uu = beta*(Ku/2)*numpy.sum((x_in[k,:,:] - xur)**2, axis=1) # reduced potential due to umbrella l
u_kln[k,l,:] = u0 + uu

u_kn = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, nsamples], numpy.float64) # Store unperturbed potential
def generate_pmf_data(ndim=1, nbinsperdim=15, nsamples = 1000, K0=20.0, Ku = 100.0, gridscale=0.2, xrange = [[-3,3]]):

x0 = numpy.zeros([ndim], numpy.float64) # center of base potential
numbrellas = 1
nperdim = numpy.zeros([ndim],int)
for d in range(ndim):
nperdim[d] = xrange[d][1] - xrange[d][0] + 1
numbrellas *= nperdim[d]

print "There are a total of %d umbrellas." % numbrellas

# Enumerate umbrella centers, and compute the analytical free energy of that umbrella
print "Constructing umbrellas..."
ksum = (Ku+K0)/beta
kprod = (Ku*K0)/(beta*beta)
f_k_analytical = numpy.zeros(numbrellas, numpy.float64);
xu_i = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, ndim], numpy.float64) # xu_i[i,:] is the center of umbrella i

dp = numpy.zeros(ndim,int)
dp[0] = 1
for d in range(1,ndim):
dp[d] = nperdim[d]*dp[d-1]

umbrella_zero = 0
for i in range(numbrellas):
center = []
for d in range(ndim):
val = gridscale*((i/dp[d]) % nperdim[d] + xrange[d][0])
center = numpy.array(center)
xu_i[i,:] = center
mu2 =,center)
f_k_analytical[i] = numpy.log((ndim*numpy.pi/ksum)**(3/2) *numpy.exp(-kprod*mu2/(2*ksum)))
if numpy.all(center==0.0): # assumes that we have one state that is at the zero.
umbrella_zero = i
i += 1
f_k_analytical -= f_k_analytical[umbrella_zero]

print "Generating %d samples for each of %d umbrellas..." % (nsamples, numbrellas)
x_n = numpy.zeros([numbrellas * nsamples, ndim], numpy.float64)

for i in range(numbrellas):
for dim in range(ndim):
# Compute mu and sigma for this dimension for sampling from V0(x) + Vu(x).
# Product of Gaussians: N(x ; a, A) N(x ; b, B) = N(a ; b , A+B) x N(x ; c, C) where
# C = 1/(1/A + 1/B)
# c = C(a/A+b/B)
# A = 1/K0, B = 1/Ku
sigma = 1.0 / (K0 + Ku)
mu = sigma * (x0[dim]*K0 + xu_i[i,dim]*Ku)
# Generate normal deviates for this dimension.
x_n[i*nsamples:(i+1)*nsamples,dim] = numpy.random.normal(mu, numpy.sqrt(sigma), [nsamples])

u_kn = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, nsamples*numbrellas], numpy.float64)
# Compute reduced potential due to V0.
u_n = beta*(K0/2)*numpy.sum((x_n[:,:] - x0)**2, axis=1)
for k in range(numbrellas):
# Compute reduced potential due to V0.
u0 = beta*(K0/2)*numpy.sum((x_in[k,:,:] - x0r)**2, axis=1)
u_kn[k,:] = u0
uu = beta*(Ku/2)*numpy.sum((x_n[:,:] - xu_i[k,:])**2, axis=1) # reduced potential due to umbrella k
u_kn[k,:] = u_n + uu

return u_kn, u_n, x_n, f_k_analytical

nbinsperdim = 15
gridscale = 0.2
nsamples = 1000
ndim = 1
K0 = 20.0
Ku = 100.0
print "============================================"
print " Test 1: 1D PMF "
print "============================================"

xrange = [[-3,3]]
ndim = 1

u_kn, u_n, x_n, f_k_analytical = generate_pmf_data(K0 = K0, Ku = Ku, ndim=ndim, nbinsperdim = nbinsperdim, nsamples = nsamples, gridscale = gridscale, xrange=xrange)
numbrellas = (numpy.shape(u_kn))[0]
N_k = nsamples*numpy.ones([numbrellas], int)
print "Solving for free energies of state ..."
mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

# Histogram bins are indexed using the scheme:
# index = 1 + numpy.floor((x[0] - xmin)/dx) + nbins*numpy.floor((x[1] - xmin)/dy)
# index = 0 is reserved for samples outside of the allowed domain
xmin = gridscale*(numpy.min(xrange[0][0])-1/2.0)
xmax = gridscale*(numpy.max(xrange[0][1])+1/2.0)
dx = (xmax-xmin)/nbinsperdim
nbins = 1 + nbinsperdim**ndim
bin_centers = numpy.zeros([nbins,ndim],numpy.float64)

ibin = 1;
pmf_analytical = numpy.zeros([nbins],numpy.float64)
minmu2 = 1000000;
zeroindex = 0;
# construct the bins and the pmf
for i in range(nbinsperdim):
xbin = xmin + dx * (i + 0.5)
bin_centers[ibin,0] = xbin
mu2 = xbin*xbin
if (mu2 < minmu2):
minmu2 = mu2;
zeroindex = ibin
pmf_analytical[ibin] = K0*mu2/2.0
ibin += 1
fzero = pmf_analytical[zeroindex]
pmf_analytical -= fzero
pmf_analytical[0] = 0

bin_n = numpy.zeros([numbrellas*nsamples], int)
# Determine indices of those within bounds.
within_bounds = (x_n[:,0] >= xmin) & (x_n[:,0] < xmax)
# Determine states for these.
bin_n[within_bounds] = 1 + numpy.floor((x_n[within_bounds,0]-xmin)/dx)
# Determine indices of bins that are not empty.
bin_counts = numpy.zeros([nbins], int)
for i in range(nbins):
bin_counts[i] = (bin_n == i).sum()

