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Chris Eidhof committed Sep 2, 2009
1 parent 97e54f4 commit 38f665d
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Showing 8 changed files with 217 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Example.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Generics.Records.User where
module Example where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
Expand Down
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions Generics/Regular/Database.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,17 +36,20 @@ new x = let v = gvalues x
[[i]] <- quickQueryS "SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS [ID]" []
return $ fromInteger $ fromSql i

update :: (Regular a, Values a, GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a)) => a -> Int -> DB ()
update x i = let v = values x
update :: (Regular a, GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a)) => a -> Int -> DB ()
update x i = let v = gvalues x
c = gtocolumns x
q = updateQuery (tableName $ from x) c
in case (length v == length c) of
False -> error "Incorrect instances for Values and Columns"
True -> do quickQueryS q (v ++ [toSql i])
True -> do liftIO (print q)
liftIO $ print v
quickQueryS q (v ++ [toSql i])
return ()

find :: (Regular a, GParse (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), Show a) => a -> Int -> DB (Maybe a)
find u i = do let q = findQuery (tableName $ from u) (gtocolumns u)
liftIO $ print q
res <- map parse <$> (quickQueryS q [toSql i])
case res of
[] -> return Nothing
Expand All @@ -55,7 +58,6 @@ find u i = do let q = findQuery (tableName $ from u) (gtocolumns u)

findAll :: (Regular a, GParse (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), Show a) => a -> [(String, SqlValue)] -> DB [(Int, a)]
findAll u w = do let q = findAllQuery (tableName $ from u) ("id" : (gtocolumns u)) w
liftIO $ print q
x <- (quickQueryS q $ map snd w)
return $ catMaybes $ map (evalState parse') x
where parse' :: (Regular a, GParse (PF a)) => Parser (Int, a)
Expand All @@ -70,9 +72,12 @@ quickQueryS q v = get >>= \conn -> liftIO (quickQuery' conn q v)

newQuery tableName columns = "INSERT INTO " ++ tableName ++ " (" ++ (intercalate ", " columns) ++ ") VALUES (" ++ (intercalate ", " $ map (const "?") columns) ++ ")"
updateQuery tableName columns = "UPDATE " ++ tableName ++ " SET (" ++ (intercalate ", " columns) ++ ") VALUES (" ++ (intercalate ", " $ map (const "?") columns) ++ ") WHERE id = ?"
updateQuery tableName columns = "UPDATE " ++ tableName ++ " SET " ++ (intercalate ", " changes) ++ " WHERE id = ?"
where changes = map (++ " = ?") columns

findQuery tableName columns = "SELECT " ++ (intercalate ", " columns) ++ " FROM " ++ tableName ++ " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1"

findAllQuery tableName columns fields = "SELECT " ++ (intercalate ", " columns) ++ " FROM " ++ tableName ++ " WHERE " ++ conds ++" LIMIT 1"
where conds = intercalate " AND " $ map ((++ " = ?") . fst) fields
findAllQuery tableName columns fields = "SELECT " ++ (intercalate ", " columns) ++ " FROM " ++ tableName ++ (conds fields)
where conds [] = ""
conds (x:xs) = "WHERE " ++ (intercalate " AND " $ map ((++ " = ?") . fst) (x:xs))
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Generics/Regular/Database/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ getOne = do x <- gets $ head' ("Database doesn't match defined schema.")
modify tail
return x

getString :: Parser String
getString = maybeRead <$> getOne

parseUsingRead :: (Read a) => Parser a
parseUsingRead = maybeRead <$> getOne

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Generics/Regular/Formlets.hs
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Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ instance Formlet String where formlet = F.input
class GFormlet f where
gformf :: XFormlet a -> XFormlet (f a)

gform :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a)) => XFormlet a
gform x = to <$> (gformf gform (from <$> x))
gformlet :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a)) => XFormlet a
gformlet x = to <$> (gformf gformlet (from <$> x))

instance (Constructor c, GFormlet f) => GFormlet (C c f) where
gformf f x = C <$> (gformf f $ unC <$> x)
Expand All @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ instance Formlet a => GFormlet (K a) where
gformf _ x = K <$> (formlet (unK <$> x))

instance (GFormlet f, GFormlet g) => GFormlet (f :*: g) where
gformf f x = (:*:) <$> (gformf f (prodFst <$> x)) <*> (gformf f (prodSnd <$> x))
gformf f x = (:*:) <$> (gformf f (prodFst <$> x)) <* F.xml <*> (gformf f (prodSnd <$> x))

instance (Selector s, GFormlet f) => GFormlet (S s f) where
Expand Down
15 changes: 3 additions & 12 deletions Generics/Regular/Relations/HasMany.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ instance Values (HasMany a) where values _ = []

