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clWiki - Version 3

clWiki is a tired, old wiki, written in the early aughts, when Ruby was still new to the West (circa v. 1.6.8). Version 1 used cgi and lots of camelCased code.

Version 2 was introduced in 2012 to modernize it a bit and turn it into a Rails 4 engine. It also removed support for hierarchical pages. Flat is the new cool.

Version 3 was released in 2020. It added encryptable contents and authentication of a single user for more private contexts. It also deleted a LOT of code and cleaned up many poor designs leftover from version 1, in addition to a lot of other modernizations (snake_case, modern hash syntax, etc.)

Redirect Version 1 Routes in Rails Engine

Since the format of the links is changing to be rails-like, if you want to forward old style links you'll need a redirect route in the host Application, like so:

Application.routes.draw do
  mount ClWiki::Engine => "/wiki"

  get '/clwikicgi.rb', to: redirect('/wiki/clwikicgi.rb')
  get '/clwikicgi.cgi', to: redirect('/wiki/clwikicgi.rb')

Authentication and Encryption

I'm the only one using this wiki as far as I'm aware, so I've added simple user authentication without any in-app method to create a new account. You'll need to go to a Rails console and run ClWiki::User.create to make an account yourself.

Then you must set the owner: configuration attribute to match the user account just created. Only a single user is supported.

Password storage uses the standard bcrypt / ActiveModel::SecurePassword functionality.

If authentication is enabled, then you can optionally encrypt the contents of any page you want. The encryption key is derived from the user's password and uses the lockbox gem

Upgrading Pages to be Encrypted


Breaking Changes in Version 3

I'm probably the only user of this wiki, so I went scorched earth to simplify this beast. If you, gentle reader, are (a) not me and (b) using this, lemme know. Version 2 got things working in Rails, but didn't do anything much to the underlying code. The big stuff:

  • A new in-memory index is the only index supported.
  • No tracking of hit counts or stats.
  • No more threading with indexing.
  • Many options (probably out-of-date anyway) removed from configuration.
  • All globals, except configuration, are gone.

Dev Notes

./ works - use it. :)

username and pswd will be stored in test/dummy/wikirep/users/[user].json ... don't commit this file.