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Get hands on with Watson Machine Learning and Watson Studio! Quickly train and deploy a TensorFlow MNIST classifier.

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Creating an MNIST Classifier using Watson Machine Learning and TensorFlow

This repository acts as a tutorial showing how to quickly get up and running using GPUs in the IBM Cloud via Watson Studio, and Watson Machine Learning (WML).

You are going to walk through the set up of a simple MNIST classifier. This use case serves as an easy introduction to those newer to deep learning, while allowing more experienced developers to focus on the nuances of the Watson offerings. If you are tired of MNIST examples then there is a style transfer example here, which is an alternate way to get hands-on.

This repository will contain:

  1. TensorFlow model
  2. Jupyter notebook which executes the TensorFlow model via the WML service

The flow of this tutorial is as follows:

  1. Create a Watson Studio instance
  2. Add a Deep Learning project
  3. Hook up the Jupyter notebook
  4. Get the data, and upload it to your storage bucket
  5. Obtain the credentials for both COS and WML
  6. Add your credentials to the template notebook
  7. Train the model- monitoring progress and results
  8. Deploy the model, and the test the endpoint

The steps highlighted in bold will be ran in the template Jupyter notebook provided within the Watson Studio development environment.


Step 1. Create a Watson Studio instance

Visit the IBM Cloud, and login or sign up. The account you create will be able to access a selection of free services- dubbed "Lite plans".

Note: You'll be asked what region you'd like to create your Watson Machine Learning Service Instance in. While any region is suitable for this code lab, I'd recommend the US South region.

Next, click the Catalog tab and search "Watson Studio".

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Create a "Lite" Watson Studio instance and select "Get Started".

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So far so simple right?

Step 2. Add a Deep Learning Project

In the Watson Studio landing page select "Create a project", and then "Deep Learning".

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This will create two new cloud services at your disposal:

  1. Cloud Object Storage (COS)- An S3 storage bucket for your files
  2. Watson Machine Learning (WML)- Providing you access to IBM Cloud's hosted GPUs

Name your project e.g. mnist-classifier. As the project creates it will automatically connect to your COS and WML services.


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Step 3. Hook up the Jupyter notebook

Within your new deep learning project, select the "Add to project" button and then select a "Notebook" asset.

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Select "From URL" from the tabs along the top, and insert the URL to the Jupyter notebook in this repository.

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Selecting the "Default Python 3.5 Free (1 vCPU and 4GB RAM)" option will provision a virtual machine to run your Jupyter notebook from.

Note: The dialogue may change in the future. Simply select the free vCPU option.

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You will then see a loading screen as the virtual CPU is created.

Step 4. Get the data and upload it to your storage bucket

The dataset we'll be using to train our TensorFlow classification model in this instance is the MNIST Dataset.

Either visit the link above, select and download all of the four files available, or download the four files from the list below:

  1. train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes)
  2. train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels (28881 bytes)
  3. t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: test set images (1648877 bytes)
  4. t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: test set labels (4542 bytes)

Once you have the four files on your local system, then you will need to navigate to your freshly created Cloud Object Storage bucket. This can be done by clicking here- this will navigate you to your IBM Cloud Resource list. This is simply a list of all the provisioned services within your IBM Cloud account. You should be able to find your Watson Studio, Cloud Object Storage, and Watson Machine Learning instances under one of the various headings.

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If you select the Cloud Object Storage instance (it is likely to have a name similar to cloud-object-storage-dsx), you can then create two new buckets.

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One bucket will hold our training data, the other will contain the results. I have named mine mnist-classifier-training and mnist-classifier-results respectively.

You can then drag and drop the MNIST data and labels into your training bucket i.e. mnist-classifier-training. The resulting bucket should then be a list of 4 .gz files as below.

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5. Obtain the credentials for both COS and WML

Cloud Object Storage

While still in the user interface for your Cloud Object Storage instance we will retrieve the service credentials. These act as the Cloud Object Storage's passport- allowing it to verify itself as belonging to your account, and laying out how other services can communicate to it.

Visit the "Service Credentials" tab.

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Copy your "editor" credentials to clipboard (These will allow you interact more readily with the COS API if you were to do further custom work in WML).

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Paste these into a notepad file which you can easily reference later.

We also need to collect our endpoint_url which will be used later in the tutorial, in conjunction with the service credentials to connect our training job to the all important data!

The endpoint_url can be found under the "Endpoint" tab of the same menu under which the "Service Credentials" were found. To obtain the correct endpoint filter for the same level of resiliency as your COS bucket was created under i.e. in the context of this tutorial: "Regional". Next, filter down to the correct geography, in our case "eu-gb". The resulting under point should be similar to the one displayed in the screenshot below.

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Watson Machine Learning

We will now do the same exercise for the Watson Machine Learning instance. Return back to your Resource List, and select the Watson Machine Learning instance (look for the name pm-20-dsx or similar).

Again visit the "Service Credentials" tab, and then copy your "writer" credentials into the notepad file alongside the Cloud Object Storage credentials.

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You are now ready to work in the Jupyter notebook which you created in step 3 of the flow. Open that up in Watson Studio and continue from there!


Get hands on with Watson Machine Learning and Watson Studio! Quickly train and deploy a TensorFlow MNIST classifier.






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  • Jupyter Notebook 62.2%
  • Python 37.8%