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Network Content Widgets and Shortcodes

A WordPress plugin that provides widgets and shortcodes to display content listings from across your multi-site or multi-network install.


A plugin that enables you to display posts, events and site listings from sites across a multi-site or multi-network instance. Both widgets and shortcodes are provided for each kind of listing. To display events, this plugin requires Event Organiser version 3.0 or greater.


Display using a shortcode.

Network Posts

[embed_network_posts style="block" number_posts="20" posts_per_site="5" exclude_sites="3,4" include_categories="first-cat,second-cat" show_thumbnail="1" show_excerpt="1" excerpt_length="10" show_meta="1" show_site_name="1" /]

Network Events

[embed_network_events style="block" event_scope="future" number_posts="20" posts_per_site="5" exclude_sites="2" include_categories="first-cat,second-cat" include_tags="tag-one,tag-two" show_thumbnail="1" show_excerpt="1" excerpt_length="10" show_meta="1" show_site_name="1" /]

Network Sites

[embed_network_sites style="block" number_sites="20" exclude_sites="2" sort_by="registered" show_icon="library" default_image="/path/to/icon.jpg" attachment_id="10" show_meta="1" /]


2.0.2 August 10, 2017
  • Fix display of Default Image preview when none previously exists
  • Fix saving of Default Image data in Customizer
2.0.1 August 8, 2017
  • First stable version of rewritten plugin
2.0.0 August 8, 2017
  • Plugin rewrite
1.7.0 September 21, 2016
  • Added template locate function
  • Fixed template from local theme
1.6.12 June 28, 2016
  • [bugfix #1466] Fixed path to JS file upload-media.js.
1.6.11 June 20, 2016
  • Fixed event block display template, which was missing a closing div tag
  • Change post-excerpt class to entry-excerpt
1.6.10 June 20, 2016
  • Fixed rendering issue causing post-type list class not to display in ul tag
1.6.9 June 19, 2016
  • Fixed template issue causing thumbnail not to appear when selected
  • Added conditional to block view to hide excerpt if not selected
  • Changed default view to list
  • Improved comments
  • Removed highlights template
1.6.8 June 7, 2016
  • [Feature #1411]Added event_scope to Shortcake use attrs
1.6.7 June 7, 2016
  • Modularized widgets into separate class files.
  • [Bugfix #1134]Fixed event widget so it saves event scope properly.
  • Removed "Highlights" style.
1.6.6 June 6, 2016
  • Fixed mark-up issue causing event widget not to save Scope selections.
1.6.5 May 21, 2016
  • Added get_sites_select_array function to return an array of site id => site name key value pairs for use in select
1.6.4 May 19, 2016
  • Changed thumbnail size to 'medium'
  • Removed $style from listing class
  • Changed thumbnail markup classes to .entry-image and .entry-image-link
  • Changed 'Last Recent Post' heading to 'Latest Post'
  • Commented out Network Posts Highlight widget since it's no longer needed
  • Modified event list template to be consistent with post lists
  • [bugfix] Fixed PHP warning in sort function
  • Added Shortcake UI shortcodes to replace quicktags
  • Fixed PHP warnings in inc/render.php and inc/shortcodes.php


Network content widgets and shortcodes for WordPress Multisite and Multinetwork.










  • PHP 86.1%
  • JavaScript 9.6%
  • CSS 4.3%