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This repository contains code used for two different articles:

  1. A Simple Method for Convex Optimization in the Oracle Model


  1. Simple Iterative Methods for Linear Optimization over Convex Sets

both by Daniel Dadush, Christopher Hojny, Sophie Huiberts, and Stefan Weltge. The code of Article 1 is written in Julia, whereas the code of Article 2 is a Python implementation. The different codes are, for this reason, contained in the subdirectories "julia" and "python", respectively. Note that Article 2 is a previous version of Article 1 discussing a different algorithm. Thus, the Julia and Python codes do not implement the same algorithm.

1) A Simple Method for Convex Optimization in the Oracle Model

Additional information about the code for the article

A Simple Method for Convex Optimization in the Oracle Model by Daniel Dadush, Christopher Hojny, Sophie Huiberts, and Stefan Weltge.


To run the code, you need a working installation of

  • Julia;
  • Gurobi and its Julia interface via JuMP.

Information on Gurobi can be found at JuMP can be found at

Required Julia packages for the main code are

  • Dates;
  • DecisionTree;
  • Gurobi;
  • JuMP;
  • LinearAlgebra;
  • Plots.


  1. To run the program, enter "julia main.jl". This will run all test instances listed in "data.jl" using standard parameters.

    Additional parameters can be specified via:

    -p generate plots, which are stored in "plots/" -r use relative gaps rather than absolute gaps to generate plots -s print statistics -v print log messages -w write statistics to "statistics/"; each statistics file gets a time stamp to distinguish different runs -i initialize lower bound by (optimal) value given in "data.jl" -ii use almost optimal initialization -ns disable smart oracles

  2. The problems are created and solved using externally defined oracles.


The code separates the main algorithm and the definition of the oracles to be called and the relaxations to be solved. This allows to easily extend the code to be able to deal with further problem classes. In Section V we explain how to extend the code, whereas this section explains its general structure. We illustrate the functionality of the classes that have to be provided by a user using matching as an example.

main.jl contains the main routine of the algorithm. Basic parameters are defined, a cutting plane loop is called using different oracles for generating new cuts, and the statistics/plots are generated. Oracle calls and manipulations of LP relaxations are implemented in external classes. implements the separation loop.

the four different methods to generate separation candidates are implemented in

analytic.jl cutloop.jl ellipsoid.jl our.jl

using the analytic center, LP solution, midpoint of elliposoid, and the point suggested by the conic algorithm as separation candidate

each problem class has its own oracle; for our tests we use

oracle_lpboost.jl oracle_matching.jl oracle_maxcut.jl

data.jl contains the data used for our experiments

generate_plots_and_statistics.jl contains methods to generate plots and statistics

graph.jl contains methods to read and write graphs for the matching problems implements a cutting plane procedure.


To reproduce the experiments, call our code with the following parameters

julia main.jl -p -r -s -w julia main.jl -p -r -s -w -i julia main.jl -p -r -s -w -ii julia main.jl -p -r -s -w -ns

To be able to run the code successfully, the instances of LPboost and from Color02 need to be generated as described in

instances/lpboost/notes.txt instances/lpboost/color02.txt

If you want to run the code only on the instances provided in this repository, you need to replace "data.jl" by "data_selection.jl".


To extend the existing code to solve further problem classes, the user has to provide a new oracle, and has to tell the main code when to call the new oracle. In the following, we assume that the type will be used to identify the new problem type.

  1. Defining a New Oracle

    A new oracle has to be defined via implementing a struct and two functions.

    The struct contains all data required by the oracle; mandatory data is

    • initineqs inequalities present in the initial relaxation
    • initeqs equations present in the initial relaxation
    • obj the objective of the problem
    • R radius of an origin-centered ball containing the region described by the oracle
    • feastol feasibility tolerance to decide whether violated inequality exists

    The necessary functions are a constructor that reads an instance from a file and sets the data of the struct as well as a function that separates additional inequalities. In the following, we call these functions CONSTRUCTOR and SEPARATOR, respectively.

  2. Including the Oracle

    The standard implementation can be extended by adding the new instances to be solved together with the corresponding oracle to "data.jl" via

    push!(names, "new problem type") push!(files, ["/path/to/instance1", ... , "/path/to/instanceN"]) push!(ors, CONSTRUCTOR) push!(seps, SEPARATOR)

    and including the new oracle in "main.jl".

2) Simple Iterative Methods for Linear Optimization over Convex Sets

Additional information about the code for the article

Simple Iterative Methods for Linear Optimization over Convex Sets by Daniel Dadush, Christopher Hojny, Sophie Huiberts, and Stefan Weltge.


To run the code, you need a working installation of

  • Python;
  • SCIP 7 and its Python interface OR Gurobi and its Python interface.

Installation details for SCIP and its Python interface can be found at and Information on Gurobi can be found at

Required Python packages for the main code are

  • math;
  • matplotlib.pyplot;
  • numpy;
  • os;
  • sys;
  • time.

For generating instances of the matching problem, also the following packages are required.

  • anytree;
  • anytree.util;
  • random.

In the following, we assume that all Python commands invoke Python 3. If your operating system does not call Python 3 using the "python" command, you need to adapt the respective occurences.


  1. To run the program, enter "python --file=</path/to/file> --type=" to specify the instance file and which problem shall be solved. Currently supported problem types are "matching", "weightmatching", "stableset", and "weightstableset".

