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An LLVM-based AN encoder (originally developed by Norman Rink).

Encoding an application with AN code requires the following steps:

  1. Encode and decode the input and output of the application
  2. Generate LLVM bitcode for the application
  3. Applies AN code to instructions in bitcode
  4. Generate binary

Step 1 requires the user to annotate the source code with encoding/decoding macros. Step 2 and 4 is done using clang. Step 3 is fullfiled with a series of LLVM passess wrapped in a single binary called encode.


Test Platform

OpenSUSE 42.3 with gcc 4.8.5 and cmake 3.12

Build LLVM 3.5

    mkdir llvm-3.5-build && cd llvm-3.5-build
    cmake ../llvm-3.5-src
    cmake --build . -j 4

These commands should build LLVM 3.5 and Clang 3.5 in llvm-3.5-build.

Build AN encoder

    mkdir encoder-build && cd encoder-build
    cmake .. -DLLVM_DIR=<$root_dir/llvm-3.5-build/cmake/modules/CMakeFiles> -DLLVM_MORE_INCLUDE_DIRS=<$root_dir/llvm-3.5-src/include>
    cmake --build .

where $root_dir is the root directory of this repository.

These commands should build the encode binary in the encoder-build/bin directory.


Quick start

  1. Create a directory for the application to encode under the encode/tests directory.
  2. Annotate the source code to encode/decode input and ouput, respectively.
  3. Add a CMakeLists.txt for the application in the created directory.
  4. Open encode/tests/CMakeLists.txt and add the created directory with add_subdirectory.
  5. Modify the encoding profile (see below).
  6. Rebuild

Encoding profile

An encoding profile is used to configure the AN encoder. It consists of a list of directives delimitted by semicolons. There are two types of directives: profile directives and operation-position directives.

Here is the default encoding profile at encode/tests/test.ep:

Store: Before;

The first line is an operation-position directive, which specifies error checking should be performed before each store.

The second line is a profile directives, which specifies error checking should happen after each decode operation.

Decode operations are inserted in the following scenarios:

  • Library function calls
  • Store operations (since address needs decoding)
  • Specific operations (e.g., bitwise and)

Profile directives

Operation-position directives

Detailed steps

How to use the encode binray

This binary takes in an LLVM bitcode, applies AN-code, and outputs transformed bitcode. The basic usage is:

    ./encode -p <encoding_profile> -o <output_bitcode> <input_bitcode>

Run ./encode --help for other flags.