# Compute PMF.
print "Computing PMF ..."
[f_i, df_i] = mbar.computePMF(u_n, bin_n, nbins, uncertainties = 'from-specified', pmf_reference = zeroindex)
# Show free energy and uncertainty of each occupied bin relative to lowest free energy

print "1D PMF:"
print "%d counts out of %d counts not in any bin" % (bin_counts[0],numbrellas*nsamples)
print "%8s %6s %8s %10s %10s %10s %10s %8s" % ('bin', 'x', 'N', 'f', 'true','error','df','sigmas')
for i in range(1,nbins):
if (i == zeroindex):
stdevs = 0
df_i[0] = 0
error = pmf_analytical[i]-f_i[i]
stdevs = numpy.abs(error)/df_i[i]
print '%8d %6.2f %8d %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f %8.2f' % (i, bin_centers[i,0], bin_counts[i], f_i[i], pmf_analytical[i], error, df_i[i], stdevs)

print "============================================"
print " Test 2: 2D PMF "
print "============================================"

xrange = [[-3,3],[-3,3]]
ndim = 2
nsamples = 300
u_kn, u_n, x_n, f_k_analytical = generate_pmf_data(K0 = K0, Ku = Ku, ndim=ndim, nbinsperdim = nbinsperdim, nsamples = nsamples, gridscale = gridscale, xrange=xrange)
numbrellas = (numpy.shape(u_kn))[0]
N_k = nsamples*numpy.ones([numbrellas], int)
mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k, method='adaptive')
print "Solving for free energies of state ..."
mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

# The dimensionless free energy is the integral of this, and can be computed as:
# f(beta,K) = - ln [ (2*numpy.pi/(Ko+Ku))^(d/2) exp[ -Ku*Ko mu' mu / 2(Ko +Ku)]
# f(beta,K) - fzero = -Ku*Ko / 2(Ko+Ku) = 1/(1/(Ku/2) + 1/(K0/2))
# for computing harmonic samples

#Can compare the free energies computed with MBAR if desired with f_k_analytical

# Histogram bins are indexed using the scheme:
# index = 1 + numpy.floor((x[0] - xmin)/dx) + nbins*numpy.floor((x[1] - xmin)/dy)
# index = 0 is reserved for samples outside of the allowed domain
xmin = numpy.min(xcenters)-gridscale/2.0
ymin = numpy.min(ycenters)-gridscale/2.0
xmax = numpy.max(xcenters)+gridscale/2.0
ymax = numpy.max(ycenters)+gridscale/2.0

xmin = gridscale*(numpy.min(xrange[0][0])-1/2.0)
xmax = gridscale*(numpy.max(xrange[0][1])+1/2.0)
ymin = gridscale*(numpy.min(xrange[1][0])-1/2.0)
ymax = gridscale*(numpy.max(xrange[1][1])+1/2.0)
dx = (xmax-xmin)/nbinsperdim
dy = (ymax-ymin)/nbinsperdim
nbins = 1 + nbinsperdim**ndim
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -692,31 +778,30 @@ def GetAnalytical(beta,K,O,observables):
pmf_analytical -= fzero
pmf_analytical[0] = 0

unbinned = 0
bin_kn = numpy.zeros([numbrellas, nsamples], int)
for i in range(numbrellas):
# Determine indices of those within bounds.
within_bounds = (x_in[i,:,0] >= xmin) & (x_in[i,:,0] < xmax) & (x_in[i,:,1] >= ymin) & (x_in[i,:,1] < ymax)
# Determine states for these.
bin_kn[i,within_bounds] = 1 + numpy.floor((x_in[i,within_bounds,0]-xmin)/dx) + nbinsperdim*numpy.floor((x_in[i,within_bounds,1]-ymin)/dy)
bin_n = numpy.zeros([numbrellas * nsamples], int)
# Determine indices of those within bounds.
within_bounds = (x_n[:,0] >= xmin) & (x_n[:,0] < xmax) & (x_n[:,1] >= ymin) & (x_n[:,1] < ymax)
# Determine states for these.
bin_n[within_bounds] = 1 + numpy.floor((x_n[within_bounds,0]-xmin)/dx) + nbinsperdim*numpy.floor((x_n[within_bounds,1]-ymin)/dy)

# Determine indices of bins that are not empty.
bin_counts = numpy.zeros([nbins], int)
for i in range(nbins):
bin_counts[i] = (bin_kn == i).sum()
bin_counts[i] = (bin_n == i).sum()

# Compute PMF.
print "Computing PMF ..."
[f_i, df_i] = mbar.computePMF(u_kn, bin_kn, nbins, uncertainties = 'from-specified', pmf_reference = zeroindex)
# Show free energy and uncertainty of each occupied bin relative to lowest free energy
[f_i, df_i] = mbar.computePMF(u_n, bin_n, nbins, uncertainties = 'from-specified', pmf_reference = zeroindex)
# Show free energy and uncertainty of each occupied bin relative to lowest free energy
print "2D PMF:"

print "%d counts out of %d counts not in any bin" % (bin_counts[0],numbrellas*nsamples)
print "%8s %6s %6s %8s %10s %10s %10s %10s %8s" % ('bin', 'x', 'y', 'N', 'f', 'true','error','df','sigmas')
for i in range(1,nbins):
if (i == zeroindex):
stdevs = 0
df_i[0] = 0
error = pmf_analytical[i]-f_i[i]
stdevs = numpy.abs(error)/df_i[i]
print '%8d %6.2f %6.2f %8d %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f %8.2f' % (i, bin_centers[i,0], bin_centers[i,1] , bin_counts[i], f_i[i], pmf_analytical[i], error, df_i[i], stdevs)
Expand Down

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