    Additional parameters can be specified via:

    --precision= --maxiter= --solver=<scip|gurobi> --nosilent (to print logs to terminal) --corrfreq= --initconns=<0|1|2> (to specify which initial constraint are used; 0: no, 1: upper bound, 2: upper bound + basic)

  2. We assume that the instances are encoded in a slight adaptation of the DIMACS format, i.e., rows starting with

    'c' mark comment lines 'p edge' provide information on the instance (e.g., p edge 30 100 encodes a graph with 30 vertices and 100 edges) 'e' contain edges (e.g., 'e 1 2' encodes the edge {1, 2}) it is possible to attach a third numerical value as edge weight

    We assume that all vertex labels are within the range {1, ..., #vertices}.

  3. The problems are created and solved using externally defined oracles.


The code separates the main algorithm and the definition of the oracles to be called and the relaxations to be solved. This allows to easily extend the code to be able to deal with further problem classes. In Section V we explain how to extend the code, whereas this section explains its general structure. We illustrate the functionality of the classes that have to be provided by a user using matching as an example. contains the main routine of the algorithm. Basic parameters are defined, the packing algorithm and LP cutting plane loop are called, and the experiments are evaluated. Oracle calls and manipulations of LP relaxations are implemented in external classes. implements the packing algorithm. implements a cutting plane procedure. contains the interface between the oracles used by the packing algorithm and the implementation of the oracles. The communication between the packing algorithm and the oracles is organized via the interface class ORACLE with its methods

  • get_obj() to access the objective coefficient vector;
  • get_inner_radius() to access the radius of an origin-centered ball contained in the feasible region defined by packing constraints;
  • get_standard_cuts() to access standard cutting planes that are always used in a fully corrective step;
  • separate_point(point, precision) to separate a point by an inequality that is violated by at least precision.

The concrete oracles can be implemented elsewhere and are referenced via the interface class. For matching, the oracle thus has to be able to return the edge weights using get_obj(); the radius of suitable ball, the standard cuts that are contained in an initial relaxation (e.g., upper bound constraints or degree constraints), and the oracle has to provide a function that is able to separate a given point (e.g., using odd set inequalities). provides access to a relaxation of the problem to be solved, which contains just a subset of the constraints that can be found by the oracle. These problems are mainly used to compute the value of the LP relaxation in each iteration of the cutting plane method. As for the oracles, implements an interface class for the communication between the packing algorithm and the actual problems. The interface class PROBLEM provides the methods

  • add_cut(cut) to add a separated inequality to the current relaxation;
  • optimize() to solve the current relaxation;
  • get_opt_solution() to access an optimal solution.

The concrete realizations of these problems can be implemented elsewhere. For matching, add_cut(cut) thus adds a cut to the an LP relaxation of the matching problem, optimize() has to provide a routine that solves the LP relaxation, and get_opt_solution() returns an optimal solution of the current relaxation.

Moreover, provides methods to solve auxiliary problems for the packing algorithm. implements auxiliary functions needed elsewhere in the code, e.g., methods to read an instance from a file. provides basic interface methods to create optimization models in SCIP and Gurobi.


To reproduce the experiments, we provided the bash script

The instance files needed by the script either have to be placed into a subdirectory "Color02" or the user has to create a symbolic link "Color02" to the directory containing these files. The files can be downloaded from A list of the required instances can be found in the header of the script. The instances used for the matching problem can be found in the subdirectory "matching".

The script creates the directories "results", "plots", and "logs" to store the logs of the test runs and plots to illustrate the progress on primal/dual bounds, respectively.

To generate the tables used in the article, the subdirectory "scripts" contains the bash script

which prints the LaTeX code of our tables to the terminal and creates files containing the two plots used in the article. To be able to call this script, one needs to call first to guarantee that all necessary log files have been created.

The script calls further subscripts, which we describe next. To generate the tables, one can use

where is the directory containing the logs per instance (by default, this directory is the newly created "logs" subdirectory).

When these scripts are called with the respective arguments, the LaTeX code for the used tables is printed to the terminal.

Plots similar to those used in the article can be generated by <title>

where is one file containing the logs of a run (usually in the newly created "logs" subdirectory) and the string <title> for the title of the plot. The plot is stored as a file in the directory from that the script is called.

Moreover, the script

can be used to generate instances for the matching problem. The graphs are constructed as described in the article, where is the number of nodes and is the number of odd sets used in the construction. > is the size of the sampled odd sets and is the basic file name that is used to store the instance. is the identifier attached to the to distinguish between the instances; it is also used to initialize a random seed to generate always the same random instance. If is 1, we can also generate instances with particular edge weights.

To generate instances like in the article, the script has to be called with arguments

500 <30> 3 "matching" <1> 0

where <30> and <1> can be varied.


To extend the existing code to solve further problem classes, the user has to provide a new oracle and relaxation, and has to tell the main code when to call the new oracle/relaxation. In the following, we assume that the type will be used to identify the new problem type.

  1. Defining a New Oracle

    A new oracle has to be defined that implements the four interface methods

    • get_obj();
    • get_inner_radius();
    • get_standard_cuts();
    • separate_point(point, precision).

    The interface class ORACLE has to be informed about the new oracle. To this end, the case distinction in ORACLE has to be extended by to tell the code which oracle to call if a problem of type shall be solved.

  2. Defining a New Problem

    A new problem has to be defined that implements the three interface methods

    • add_cut(cut);
    • optimize();
    • get_opt_solution().

    The interface class PROBLEM has to be informed about the new problem. To this end, the case distinction in PROBLEM has to be extended by to tell the code which problem to call if a problem of type shall be solved.

    In the initialization of the new problem class, one can implement three different basic versions of the problem to add different classes of inequalities that need not be separated. The identifiers of these classes are 0, 1, and 2.

  3. Telling the Code About a New Problem Type

    To tell the code about the new problem, extend the array "allowedtypes" in the main routine of with the identifier .


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