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CauMon: An Informative Online Monitor for Signal Temporal Logic

This repository is for the artifact evaluation of the paper "CauMon: An Informative Online Monitor for Signal Temporal Logic", accepted by FM 2024.

Instructions for Artifact Evaluation


  • Load the docker container by:

    docker load < caumon.tar

  • Run the docker container by:

    docker run -it -v $PWD/results:/root/EfficientCausationMonitor/results --shm-size=512M caumon

    Input your MATLAB license information (MATLAB account that has a license) to activate MATLAB in docker container.

Reproduce Results in Paper

Reproduce Table 3

  • Run Table3 in MATLAB commandline.
  • There will be a number of prompts by which one can choose the experiments to reproduce. For example, one can reproduce the experiments of phi_AT^1 with trace #1, i.e., the first row of the first sub-table of Table 3:
    Input the model number: 1. AT, 2. AFC, 3. NN, 4. FFR
    Input the specification number: 1. AT1, 2. AT2, 3. AT3, 4. AT4
    Input the trace ID you want to check: (1~10)
    Input the number you want to repeat each experiments (Default: 1)
    Do you want to skip experiments for plain causation monitor? Y/N
    Since the execution time of some monitors for some specifications is extremely long, we offer the option to skip those results (by answering 'Y' in the last question).
  • After waiting for some time, the results will be stored in results/ in the container and also $PWD/results/ in your local directory

Reproduce Figure 2a

  • Run Figure2a in MATLAB commandline.
  • Results will be stored in results/ in the container and also in $PWD/results/ in your local directory.

Reproduce Figure 2b

  • Run Figure2a in MATLAB commandline.
  • Results will be stored in results/ in the container and also in $PWD/results/ in your local directory.

Usage for New Problem Instances

Usage for new systems

The function of our tool is realized by a C++ function stl_causation_opt. The interface of stl_causation_opt has been introduced in Section 5 of our paper, which requires 4 arguments:

  • signal_str: the names (string) of the signals, e.g., for AT it is 'speed,RPM'
  • phi_str: the STL specification, following the STL syntax rule in Breach
  • trace: the partial trace to be monitored. It has several dimensions: the first dimension is time; the following dimensions respectively correspond to the signals in signal_str.
  • tau: the time point to monitor. See Def. 4 in the paper.

We showcase this usage by an example of Chasing Car, taken from ARCH-COMP2023 (See Section 2.2). Some traces and some specifications have been stored in experiment/data/CAR_phiX_traceX.mat.

To run this example,

  • Run New.
  • After waiting for some time, the results will be stored in results/ in the container and also $PWD/results/ in your local directory.
  • One can also change Line 3-6 to try other traces and specifications.

Customize the code

The experiments above are based on system execution traces stored in log files. More specifically, we rely on the MEX functions of MATLAB and so we can execute stl_causation_opt as a MATLAB function to monitor the traces extracted from Simulink models.

Note that users can also customize the code for other use. Some useful tips are as follows:

  • Compile the code as C++ executables other than MATLAB function by removing #include "mex.h" in the source code in Online/include/ and Online/src/;
  • The current main file is Online/include/stl_causation_opt.cpp. This function takes the whole trace as input and returns the final monitoring results. It has a loop that incrementally loads a partial trace and returns the verdict for that partial trace. To apply our tool to monitoring of other systems, one needs to go through a similar workflow of Online/include/stl_causation_opt.cpp, and notably, the following two lines are used to return the verdict for partial traces.
 78             rob_up = phi->causation_opt_upper();
 79             rob_low= phi->causation_opt_lower();
  • An easy way to compile the code is to run InstallBreach.

Structure of the Repository

├── Core
│   └── m_src
│       └── varargin2struct_breach.m
├── Ext
├── Figure2a.m
├── Figure2b.m
├── InitBreach.m
├── InstallBreach.m
├── New.m
├── Online
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── onlineMonitorWrapper.mexa64
│   │   ├── onlineMonitorWrapper.mexmaci64
│   │   ├── onlineMonitorWrapper.mexw64
│   │   ├── stl_causation.mexa64
│   │   ├── stl_causation.mexmaci64
│   │   ├── stl_causation_mid.mexmaci64
│   │   ├── stl_causation_opt.mexa64
│   │   ├── stl_causation_opt.mexmaci64
│   │   ├── stl_eval_mex.mexa64
│   │   ├── stl_eval_mex.mexmaci64
│   │   ├── stl_eval_mex.mexw64
│   │   ├── stl_eval_mex_pw.mexa64
│   │   └── stl_eval_mex_pw.mexmaci64
│   ├── include
│   │   ├── FlexLexer.h
│   │   ├── interval.h
│   │   ├── location.hh
│   │   ├── position.hh
│   │   ├── robustness.h
│   │   ├── signal.h
│   │   ├── signal_expr.h
│   │   ├── stack.hh
│   │   ├── stdafx.h
│   │   ├── stl_driver.h
│   │   ├── stl_parser.h
│   │   ├── stl_scanner.h
│   │   ├── tools.h
│   │   ├── transducer.asv
│   │   ├── transducer.h
│   │   └──
│   ├── m_src
│   │   └── compile_stl_mex.m
│   ├── obj
│   └── src
│       ├── Makefile_Parser
│       ├── interval.cpp
│       ├── interval_transducer.cpp
│       ├── main.cpp
│       ├── onlineMonitorWrapper.cpp
│       ├── robustness.cpp
│       ├── signal.cpp
│       ├── signal_expr.cpp
│       ├── stl_atom.cpp
│       ├── stl_causation.cpp
│       ├── stl_causation_mid.cpp
│       ├── stl_causation_opt.cpp
│       ├── stl_driver.cpp
│       ├── stl_eval_mex.cpp
│       ├── stl_eval_mex_pw.cpp
│       ├── stl_monitor.cpp
│       ├── stl_parser.cpp
│       ├── stl_parser.ypp
│       ├── stl_scanner.cpp
│       ├── stl_scanner.lpp
│       ├── tools.cpp
│       ├── transducer.cpp
│       └── update_transducer.cpp
├── experiment
│   ├── data
│   ├── exec.m
│   └── plots
└── results


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