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TGMG: A templated geometric multigrid library in C++

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TGMG: A templated geometric multigrid library in C++

TGMG is a software library for solving a class of elliptic partial differential equations on two-dimensional rectangular grids using the multigrid method. A defining characteristic of the library is that it makes use of C++ templates. This allows it to work on a range of data types, and also allows performance-critical parts of the solution method to be inlined during compilation.

The library makes use of OpenMP for multithreading, and self-tunes the number of threads used in different parts of the algorithm. It works on any m × n rectangular grid, using either periodic or non-periodic boundary conditions.

The library will only solve linear systems where the non-zero terms connect each grid point to its 3 × 3 square of orthogonal and diagonal neighbors, but this includes a wide-range of systems arising in finite-difference and finite-element discretizations.

The library is header-only. To use the library, the user must write a problem class that encapsulates all of the details of the linear system to be solved. Several examples are provided. This documentation assumes that the reader is familiar with the principles behind multigrid methods; for an introduction, see the textbooks by Briggs et al. [1] and Demmel [2].

Compiling the code examples

The code is written in C++ and has been tested on Linux, MacOS, and Windows (via Cygwin). It uses Perl during the compilation procedure. The following documentation assumes you are familiar with the Linux/Mac/Cygwin command-line interface.

The code does not have any dependencies, although it can output data in a binary format that can be read by the freeware plotting program Gnuplot.

To compile the code it is necessary to create a common configuration file called in the parent directory where the tgmg repository is stored. Several templates are provided in the config directory. To use, copy one of the templates into the parent directory. From the tgmg directory, on a Linux computer, type

cp config/ ../

On a Mac using GCC 14 installed via MacPorts, type

cp config/ ../

On a Mac using GCC installed via Homebrew, type

cp config/ ../

On a Windows computer with Cygwin installed, type

cp config/ ../

After this, the code examples can be compiled by typing


Finite-difference example

The example program demonstrates using the library to solve the Poisson equation ∇²u=f on a two-dimensional domain [-1,1]² with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions on all sides. The solution is discretized on a 1025 × 1025 grid, and the Poisson equation is discretized using the standard five-point centered-finite difference stencil for the Laplacian. The corresponding linear system Az=b is specified in the poisson_fd class, which is described in more detail in the following section.

The first part of the program creates a poisson_fd class called pfd with the specified grid size and grid dimensions:

    // Grid dimensions
    const int m=1025,n=1025;

    // Physical dimensions of the rectangle to solve on
    const double ax=-1,bx=1,ay=ax,by=bx;
    poisson_fd pfd(m,n,ax,bx,ay,by);

After this the multigrid solver is created. It is a template that is instantiated on three classes: (1) the problem class, (2) the data type for entries in A, and (3) the data type for entries in b.

    // Initialize the multigrid solver, set the verbosity to maximum, and set
    // up the multigrid hierarchy
    tgmg<poisson_fd,double,double> mg(pfd,pfd.b,pfd.z);

TGMG can has four different levels of messages, which is controlled by the verbose class member. They are: (0) silent operation, (1) error messages only, (2) a summary of convergence information for the solution, (3) detailed residual messages per V-cycle. In this example, the level is set to three. In addition, a call to the setup() function is made, which calculates the linear systems on the coarser grids:


The source term is then initialized as a Gaussian, and the solution array is set to zero, after which the linear system is solved using multigrid V-cycles:

    // Set up the solution and source arrays

    // Solve using multigrid V-cycles

Finally, the solution and source terms are saved in a binary format that can be read by Gnuplot:

    // Output the solutions in a format that can be read by Gnuplot using
    // either of the following two commands:
    // 1. For color map plot
    // plot [-1:1] [-1:1] 'filename' matrix binary with image
    // 2. For 3D plot
    // splot [-1:1] [-1:1] 'filename' matrix binary
    const double dx=(bx-ax)/(m-1),dy=(by-ay)/(n-1);

When the program is run using eight threads it produces the following output:

# Top grid level: (1025,1025) [odd,odd] {8,8,-,8}
# Grid level  0 : (513,513) [odd,odd] {8,8,8,8}
# Grid level  1 : (257,257) [odd,odd] {8,8,8,8}
# Grid level  2 : (129,129) [odd,odd] {8,8,1,1}
# Grid level  3 : (65,65) [odd,odd] {1,1,1,1}
# Grid level  4 : (33,33) [odd,odd] {1,1,1,1}
# Grid level  5 : (17,17) [odd,odd] {1,1,1,1}
# Grid level  6 : (9,9) [odd,odd] {1,1,1,1}
# Grid level  7 : (5,5) [odd,odd] {1,-,1,1}
Iteration 4, residual 5.18612e-10
Iteration 8, residual 1.95001e-18
8 iters, res 0.0468185->1.95001e-18, 2.04755 digits per iter

The first few lines describe the hierarchy of coarser grids that TGMG has created. The grids are recursively constructed, with an m × n grid being coarsened to ⌊(m+1)/2⌋ × ⌊(n+1)/2⌋ grid. For non-periodic grids, using problem dimensions of 2k+1 gives a convenient implementation [2], since every grid in the hierarchy has an odd number of points. Restriction on an odd grid size works simply since coarsening works by removing every other grid point (while retaining the end points). However, TGMG can also coarsen grid dimensions with even sizes, allowing it to work on any grid.

The numbers in the curly brackets correspond to the threads that TGMG has chosen to perform the different operations on that grid. The four numbers correspond to (1) Gauss–Seidel sweeps, (2) restriction, (3) interpolation, and (4) clearing arrays. Once the grid becomes too small, it is no longer advantageous to use threads, and the library switches to single-threaded operation.

