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pe_server is designed to aide in the setup and management of a split-stack Puppet Enterprise infrastructure. This includes full-stack masters, such as in a standby/DR type of configuration, or split installs of various configurations.

This does not modify or replace the Puppet Enterprise installer or do anything that isn't supported.

Basically, this module ensures the various services and components of a Puppet Enterprise stack point to the right places, have the right certificates, the right access, and the appropriate configurations accordingly. For proper use, this relies on PE's answer files to provide the correct information at installation time, as well as a bootstrapping procedure for standing the servers up.

This is still being tweaked and documented. See the "Contributions" section below.

Example Usage

I have a sample "control repository" available at that uses this module to stand up a 3+x3+ PE stack.

This includes one full "primary" stack that has a CA/Master, a PuppetDB/PostgreSQL on a separate host, and a Console/PostgreSQL on a separate host. A secondary stack that includes a Standby CA/Master, a PuppetDB/standby PostgreSQL on a separate host, and a Console/standby PostgreSQL on a separate host, with additional compile masters as an option.



The base class. Configures the settings for an agent's CA server, filebucket, and has the ability to export resources for addition to a PuppetDB and Console whitelist.



Whether the node is a Puppet master or not. This simply changes the filebucket server in the global site.pp to point to the specified filebucket server. Valid values are true or false. Defaults to false


If specified, this will configure the ca_server option in puppet.conf to point to the value of this parameter. Value should be a resolvable address to the CA server. Defaults to undef


Should be set to a resolvable address to a filebucket server. Defaults to $::settings::server


Specifies whether to configure the archive_file_server setting in puppet.conf Additionally, if is_master is set to true, this will set the filebucket server in the global site.pp ($confdir/manifests/site.pp) Defaults to true


Specifies whether to export the $::clientcert as an entry for the PuppetDB whitelist, which can optionally be collected by a PuppetDB server (via the pe_server::puppetdb class) Valid values are true or false. Defaults to true


Specifies whether to export the $::clientcert as an entry for the Console authorization, which can optionally be collected by a Console server (via the pe_server::console class) Valid values are true or false. Defaults to true


The certificate name of the dashboard certificates. This is used to ensure /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/console.conf refers to the correct certificate name. This only applies to masters. Defaults to pe-internal-dashboard


Class used for configuring a Puppet Enterprise CA server.



Whether this is an active CA or not. If it is set to false, the ca option in the puppet.conf file will be set to false, and the HTTP SSL revocation certificate will be modified.


An optional array of certificate names to add to the CA's autosign.conf file.


Takes a hash of certificates to generate, with optional dns_alt_names. This uses Reid Vandewiele's puppet_certificate module and simply passes the hash onto that. See his module for information on what the hash can look like.

This will generate the specified certificates on this CA server. This can be useful for cases where the SSL data will be synchronized and replaced on a secondary CA server.

As an example:

generate_certs => {
  '' => {
    dns_alt_names => [


Used for configuring the Puppet Enterprise Console and managing its certificates.



Required. Specifies a resolvable address for the CA server for configuring the console's settings.


The certificate name for use with the PE console. This is useful for having multiple consoles with different certificate names. This will configure a console's httpd configuration to use this certificate name, the event inspector, and the console's settings. If console_certs_from_ca is set to true, certificates with this name will attempted to be copied from the CA. If create_console_certs is set to true, certificates will be created on the console server with this name. Defaults to pe-internal-dashboard.


The owner of the certificate files on the console. Defaults to puppet-dashboard


The group of the certificate files on the console. Defaults to puppet-dashboard


Specifies a value for inventory_server in the console's settings. Defaults to $::settings::server


Specifies a resolvable address to a PuppetDB instance. Defaults to $::fqdn


Specifies the port that a PuppetDB instance is listening on. Defaults to 8081


Specifies whether console certs should be created locally using the dashboard's rake tasks. This will create the certificates, send a CSR to the CA, and retrieve the signed certificates. Defaults to true (this is normal behavior).


Specifies whether the console certs should be copied from the CA. This will look for certificate names matching the console_cert_name in on the CA in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard/certs/. This setting and create_console_certs are mutually exclusive. Valid values are true and false. The default is false


Specifies whether exported resources for the console authorization should be collected and realized. Valid values are true and false. The default is true.


For managing PuppetDB instances and PE's PostgreSQL instance.



