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ChooJun edited this page Nov 29, 2016 · 4 revisions

Everyone in the ceremony of OSS 2011 USM Extract team

The grand prize of OSS 2011

  • The Point Cloud Library (PCL): Radu Bogdan Rusu USM Extract team

The first prize of OSS 2011

  • The shark: Christian Igel, Matthias Tuma USM Extract team

The second prizes of OSS 2011

  • The USM Extract: Chee Peng LIM, Choo Jun TAN
  • The DIADEM Data Extraction: Andrew Sellers, Tim Furche, Georg Gottlob, Giovanni Grasso, Jochen Kranzdorf, Christian Schallhart USM Extract team

The Intel special prize of OSS 2011

  • Shanghai JiaoTong Meego Team: Yao Shen, Long Zheng, Kaixiang Hu, Xiangyu Meng, Ling Ma, Minjie Wang, Xiaoxin Tang USM Extract team
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