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This is a collection of utilities intended to make it easier to work with the DITA Open Toolkit.

  • - install (or reinstall) the latest version of the DITA Open Toolkit
  • - validate DITA map/topic files (RelaxNG schemas only)
  • - save the results of each stage of preprocess or preprocess2

All scripts begin with ditaot_ so you can use shell autocompletion if you don't remember the exact name of a script in this collection.

Getting Started

You can run these utilities on a native linux machine, or on a Windows 10 machine that has Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed.

Prerequisites for

The script is a simple Bash script that does not have any prerequisites.

Prerequisites for

Before using the script, you must have the jing RelaxNG validation command installed:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install jing

In addition, the version should be 20181222 or later (earlier versions tend to crash when validating against DITA schemas):

$ jing
Jing version 20181222
usage: java com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.Driver [-i] [-c] [-s] [-t] [-C catalogFile] [-e encoding] RNGFile XMLFile...
RELAX NG is a schema language for XML
See for more information.

Prerequisites for

Before using the script, you must install the following perl modules:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cpanminus
sudo cpanm install URI::Encode XML::Twig utf8::all


Download or clone the repository, then put its bin/ directory in your search path.

For example, in the default Bash shell, add this line to your ~/.profile file:



This is a Bash script that checks the DITA-OT website for the latest version, then installs it:

fresh installation

If the latest version is already installed, the script asks if it should be reinstalled:


This reinstallation can be useful if you've modified the DITA-OT to run experiments.

The script installs the DITA-OT in your home directory in a directory named after its version:


In addition, a version-independent filesystem link is created at


so that you can put ~/dita-ot in your $PATH and always get the latest version.

Specifying an Installation Location

If you specify a directory path argument, the DITA-OT installation and its version-independent link are created in that directory.

For example, you can specify . to install the DITA-OT in the current directory: .

Automatically Installing Plugins

If you have DITA-OT plugins to be installed, add the following to your ~/.profile file to specify the list of plugins to install (exact syntax is important so that the entries are linefeed-separated-only, with no indenting):

# DITA-OT plugins for the script to install

When this variable is defined, the script creates filesystem links to them in the ~/dita-ot-<VERSION>/plugins directory, then runs dita install to install them.


This is a Perl script that validates DITA map and topic files. Because it uses jing to perform validation (and validation only), it is much faster than performing validation by transforming files with the dita command.

The usage is as follows:

$ bin/ -help
Usage: [options] path [path ...]

      path [path ...]
          Files or directories to validate
          (files must use RelaxNG schema via <?xml-model ...?>)
          (for directories, all .ditamap and .dita files are validated)
      [--dita /path/to/bin/dita]
          Specifies which DITA-OT installation to use for DITA grammars
          (default is from 'dita' in search path)
          Print additional information about files and schemas

    For example, to validate all .dita/.ditamap files in 'my_dir/', my_dir

When directories are specified, all .ditamap and .dita files in the specified directories are validated.

For example,

validating files

The files must use a RelaxNG schema, declared using <?xml-model ...?> at the top of the file. For example,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topic.rng" schematypens=""?>
<topic id="topic">
    <title>My Topic</title>
        <p>This is my topic.</p>

Note: Currently, jing crashes when validating DITA grammars that include the svg-d domain due to jing-trang issue #225. To work around this bug, you can modify your local DITA-OT installation as follows:

sed -i 's/<!DOCTYPE .*>//' /path-to-dita-ot/plugins/org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3/rng/technicalContent/rng/svg/svg11/*.rng
sed -i 's/<!DOCTYPE .*>//' /path-to-dita-ot/plugins/org.oasis-open.dita.techcomm.v2_0/rng/technicalContent/svg/svg11/*.rng

By default, the DITA grammars are obtained from the DITA-OT installation determined from dita in your search path, but you can use --dita to specify a particular installation. You can specify the path to the DITA-OT root directory or the dita script. The DITA-OT installation only provides the grammar schemas; it is not used to perform the validation.


This is a Perl script that adds instrumentation to your DITA-OT installation to save the results of each stage of preprocess or preprocess2.

The usage is as follows:

$ --help
      [--pipeline preprocess | preprocess2]
           Specifies which preprocessing pipeline to modify (default is 'preprocess')
           Add preprocess copy operations to the build_<pipeline>.xml file
           Remove preprocess copy operations from the build_<pipeline>.xml file
      [--dita /path/to/bin/dita]
           Specifies which DITA-OT installation to use (default is from 'dita' in search path)

To add the instrumentation, use the --add option:

adding instrumentation

By default, the DITA-OT installation is determined from dita in your search path, but you can use --dita to specify a particular installation. You can specify the path to the DITA-OT root directory or the dita script.

By default, the preprocess pipeline is instrumented. To instrument the preprocess2 pipeline instead, use the --pipeline preprocess2 option.

The results of each preprocessing stage are saved to the same location as the regular DITA-OT temporary directory, but with a suffix that includes the stage name and its numeric index in the preprocessing sequence. The instrumentation always saves results, regardless of the value of the clean.temp parameter. The transformation prints messages to indicate where the results are saved. For example,

running transformation

The numeric index allows you to use shell autocompletion to use the diff -r command to compare an earlier stage against subsequent stages to see when something happens. For example,

cd /tmp
diff -r my_tmp_dir-4-debug-filter my_tmp_dir-5-<TAB>
diff -r my_tmp_dir-4-debug-filter my_tmp_dir-6-<TAB>
diff -r my_tmp_dir-4-debug-filter my_tmp_dir-7-<TAB>

Only files matching *.dita* are saved. They are run through an XSLT transformation (defined within the script itself) to remove superfluous attributes that can add clutter and complicate diffs. Feel free to modify the XSLT transformation as needed to suit your needs.

To remove the instrumentation from your DITA-OT, use the --remove option:

removing instrumentation

(And don't forget to delete the extra saved directories when you no longer need them - they add up quickly!)


My name is Chris Papademetrious. I'm a technical writer with Synopsys Inc., a semiconductor design and verification software company.


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