Specifies whether PostgreSQL should be managed by this class via the pe_puppetdb::pe class. If true, the postgres_listen_addresses and database_host parameters will be set on the pe_puppetdb::pe class. Valid values are true and false. The default is true


The listen address for the PostgreSQL instance. This is passed as the postgres_listen_addresses parameter to the pe_puppetdb::pe class. If the PostgreSQL database will need to be reached from another host, you'll need to use this parameter to ensure it's listening on the desired interfaces. The default value is * for all interfaces.


Specifies the host that the PuppetDB PostgreSQL database can be reached at. This defaults to $::fqdn


Specifies whether the puppetdb ssl-setup should be ran to create PuppetDB SSL certificates (This is /opt/puppet/sbin/puppetdb ssl-setup). This will compare the certificates in $ssldir against the PuppetDB certificates and run the ssl-setup if they don't match. The PuppetDB ssl-setup needs to be ran when the node's certificates change. During installation of PE, this is done for you. However, if you recreate certificates after installation or copy the certificates from another host, you'll need to run the PuppetDB ssl-setup. Valid values are true and false. The default is true


Specifies whether exported resources for the PuppetDB whitelist should be collected and realized. Valid values are true and false. The default is true.




Address for the "primary/source of truth" server that has the Mcollective certificates to sync. Defaults to ::$settings::server


Whether to synchronize the "credentials" file from the master. This is the /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/credentials file. Defaults to true


Comma-separated list of ActiveMQ brokers. This is passed along to the built-in pe_mcollective::role::master class, which is declared by this class.


Comma-separated list of Mcollective STOMP servers. This is passed along to the built-in pe_mcollective::role::master class, which is declared by this class.


This configures the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard/database.yml file, providing connection details for the console's PostgreSQL database.

It also configures the /etc/puppetlabs/console-auth/database.yml file, providing connection details for the console_auth PostgreSQL database.



The PostgreSQL database password for the console. This parameter is required.


The PostgreSQL database password for the console_auth database. This parameter is required.


The name of the console database. Defaults to console


The PostgreSQL database username for the console. Defaults to console


The resolvable address to the PostgreSQL instance with the console database. Defaults to localhost


The port that the console's PostgreSQL instance can be reached at. Defaults to 5432


The database adapter to use for connecting to the database. Defaults to postgresql


The name of the console_auth PostgreSQL database. Defaults to console_auth


The username for the console_auth PostgreSQL database. Defaults to console_auth


This is a private class (it's called by the console class - not you.) This class configures the console's event inspector config file at /opt/puppet/share/event-inspector/config/config.yml



The certificate name of the console. Defaults to $::fqdn


The port for reaching the specified PuppetDB instance. Defaults to 8081


The host for reaching the PuppetDB instance. Defaults to $::fqdn

Defined Types


This is used to add certificate names to the PuppetDB whitelist at /etc/puppetlabs/puppetdb/certificate-whitelist



The certname to add to the PuppetDB whitelist. Defaults to $name


An optional string or regular expression used to match the entry in the PuppetDB whitelist file. Defaults to $name


This is used to add certificate names to the PE Console authorization at /etc/puppetlabs/console-auth/certificate_authorization.yml



The certname to add to the Console whitelist. Defaults to $name


An optional string or regular expression used to match the entry in the Console whitelist file. Defaults to $name


The authorization role for the certificate. Valid values are read-write, read-only, or admin. Defaults to read-write


This module is specific to Puppet Enterprise. Puppet Open Source environments are not supported.

This has been tested and developed against Puppet Enterprise 3.0 - 3.3


Contributions are very welcomed. Here's a few things, off the top of my head, that I think needs a look:

  • Test in various combinations of install. E.g. two full stack masters.
  • Can we safely manage more things? Mcollective and ActiveMQ isn't really well managed by this module. Can it be improved without stomping on PE's toes?
  • Compatibility with future versions of PE (3.4). Certain parts of this may be unneeded with upgrades, some things will need changing, some things will need to be added.
  • Cleaner? There's some parts of this that contains dragons. Where can it be improved? And the top design goal here is to not conflict with the out-of-the box PE installer and its modules. This should just add a safe layer on top of it.
  • Documentation (as usual)

Relevant Jira Tickets

These are internal tickets worth tracking, as they relate to the functionality of this module.


Josh Beard

Tom Linkin

Greg Sarjeant

This module is heavily derived from Tom Linkin's pe_secondary module.