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This app is used to control the temperature of the WickedDevice temperature calibration chamber.


There are two main components of this app, an express web server which supplies the web interface for controlling the temperature, and another app that runs on the raspi that controls the temperature of the chamber that polls the main app to check for new instructions.


sass is required to compile the CSS files. Check if you have scss by typing sass --version (ideally before running npm install). If you do not, install the ruby version of sass by running gem install sass -v 3.4.22.

In addition, you will need nodejs, as well as npm.

All other depndencies are automatically installed during installation.


After cloning the repository, type npm install to install all dependencies and run all setup scripts. These will create the database and generate all api keys required, as well as insert them into all required fields.


The configuration file is in hjson.

By default the config looks like this (Without comments, but you can add them if you want):

  //Specifies if production mode is enabled. Default: true
  production: true
  //API settings
    //The egg to collect data from.  Default: egg00802fbeaf1b0130
    dataEgg: egg00802fbeaf1b0130
    //The sensors to include on the web page
  //Database settings.  Not reccomended to change
    //The path to the database file
    path: .

  //Server settings
    //The port to serve the project on
    port: 3000

  //Add new operations here.  Add operations by adding more operation objects to the array:
      name: string      //The name of the operation
      desc: string      //A description of what the operation does
      file: string      //The path to the module that will be run when the operation is executed
      options: [        //The arguments that will be passed to the operation
              name: string,         //The name of the argument
              desc: string,         //A description of what the argument is
              type: string          //The datatype of the option.  This must be compatable with the type parameter of the html <input> tag
              typedesc: string,     //A description of the parameter datatype, ie "minutes"
          name: turns
          desc: How many turns.  Positive is clockwise, negetive is ccwise
          type: number
      name: settemp
      desc: Set the temperature of the chamber using the number of turns
      file: src/jobs/settemp
      options: []
      name: Calibration
      desc: Run temperature egg calibration routine.
      file: src/jobs/calibrate
          name: test1
          type: text
          name: test2
          type: text
      name: test
      file: src/jobs/test.js
  //Secret things
    extern: false       //If you want to provide an external secret file, do so here (eg, you are using a public git repo). Default: false
    AQE_API_KEY: ""     //Put your air quality egg api key here
    COOKIE_SECRET: ""       //Put a cookie secret here


After setting the client up, you can run the program using npm start. You can access the webpage at localhost:port_number (3000 by default), and can forward it to the web to access it from anywhere.


npm install will install all dependencies and generate all required things

npm run-script generate-scss will compile the materialize scss files

npm run-script generate-config will generate the default config.hjson file

npm run-script generate-database will generate a default database

npm run-script generate-js will render the webindex file

First time login

The default username for login is root, the default password is password. You can (and should) change the password in the settings panel.

Default Jobs


Rotates the dial a number of turns. Negative numbers go ccw, Positive numbers to cw.


Run the default calibration routine


Run a custom calibration routine using a number of turns separated by commas.


Run a calibration routine controlled by a closed-loop system.



The ratio of turns to degrees that will be used to figure out how many turns will be done on each adjustment.

A good number to use is 6.


The minimum difference between the actual temperature and the target temperature that will be adjusted for.

Usually 1 degree is sufficient.


The amount of time in between temperature adjustments.

4 minutes is a good time to use.


The amount of time each temperature will be targeted for.


A comma-separated list of values that will be targeted. Eg: 0,10,20,30,40,25

Temperature Chamber API

Instruction API


Return the current instruction stack as json array

Requires an authorization header containing a key with the permission READ_INSTRUCTION


Push a new instruction onto the instruction stack.

Requires a valid session. This should only be done from the web interface


Kill the current running job.

Requires a valid session. This should only be done from the web interface


Delete a job from the queue



Type: url Value: The index of the instruction stack to delete from

Requires a valid session. This should only be done from the web interface


Get the current running instruction

Requires an API key with permission READ_INSTRUCTION

Sensor API


Get the most recent sensor data from the reference egg as json

Requires an authorization header containing a key with the permission READ_SENSOR