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Alkaris edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

You can change the color of the light bar using the following HEX Codes provided below which have been tested to work when using ds4drv command. Some colors will look same following the ones listed proceeded after the forward slash, but produce the same colors

ie: HEX code 000000 (black) turns Light bar off completely.

LED Color Profiles:

 Light Bar OFF  = 000000
 # Any of the color HEX Codes listed will produce same or similar color result.
 # Only use 1 per line per profile config.
 Blue (def.)   = 0000ff / 000fff / 110196 / 070496
 Red           = ff0000 / ff0f0f / 340000 / 990000
 Yellow        = fff000 / ffff00 / f0ff0f / f0ff00 / 678901
 White         = fffff0 / ffffff / fff0ff / f0ffff / f0f0f0
 Pink          = ff00ff / ff0fff / ff00c1 / fd00ff / 330033
 Grey ?        = 0f0f0f
 Green         = 00ff00 / 199600 / 006300 / 00cc00 / 66cc00
 Teal          = 1fca1f / 008080
 Light Blue    = 123456 / 112233 / 4682b4 / 66cccc
 Peach         = 8b4513 / 993333 / cc6633 / ff3333 / cc821a
 Purple        = 660033 / 990066 / 990099
 Orange        = 663300 / 993300 / cc3300 / ff3300

A lot of the colors tested would appear on the LED as white or a really light color that still looked white even if it were another color say like Light-Blue or Light-Green or Light-Yellow, this is due to limitation of the colors the LED that in the controller supports.

You can set the color you want from the command line by doing: $ ds4drv --led ff0000 --next-controller --led 199600 or you can pre-set it in the ds4drv.conf on line 39, line 59, and line 64.

Have fun with it and set the colors you want.

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