-- Existential?
data RHasMany a b = RHM { hmField :: a -> HasMany b
, hmForeignKey :: String
, hmUpdate :: a -> HasMany b -> a

Expand All @@ -37,19 +38,9 @@ fillHasMany :: ( Regular c, GParse (PF c), GColumns (PF c)
-> (RHasMany m c)
-> DB m
fillHasMany u ix bt = case hmField bt u of
HMNotFetched -> do rels <- findAll (hmType bt) [("user_id", toSql ix)]
HMNotFetched -> do rels <- findAll (hmType bt) [(hmForeignKey bt, toSql ix)]
return $ hmUpdate bt u $ HMFetched rels

--HMNotFetched -> error "fillBelongsTo"
--HMNotFetched -> do value <- find (fromBelongsTo $ btField bt u) x
-- let value' = fromMaybe' "fillBelongsTo" value
-- return $ btUpdate bt u $ BTFetched (x, value')
--x@(BTFetched _) -> return $ btUpdate bt u x
-- where fromBelongsTo (BTFetched (x,y)) = y
-- fromBelongsTo _ = error "fromBelongsTo"

--fromMaybe' e (Just x) = x
--fromMaybe' e _ = error e
HMFetched _ -> return u

hmType :: RHasMany m c -> c
hmType = undefined
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Generics/Regular/Views.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,34 @@ instance (Selector s, GHtml f) => GHtml (S s f) where
ghtml :: (Regular a, GHtml (PF a)) => a -> X.Html
ghtml x = ghtmlf ghtml (from x)

class Table a where
table :: a -> X.Html

class GTable f where
gtablef :: (a -> X.Html) -> f a -> X.Html

instance GTable I where
gtablef f (I r) = f r

instance (Constructor c, GTable f) => GTable (C c f) where
gtablef f cx@(C x) = << (gtablef f x)

instance Html a => GTable (K a) where
gtablef _ (K x) = html x

instance (GTable f, GTable g) => GTable (f :*: g) where
gtablef f (x :*: y) = gtablef f x +++ gtablef f y

instance (Selector s, GTable f) => GTable (S s f) where
gtablef f s@(S x) = << gtablef f x

gtableRow :: (Regular a, GTable (PF a)) => a -> X.Html
gtableRow x = gtablef gtableRow (from x)

gtable :: (Regular a, GTable (PF a)) => [a] -> X.Html
gtable xs = X.table << map gtableRow xs

-- JSON stuff

--class Json a where
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Generics/Regular/WebTypes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Generics.Regular.WebTypes where

import Control.Applicative
import Database.HDBC (toSql)
import Generics.Regular
import Generics.Regular.Database.Parse
import Generics.Regular.Database.Columns
import Generics.Regular.Database.Values
import Generics.Regular.Views
import Generics.Regular.Formlets
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as X
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict.Formlets as F

newtype Password = Password {unpass :: String} deriving Show

instance ParseSql Password where parsef = fmap Password <$> getString
instance Columns Password where columns = const keep
instance Values Password where values = return . toSql . unpass
instance Html Password where html = const X.noHtml
instance Formlet Password where formlet x = Password <$> F.password (unpass <$> x)

--newtype Textarea = Textarea {untextarea :: String} deriving Show
--instance ParseSql Textarea where parsef = fmap Textarea <$> getString
--instance Columns Textarea where columns = const keep
--instance Values Textarea where values = return . toSql . untextarea
--instance Html Textarea where html = const X.noHtml
--instance Formlet Textarea where formlet x = Textarea <$> F.textarea (untextarea <$> x)
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions Happstack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Example where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Error
import Control.Applicative.State
import Text.Formlets
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict.Formlets as F
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as X
import Text.XHtml.Strict ((+++), (<<))
import Happstack.Server
import Generics.Regular
import Generics.Regular.Formlets hiding (XFormlet)
import Generics.Regular.Database
import Generics.Regular.ModelName
import Generics.Regular.Views
import Generics.Regular.Relations
import Generics.Regular.WebTypes
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 (Connection, connectSqlite3)
import Database.HDBC (commit)

data User = User {name :: String, password :: Password, age :: Int} deriving Show
data Post = Post {title :: String, body :: String, author :: BelongsTo User} deriving Show

