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Starting the *Clojure REPL* in a customizable fashion.

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Starting the Clojure REPL in a customizable fashion. The goal is to make it easer to write "prepped" REPLs.


Before the Clojure CLI tools where released, I found myself often in the need outside of project to be able to fire up a REPL (e.g. to answer an Stack-Overflow question). That was very east before the days of clojure.spec, which then needed multiple JARs to be present.

I ended up doing some pre-packaged JARs for different use-cases (e.g. a "comfort" REPL with things like specter in it, one for incanter, one for interactive exploration of web API (rest-repl). But in the end it became cat herding.

So this project aims to fix my problems:

  • provide a modular setup for (differently named) REPLs to run outside of projects
  • put features for the REPL in dedicated plugins

Is it still relevant? All this work started long before (even in public) the Clojure CLI tools where released. I think many of the features here are superseded now, yet I never came around to make the REST-REPL scenario work and I think clj is focused more around the project setup and not so much to get a "prepped" REPL (e.g. override multiple different things around the REPL).


Download a release or checkout this repository and build the uberjar (lein uberjar).

% alias wrepl="java -jar target/wrepl-*-standalone.jar"
% wrepl --help

wrepl [options...]

  -b, --base-name base-name  Base name for the user config to search for; e.g. $HOME/.wrepl/$BASENAME.edn (default: wrepl)
  -c, --config config.edn    Read the integrant system config from this file and merge it with the default
      --no-user-config       Don't load the default user config
  -i, --init script.clj      Run the given file before the first prompt
  -e, --eval string          Evaluate the expression (after --init if both given)
  -h, --help

Without a config some basic REPL is started. A simple config to add rebel-readline and puget can look like this (e.g. in ~/.wrepl/wrepl.edn; wrepl is the default base-name):

{:wrepl/deps {:coordinates [[net.ofnir/wrepl.puget "0.1.0"]
                            [net.ofnir/wrepl.rebel-readline "0.1.0"]]}
 :wrepl/repl #ig/ref :wrepl.rebel-readline/repl
 :wrepl/print #ig/ref :wrepl.puget/print
 :wrepl.puget/print {:seq-limit 20
                     :color-scheme {:delimiter [:red]
                                    :string nil
                                    :character nil
                                    :keyword [:yellow]
                                    :symbol [:magenta]
                                    :function-symbol [:bold :magenta]
                                    :class-delimiter [:magenta]
                                    :class-name [:bold :magenta]}}
 :wrepl.rebel-readline/repl {}}


Configuration is done with an EDN file, that immutant will read. So an basic understanding of that syntax is helpful.

By default the WREPL uberjar will try to attempt to find and load the files or resources in the following order:

  • File: ".$BASENAME.edn"
  • File: ".wrepl/$BASENAME.edn"
  • File: "$HOME/.$BASENAME.edn"
  • File: "$HOME/.wrepl/$BASENAME.edn"
  • Resource: "$BASENAME.edn"

Where $BASENAME is the configured base name given as an argument, or the default, wrepl.

Entry points

The main configuration points to override the behaviour. These are basically what REPL to start and what to pass to it, following the example of the clojure.main/repl:

  • :wrepl/repl: REPL-Function; this must behave like clojure.main/repl, which is the default
  • :wrepl/init: List of functions to run first in started REPL; the default is changing into the user namespace and providing another hook to add more init functions without overwriting the default (named :wrepl/append-init)
  • :wrepl/prompt: Function to print a prompt for input; defaults to whatever the REPL provides
  • :wrepl/read: Function to read the input; defaults to whatever the REPL provides
  • :wrepl/eval: Function to evaluate the read form; defaults to :wrepl.eval/interruptible, which allows to CTRL-C the current running eval.
  • :wrepl/print: Function to print the result of the evaluation; defaults to whatever the REPL provides

Default expansion points

There are already some "plugins" the wrepl comes pre-packaged:

  • :wrepl.init/in-ns {:ns user}: Change the default namespace of the REPL; run by default
  • :wrepl.init/load-file {:filename "$HOME/.wrepl/tools.clj"}: Read and run the given :filename; does restricted variable replacements (see below)
  • :wrepl.init/eval {:expr "(+ 1 2 3)"}: Reads the string :expr, evaluates it, and prints the result
  • :wrepl.eval/interruptible: eval, that allows CTRL-C of the current running evaluation (used as default


If supported by the configuration (mentioned above) the following replacements are available inside strings:

  • $HOME: What Java considers the user home (the property user.home)

Adding plugins

The entry point :wrepl/deps is a special case, that does not take part in the integrant setup, but is used before to load additional plugins, which then can be used inside the configuration.

:wrepl/deps uses [pomegranate]( internally and uses the same configuration syntax. E.g.

:wrepl/deps {:coordinates [[net.ofnir/wrepl.puget "0.1.0"]
                           [net.ofnir/wrepl.rebel-readline "0.1.0"]
                           [net.ofnir/wrepl.pomegranate "0.1.0"]]
             ; this is the default and does not need to be added:
             :repositories {"clojars" ""
                            "jcenter" ""}}

Known plugins


Starting the *Clojure REPL* in a customizable fashion.






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