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@chummer5a chummer5a released this 22 Nov 07:37
· 9953 commits to master since this release

Build 177:
Application Change:

  • Fixed a crash when selecting positive lifestyle qualities.
  • Life Module backstories are now generated by a button press on the Character Info page.
  • Print Preview mode is accessible from a context menu in the Character Print Viewer.
  • Vehicles, Cyberware and Drones now have a Matrix Condition Monitor tracker. Note; the cyberware CM is effectively limited to 'root' devices, as in cyberlimbs, Wired Reflexes, things you wouldn't normally expect to be attached to other things. While I can fiddle with this setting easily enough, a bit of internal testing just left my testers confused as to whether they were bricking the parent device or not. Looking for feedback on this.
  • Refactored a chunk of the Improvements code to use the new Log formatting. Mostly just stops it from throwing warnings at me during builds, but is a bit more human-readable.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped lifestyle qualities from loading properly when edited.
  • Fixed an incorrectly calculated Drain value.
  • The Create Natural Weapon form can now select STR in addition to the current STR/2 option.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the prompt for adding an enhancement metamagic to show the wrong value.
  • Fixed an issue with Basic Lifestyles not being editable.
  • Fixed an issue with Lifestyle costs not calculating correctly for metatypes and some other edge cases.
  • The Adept Powers panel now includes an automatic scroll button that triggers when the list of powers exceeds the panel height.
  • Fixed some issues with genemods being able to benefit from cyber/bioware grades.
  • Gear and Cyberware can now use the variable value Parent Cost in a similar manner to Weapon Cost for weapon accessories. Currently this is used exclusively for the Implant Medic Hard Nanoware.
  • Concealability modifiers for Gear can now be based on Rating. Currently used for the Extended Clip modifier.
  • Fixed a calculation issue for lifestyle qualities.
  • Fixed some issues that cropped up for 'ware that adds qualities (Daredrenaline, Metatype Reduction, etc.)
  • Implemented support for selecting the slot that a weapon modiciation occupies. May break in interesting ways, but should allow holdouts and such to attach spare clips again.
  • Commlinks and cyberdecks can now switch their ASDF attributes around. This capability will be properly segregated out into Cyberdecks in a later patch.
  • Previous Priority selections are preserved when you use the Change Priority Selection button in Create Mode. Fixes #497.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped Sum to Ten from completing properly.
  • Fixed some calculation and appearance issues for special attributes.
  • Build Summary for Primary and Special Attributes during Priority/Sum to Ten now shows Karma cost in addition to point cost expenditure.
  • Fixed a crash in the Spell Selection window caused by clicking the Accept Form button with a Category node selected.

Data Change:

  • Fixed an issue with Cloaks from HT that caused a crash.
  • Fixed missing data values for discounted adept powers.
  • Adept Way Discount values enabled for all eligible powers (IE, anything except powers that cost .25.)
  • Fixed an issue with gas-vents that caused a crash.
  • Renamed the Low-Light Vision metagenetic quality to prevent it from clashing with the metatype quality.
  • Renamed the Magic Sense metagenetic quality to prevent it from clashing with the metatype quality.
  • Fixed incorrect data values for the Extreme Cyber-Implant weapon.
  • Hard Nanoware from Chrome Flesh has been added. Because of the way it interacts with cyberware, the Implant Medic is listed as a piece of cyberware.
  • Altered the way Weapon Accessories are handled to enable pre-configured Ratings. Custom-made weapons with built-in accessories will need to have their format changed to <accessoryWhatever. Existing characters should load properly; please contact me if you run into any issues with this.
  • Fixed a crash caused by the Extended Clip.
  • Added Nanoware from Chrome Flesh.
  • Proper bonuses added for most of the genetech from Chrome Flesh. Myostatin Inhibitor still doesn't have the karma discount, because it's tedious to implement.
  • Fixed the minimum INT for Wakyambi to 2.
  • Holdouts have had the tag set to true as a result of code changes to how accessories can be attached to a weapon. May not take effect on existing weapons; if not, remove and re-add the weapon.
  • Renamed the description for the Cat Mentor to not refer to Infiltration.
  • Removed the Sail Away, Sweet Sister version of the Personalised Grip, as it's replaced by the Hard Targets version.

New String:

  • Menu_FilePrintPreview

Renamed String:

  • String_OverContactPoints renamed to String_OverPriorityPoints