$(deriveAll ''User "PFUser")
type instance PF User = PFUser

$(deriveAll ''Post "PFPost")
type instance PF Post = PFPost

data TW a

mainHandler = dir "user" (crudHandler (undefined :: TW User))
`mplus` dir "post" (crudHandler (undefined :: TW Post))

-- generic CRUD

crudHandler :: (Regular a, GHtml (PF a), GFormlet (PF a), GTable (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), GParse (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> ServerPartT IO Response
crudHandler tw = create tw
`mplus` (dir "view" $ uriRest (handleRead tw))
`mplus` (dir "edit" $ uriRest (handleEdit tw))
`mplus` (dir "list" (handleList tw))

-- DB stuff
db d = liftIO $ do conn <- connectSqlite3 "happstack.sqlite3"
x <- runDB conn d
commit conn
return x

-- CRUD things
handleList :: (Regular a, GTable (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), GParse (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> ServerPartT IO Response
handleList tw = do x <- db $ findAll (unTw tw) []
okHtml $ gtable $ map snd x
where unTw = undefined :: TW a -> a

handleRead :: (Regular a, GHtml (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), GParse (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> String -> ServerPartT IO Response
handleRead tw (x:xs) = do x <- liftIO $ findDB tw (read xs)
okHtml $ maybe X.noHtml ghtml x

findDB :: (Regular a, GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), GParse (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
findDB tw i = do x <- db $ find (unTw tw) i
return x
where unTw = undefined :: TW a -> a

handleEdit :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), GParse (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> String -> ServerPartT IO Response
handleEdit tw (x:xs) = do let i = read xs
user <- liftIO $ findDB tw i
liftIO $ print user
withForm Nothing (mkForm tw user) showErrorsInline (editDB i)

editDB :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), Show a)
=> Int -> a -> ServerPartT IO Response
editDB i x = do db (update x i)
okHtml "Item updated."

create :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a), GValues (PF a), GColumns (PF a), GModelName (PF a), Show a)
=> TW a -> ServerPartT IO Response
create tw = withForm (Just "create") (mkForm tw Nothing) showErrorsInline createDb

createDb x = do ix <- db $ new x
okHtml $ show ix ++ " is successfully registered"

mkForm :: (Regular a, GFormlet (PF a)) => TW a -> XFormlet a
mkForm tw = gformlet

-- Happstack specific stuff
type XFormlet a = F.XHtmlFormlet a
type XForm a = F.XHtmlForm a

htmlPage :: (X.HTML a) => a -> X.Html
htmlPage content = (X.header << (X.thetitle << "Testing forms"))
+++ (X.body << content)

okHtml :: (X.HTML a) => a -> ServerPartT IO Response
okHtml content = ok $ toResponse $ htmlPage $ content

withForm :: Maybe String -> XForm a -> (X.Html -> [String] -> ServerPartT IO Response) -> (a -> ServerPartT IO Response) -> ServerPartT IO Response
withForm name frm handleErrors handleOk = maybe id dir name $ msum
[ anyPath $ methodSP GET $ createForm [] frm >>= okHtml
, anyPath $ withDataFn lookPairs $ \d ->
methodSP POST $ handleOk' $ simple d
handleOk' d = do
let (extractor, html, _) = runFormState d frm
let v = extractor
case v of
Failure faults -> do
f <- createForm d frm
handleErrors f faults
Success s -> handleOk s
simple d = map (\(k,v) -> (k, Left v)) d

showErrorsInline :: X.Html -> [String] -> ServerPartT IO Response
showErrorsInline renderedForm errors =
okHtml $ X.toHtml (show errors) +++ renderedForm

createForm :: Env -> XForm a -> ServerPartT IO X.Html
createForm env frm = do
let (extractor, xml, endState) = runFormState env frm
return $ X.form X.! [X.method "POST"] << (xml +++ +++ X.submit "submit" "Submit")

label :: String -> XForm String -> XForm String
label l = F.plug (\xhtml -> X.p << (X.label << (l ++ ": ") +++ xhtml))

port_ = 9959

main = do print $ ("running at port", port_)
simpleHTTP (nullConf {port = port_}) mainHandler

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