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Welcome to CLOX (CLoud bOX) - the cutting-edge cloud-based file storage service where security meets convenience. CLOX ensures that your files are encrypted end-to-end, meaning they are encrypted on your client device and remain encrypted until they are decrypted on the client side. Our servers never access your files in an unencrypted state and do not hold the keys to decrypt your files.

Key Features

  • End-to-End Encryption: Every file you store on CLOX is encrypted on your device before it even reaches our server.
  • Secure Storage: Rest easy knowing your data is stored securely in the cloud, with robust protections against unauthorized access or breaches. Even if our server is breached, your files are encrypted at rest.
  • OAuth2 Integration for Secure Sign-In: CLOX leverages OAuth2 providers to offer a secure and convenient sign-in experience. This means you can log in using your existing accounts with trusted providers, enhancing security while simplifying access.
  • Client Side Keys: Private keys are stored on the client side. This means only you can decrypt and access your files - not even CLOX has the keys.
  • CLI Client: CLOX features a command-line interface (CLI) client application, making it ideal for those who prefer or require a scriptable, terminal-based interaction.
  • API Token Authentication: For interactions via the CLI application, users generate an API token through the server-side application. This token is used for authenticating API requests, ensuring secure and streamlined access to your files without compromising security.

Local Development

This section documents the configuration to get up and running locally.

Important: All commands are being executed on bash/zsh shell. Some of the commands will not work on Windows machines.


Environment Variables

CLOX makes use of a env file. The .env.template file provides a template. To configure the env file, make a copy of .env.template and save it as .env. For full functionality all variables must be given a valid value.

To be consistent with the documentation, these variables should be set to the exact values:

Environment Variable Value
HOST localhost
PORT 8080
REDIS_HOST localhost
REDIS_PASSWORD cloxpassword
FILE_STORE_PATH ./dev-storage

The FILE_STORE_PATH is not used in the documentation, however, please use ./dev-storage during local development to eliminate congestion in the .gitignore file.

The following environment variables will be generated when creating your OAuth2 credentials, set these accordingly:

Environment Variable

The remaining environment variables need to be set to any value:

Environment Variable

Google OAuth2

Create a new project in the Google Cloud Console and name it clox.

Once created, navigate to API & Services, then to OAuth consent screen. Select External and create the consent screen.

For App name enter clox.

Select your email for User support email.

Enter your email for the Developer contact information, then click Save and Continue.

In the Scopes section, add the following scopes then click Save and Continue:

  • /auth/userinfo.profile
  • /auth/
  • openid

Since the application will have a publishing status of Testing by default, you must specify what users will be able to access the application while in the Testing status. Add all the Google accounts that will be accessing the application.

Click Save and Continue then Back to Dashboard.

Select the Credentials tab and then click Create Credentials.

Choose OAuth client ID.

For the Application Type select Desktop app and set the name to clox server.

Finally, you are presented with the Client ID and Client Secret. You can download a JSON file that will include these values.

In your .env file, set GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET to these values.

The Google OAuth client ID and client secret are not limited to local development. These values may be used in production. No one should have access to these values besides you.


Create the Postgres container:

docker create --name clox_postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=clox_db -e POSTGRES_USER=clox -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=cloxpassword -p 5432:5432 postgres:15.1-alpine

Start the container:

docker start clox_postgres

The Postgres container will be started and bound to the local port 5432.

If you want to enter the Postgres console to manage the clox_db database you can use the following:

docker exec -it clox_postgres psql -U clox -d clox_db


Redis authentication is configured with redis.conf and users.acl in the docker directory. These files set the username to clox, the password to cloxpassword, and grants this user all permissions. Also, the default user is disabled.

The docker directory is used for local development only. redis.conf and users.acl configure the Redis container that is ran in local development.

Create the Redis container:

docker create --name clox_redis -v $PWD/docker/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf -v $PWD/docker/users.acl:/etc/redis/users.acl -p 6379:6379 redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf

Start the container:

docker start clox_redis

The Redis container will be started and bound to the local port 6379.

If you want to enter the Redis console to manage Redis, use the following command:

docker exec -it clox_redis redis-cli -u redis://clox:cloxpassword@localhost:6379


Use the following command to create new database migrations:

migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq <migration-name>

To migrate up in the Postgres container, run the following command:

migrate -path ./migrations -database "postgres://clox:cloxpassword@localhost:5432/clox_db?sslmode=disable" up

To migrate down in the Postgres container, run the following command:

migrate -path ./migrations -database "postgres://clox:cloxpassword@localhost:5432/clox_db?sslmode=disable" down


A e2e encrypted cloud storage service.






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