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TextRank in Go

This is an implementation of the TextRank algorithm in Go. TextRank is a graph based method for ranking text e.g. finding the most important sentences or words within a document. I wrote this in order to learn Go.

More information on TextRank can be found in this paper :

The Package

The package consists of two parts:

  • a simple graph data structure
  • the TextRank Algorithm


This is where we implement our graph data structure.

//vertices are integers
type Vertex int

//edges are always directed and weighted 
//edges are stored in lists indexed by their starting point; so we only store where the edge points to
type Edge struct {
  to Vertex
  weight float64

//we store two maps - one that maps inbound edges to each vertex and one outbound edges from each vertex
//we use this approach in order to have fast edges in and edges out queries for each vertex 
type Graph struct {
  vertexCount Vertex
  maxVertex int
  OutBoundEdges map[Vertex][]Edge //Out(V) queries
  InBoundEdges map[Vertex][]Edge  //In(V) queries

For textrank, i wanted fast edges in and edges out of each node lookups without using a matrix representation of the graph.
I will be refining this to work on far larger graphs, so matrix representations are out.

Graphs also have a few helper functions:

func (g *Graph) AddVertex() (Vertex)

func (g *Graph) VertexCount() (int)

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(from Vertex, to Vertex, weight float64)

func (g *Graph) In(v Vertex) ([]Edge)

func (g *Graph) Out(v Vertex) ([]Edge)

func (g *Graph) Weight(from Vertex, to Vertex) (weight float64, e error)


The most important function is Iterate, the actual implementation of TextRank:

func Iterate(d float64, oldScores []float64, g *Graph) ([]float64)

Iterate takes a param d (d=.85 in the paper) along with a vector of vertex scores and graph. It returns an updated vector of scores based on the graph using the TextRank algorithm.

The following are a few helper functions:

//this is useful for checking for convergence
func ScoreDiff(s1 []float64, s2 []float64) (float64)

//pair indices and score for sorting
type IndexScorePair struct {
  Index int
  Score float64

func Sort(pairs []IndexScorePair)


The following example uses TextRank on the sentences of a state of the union address to determine the most 'important' sentences.

package main

//rough implementation of:
//this examples uses a state of the union address and creates a graph of sentences

import (

//checks if w is in sentence sentence
func wordInSentence(w string, sentence []string) (bool) {
  for _, w2 := range sentence {
    if w == w2 {
      return true
  return false

//similarity score from paper 
func sentenceSimilarity(s1 string, s2 string) (float64) {
  w1 := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(s1), " ")
  w2 := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(s2), " ")
  c := 0
  for _, w := range w1 {
    if wordInSentence(w, w2) {
      c += 1
  o := float64(c) / (math.Log(float64(len(w1))) + math.Log(float64(len(w2))))
  if math.IsNaN(o) {
    return float64(0)
  if math.IsInf(o, 0) {
    return float64(0)
  return o

func main() {
  //you should adjust this based on your machine
  content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("Barack_Obama_2013.txt")
  if err != nil {
  lines := strings.Split(string(content), ".")
  g := textrank.NewGraph(len(lines))

  //create a mapping from graph id to lines for output
  omap := make(map[textrank.Vertex]string)
  for _, l := range lines {
    omap[g.AddVertex()] = l

  //build similarity graph between sentences
  for i, l1 := range lines {
    for k, l2 := range lines {
      g.AddEdge(textrank.Vertex(i), textrank.Vertex(k), sentenceSimilarity(l1, l2))

  //run textrank until convergence
  oldScores := make([]float64, len(lines), len(lines))
  c := float64(10000)
  for ; c > float64(0.0001); {
    newScores := textrank.Iterate(float64(.85), oldScores, g)
    c = textrank.ScoreDiff(oldScores, newScores)
    fmt.Printf("Cumulative diff: %v\n", c)
    for i, v := range newScores {
      oldScores[i] = v

  //sort scores and print out top 10 sentences
  fmt.Printf("%v\n", oldScores)
  pairs := make([]textrank.IndexScorePair, len(lines), len(lines))
  for i, v := range oldScores {
    pairs[i] = textrank.IndexScorePair{i, v}
  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    fmt.Printf("%v : %v, : %v\n", pairs[i].Index, pairs[i].Score, omap[textrank.Vertex(pairs[i].Index)])


Implementation of TextRank in Go






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