The library then prints out the square residual per grid point as the iterations progress. After eight iterations the error threshold has been reached, and the library prints a message about the overall reduction in the residual. The code estimates the number of digits of accuracy gained per iteration, but this is only approximate since once the algorithm converges, the residual may be dominated by rounding error.

The images below show the source term (left) and the solution (right).

Plots of Gaussian source term (left) and solution to the Poisson equation

Structure of the problem class

The linear system in the previous example is specified in the poisson_fd class, contained in the and poisson_fd.hh source code files. This class contains the following class data members required by TGMG:

  • m and n, the grid dimensions,
  • x_prd and y_prd, boolean values setting the periodicity in the two directions,
  • gs_mode, the type of Gauss–Seidel sweep to use in the solver,
  • acc, the solution tolerance on square error per grid point,
  • z, the solution vector array,
  • b, the source vector array.

In addition, the class specifies several functions that describe the linear system to be solved. The functions are of the horizontal index i and the overall grid index ij (equal to i+j×m). The vertical index is not given, because it is possible to infer it using simple calculations from the other two.

Nine functions set the terms in the linear system:

a_ul(i,ij) a_uc(i,ij) a_ur(i,ij)
a_cl(i,ij) a_cc(i,ij) a_cr(i,ij)
a_dl(i,ij) a_dc(i,ij) a_dr(i,ij)

For a given grid point, these functions return the matrix entries corresponding to the 3 × 3 set of neighboring grid points.

Two further redundant functions are provided:

  • inv_cc(i,ij,v) returns the division of the value v by the diagonal entry of the linear system at grid point (i,j),
  • mul_a(i,ij) returns the result of the matrix multiplication A'x at grid point (i,j), where A' contains all off-diagonal entries in A.

Both of these functions are frequently called in the Gauss–Seidel sweeps, and they are separately specified to increase computational efficiency. The poisson_fd class contains other members that are specific to the finite-difference implementation (e.g. hcc, hxx). In general, these problem classes can contain many other types of functions and data.

Other test problems

The program pfd_time measures the time for the TGMG library to solve the poisson_fd problem 500 times, using Gaussian source terms that slowly change for each test case. On a 1025 × 1025 grid, using eight threads on an iMac with 3.6 GHz 8-core Intel Core i9, the code takes 43 ms per solution, with an average of six V-cycles per solve.

The program pfem_test demonstrates solving a Poisson equation using a finite-element discretization based on bilinear equations. It makes use of the poisson_fem problem class described in poisson_fem.hh and

The program vpfem_test solves the equation -∇·(c∇u)=f where c is a spatially-varying field. Equations like this occur in many physical problems, such as when simulating fluids with varying density [3,4,5], or simulating porous media flow with varying permeability [6].

If c has large variations in size over the domain, then V-cycles become inefficient. The program mpcg_test uses TGMG as a component in the multigrid preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm [7], which gives better convergence.

Applications of the library

This library has been developed by Chris Rycroft with feedback from the Rycroft group and collaborators, and it has been used in a number of scientific projects and publications.

It has been used in a sequence of papers that study bulk metallic glasses [8,9,10], a new type of alloy under consideration for a variety of technological applications. It has been used in the incompressible reference map technique [5], a new numerical method for fluid–structure interaction. In has also been use to enforce incompressibility constraints in models of porous media flow [6,11].


For questions about the code, contact Chris Rycroft.


This work has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DMR-1409560 and DMS-1753203, and by the Applied Mathematics Program of the U.S. DOE Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231.


  1. James W. Demmel, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM (1997). doi:10.1137/1.9781611971446

  2. William L. Briggs, Van Emden Henson, and Steve F. McCormick, A Multigrid Tutorial, Second Edition, SIAM (2000). doi:10.1137/1.9780898719505

  3. Mark Sussman, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, Louis H. Howell, and Michael L. Welcome, An adaptive level set approach for incompressible two-phase flows, J. Comput. Phys. 148, 81–124 (1999). doi:10.1006/jcph.1998.6106

  4. Jiun-Der Yu, Shinri Sakai, and James A. Sethian, A coupled level set projection method applied to ink jet simulation, Interface Free Bound. 5, 459–482 (2003). doi:10.4171/IFB/87

  5. Chris H. Rycroft, Chen-Hung Wu, Yue Yu, and Ken Kamrin, Reference map technique for incompressible fluid–structure interaction, J. Fluid Mech. 898, A9 (2020). doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.353

  6. Nicholas J. Derr, David C. Fronk, Christoph A. Weber, Amala Mahadevan, Chris H. Rycroft, and L. Mahadevan, Flow-driven branching in a frangible porous medium, arXiv:2007.02997 (2020).

  7. O. Tatebe, The multigrid preconditioned conjugate gradient method, in 6th Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, April 4–9, 1993. NASA Technical Reports Server 19940017009

  8. Chris H. Rycroft, Yi Sui, and Eran Bouchbinder, An Eulerian projection method for quasi-static elastoplasticity, J. Comput. Phys. 300, 136–166 (2015). doi:10.1016/

  9. Manish Vasoya, Chris H. Rycroft, and Eran Bouchbinder, Notch fracture toughness of glasses: Rate, age and geometry dependence, Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 024008 (2016). doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.6.024008

  10. Adam R. Hinkle, Chris H. Rycroft, Michael D. Shields, and Michael L. Falk, Coarse graining atomistic simulations of plastically deforming amorphous solids, Phys. Rev. E. 95, 053001 (2017). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.95.053001

  11. Christoph A. Weber, Chris H. Rycroft, and L. Mahadevan, Differential activity-driven instabilities in biphasic active matter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 248003 (2018). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.248003


TGMG: A templated geometric multigrid library in C++



