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Chris Martinez edited this page May 22, 2018 · 2 revisions

My attempt at learning Django. And since I'm learning Japanese with no applications I have found to like, then why not make one?

The main point is to memorize through fast drilling translations and pronunciations.

Current Features:

  1. sqlite database, single table, containing all hiragana, all katakana, and almost 1,000 very commonly used Japanese vocabulary with translations and notes based on groupings.
  2. single page web app. multi-select groups to pick what vocabulary to randomly select from to drill.
  3. javascript functions on input change to quickly validate answers without having to submit.
  4. ajax calls to grab the next vocabulary for rapid drilling without having to submit or refresh the page.
  5. pronunciation answers for kanji are written in hiragana like so:
男の子 -> おとこのこ, boy
  1. when drilling English to Japanese, use notes to correctly determine correct Japanese, for example:
Question: Girl
Note: Formal

Answer could be 女の子 or 少女 since both are girl but based on note, the answer would be 少女 since 少女 is more formal 
over 女の子.
  1. ability to register, login, and logout
  2. will track correct answer streak for vocabulary